It’s funny that when graduation starts to creep up, there are obvious signs you're graduating soon. Some of the signs you start to notice is that you’re always on the web looking for postings or you’re giving advice to prospective university students. Regardless, it’s all part of the university experience! Here are a few signs you're graduating soon!
Snapshot Survey
Snapshot Survey
1. Scared
One of the most common signs you're graduating soon is being scared! Every day up until your final semester, you were ready to storm out the doors of your university so you could have a career and a life. Now that graduation is a few months away, you’re petrified. You’re worried that you might not be qualified enough for the jobs in your field or that there won’t be any jobs available. Your fear is natural and all students experience it, along with the excitement of graduation.
2. Reflecting
All of the sudden you have become a poet and are starting to reflect on your university career – you think about all the classes you shouldn’t have taken, the professors you resented, and all the friends and experiences that taught you about life more than any textbook could. Most importantly, you hope that the field you have studied in is the right one for you.
3. Networking
Now that your job hunt is approaching, you are eager to find a job in your field. With that being said, you know that job hunting on the internet isn’t the only way to find a job. So in addition to roaming the internet, you start advertising yourself to as many people as possible in hopes of finding at least one person who can promise you a job as soon as you graduate.
4. The Job Hunt
However, when you’re not networking, you’re on every online job bank you can think of. Plus, you might even be skimming through the “wanted” section of your newspaper. If you’re really serious about looking for job posts, you’ve probably made a LinkedIn profile, connected with dozens of people you’ve never met but who work in your industry, and hunted for jobs opportunities on there.
5. Trying Your Best in School
It finally dawns on you that your years of university are coming to an end. So after four years of university, what do you do? Try really hard the last semester! Deep down we know at this point it won’t make as big of a difference as we would like, but it never hurts to try. If anything, you might get a few references from your professors for your resume.
6. Talking about Your “youth”
All of the sudden, graduating university is like retiring from your job of 45 years and you’re super nostalgic about the “past.” You and your university friends talk about everything from graduating high school to the first day of university. You marvel at how fast time has passed and you never thought you would see the day you graduated university.
7. Giving Advice to Prospective Students
Finally, in wrapping up your university career you might find yourself qualified to give sound advice about university to prospective university students. The conversation usually starts with you asking “What school are you going to?” and “What are you majoring in?” and ends with you warning which professors to avoid, what classes to take, how to save your money, and how not to party every night.
University is a milestone in many people’s lives – it’s weird how most of us dread it, but long for it once it’s gone. University is full of experiences, people from different countries and cultures, and lifelong lessons. It’s definitely a high point in a lot of people’s lives, but like most things in life, you can’t have too much of a good thing. What are some other signs that people are graduating college?