17 Things Every Woman Should Know in Case of an Emergency ...

Holly Jan 24, 2024

17 Things Every Woman Should Know in Case of an Emergency ...
17 Things Every Woman Should Know in Case of an Emergency ...

You never know when something will go wrong. Hopefully, you'll never have to deal with a life threatening situation. However, you should still prepare for the possibility. Here are a few things every woman should know in case of an emergency:

Snapshot Survey

Do you enjoy cooking at home or dining out?

1. The Number for Poison Control

The Number for Poison Control You already know the number that'll call the police, but do you have other important numbers memorized? If you don't, you should keep them on your fridge, just in case.

2. Where to Meet if There's a Fire

Where to Meet if There's a Fire You should think of a place to meet your parents or roommates in case of a fire. That way, you'll be able to tell if you've all reached safety, or if someone is still inside.

3. Where the Nearest Hospital is

Where the Nearest Hospital is You can't rely on your parents or boyfriend to direct you to the hospital. If they end up hurt, you'll have to figure out the quickest route to get there all on your own.

4. How to Perform CPR

How to Perform CPR There are classes you can take that will teach you CPR. That way, you can help save someone that is having trouble breathing.

5. How to Make a Fire

How to Make a Fire Even though there's only a small chance that you'll end up stranded outside without any help, you should still know how to make a fire. That way, you'll be able to keep warm and cook food.

6. Change Flat Tire

Change Flat Tire AAA can always come to your rescue, but you don't want to call them to help you with something you could take care of yourself.

7. How to Garden

How to Garden It's important to know how to grow your own food. It could come in handy one day.

8. How to Care for Basic Wounds

How to Care for Basic Wounds Yo should know what to do with basic cuts and bruises. You should also learn how to temporarily deal with a dislocated shoulder or a broken leg until you can get help.

9. How to Fish

fishing, recreational fishing, outdoor recreation, recreation, fisherman, If you're ever in need of food, you should be able to go down to a dock and fish.

10. How to Identify Edible Plants

How to Identify Edible Plants If you're ever stuck outside, you might not be able to find meat to eat. That's why you should learn how to identify different plants. You don't want to end up eating something poisonous.

11. How to Read a Map

How to Read a Map Your phone's GPS won't always be able to help you. If it dies, and you're stuck somewhere, you should know how to read a map to find your way back home.


Your phone's GPS won't always be able to help you. If it dies, and you're stuck somewhere, you should know how to read a map to find your way back home. Familiarize yourself with map symbols and how to use a compass in conjunction with the map. Practicing these skills regularly can make a huge difference in a critical situation. Being proficient in map reading can bolster your confidence when hiking, traveling, or navigating unfamiliar areas. Remember, old-school navigation skills are not just useful—they could potentially be life-saving.

12. How to Defend Yourself

arm, organ, Every woman should take a self-defense class. That way, you'll be able to protect yourself if someone tries to attack you, rob you, or take advantage of you.


Self-defense classes are an essential skill for women to have in case of an emergency. According to the National Crime Victimization Survey, women are more likely to be victims of violent crimes, making it crucial for them to know how to defend themselves. These classes teach techniques such as blocking, striking, and escaping from an attacker. They also provide valuable information on situational awareness and how to avoid dangerous situations. Self-defense classes can also boost confidence and empower women to feel more in control of their safety. It is recommended that women attend regular classes to maintain their skills and be prepared for any potential threats.

13. How to Swim

How to Swim You could end up caught in a current. You could end up in a flooded street. Either way, you'll have a better chance of surviving if you know the proper way to swim.

14. How to Perform the Heimlich Maneuver

How to Perform the Heimlich Maneuver If someone is choking on food or on anything else that is lodged in their throat, the heimlich maneuver could save them. That's why you should learn how to perform it.


If someone is choking on food or on anything else that is lodged in their throat, the heimlich maneuver could save them. That's why you should learn how to perform it. First, stand behind the person and wrap your arms around their waist. Make a fist with one hand and place it just above their belly button. Grab your fist with your other hand and press hard into the abdomen with a quick, upward thrust. Repeat until the object is expelled. For infants, use chest thrusts and back slaps instead. Knowing this technique could mean the difference between life and death.

15. How to Drive

How to Drive Even if you live in a city where you always walk or take taxis instead of driving, you should still learn how to drive. It's an important life skill.

16. The Quickest Way to Escape

The Quickest Way to Escape It doesn't matter if you're at home or in a movie theater. You should always be aware of where the exit doors are, so you can get out quickly if you need to.

17. Build Shelter

Build Shelter You should know how to build a temporary shelter if you're ever stuck outside. You don't want to end up with sunburn or frostbite.

You can never be too prepared. Do you know how to do any of these things?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I can do some of these. I also know how to perform CPR and the Heimlich Manuever :)

Love the flat tire change picture

This is a great and useful article! Great job!

Great tips

How to deal with a panic attack

Is someone a naruto fan lol?

Does anybody know the name of the anime for point 16?

Great tips! :) Very helpful.

How to kill zombies

Lol I don't know how to do most of these things but I want too.

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