8 Simple Steps to Cleaning out Your Closet ...


8 Simple Steps to Cleaning out Your Closet ...
8 Simple Steps to Cleaning out Your Closet ...

If you’re faced with the formidable task of having to organize your closet, check out these simple steps to cleaning out your closet! Cleaning and organizing anything can take some time and effort but it doesn’t have to stress you out! Cleaning your closet will help make getting ready faster and you can make things much easier on yourself by following these 8 easy steps to cleaning out your closet!

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The first of the eight steps to cleaning out your closet is to get boxes and/or bags to store or sort out your things. Hopefully you already have big trash bags or old moving boxes that you can use. If not, you can always ask friends or family if they have any extras or go buy some. You’ll also need a marker or pens to clearly label your boxes.



Now it’s time to clear everything out! I know, this can take some time and if you have a big, messy closet, it can be overwhelming but you can do it! It’s essential for you to take everything out in order to see all that you have and determine what you want to keep. This will make organizing and separating things you don’t need or want much easier!



The next step to cleaning out your closet is to sort it all out. While you’re taking all of your items out of your closet, start sorting them into piles-things to keep, store, give away, donate etc. Do this for everything in your closet from belts to blouses to baubles, take this time to get rid of anything you no longer wear or need.



Now you can bag up all the items that you’re going to give away, donate or throw away. This is one of the best parts of cleaning your closet because you get rid of your unneeded things and now you have less stuff to organize! Be sure you sorted everything, no point in hanging on to anything you haven’t worn in months!



Now that you have a clear idea of what you’re going to keep, you’re going to sort again. I know, enough with the sorting! But the point of this step is to clear out the seasonal stuff that you won’t be wearing anytime soon. Place your seasonal wares in a box or bag, clearly label it and stow it away in your closet. If you have tons of seasonal shoes and clothes, you might want to store it in a different space so they’re not taking up valuable real estate in your closet.

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Now it’s time to literally start cleaning your closet by dusting, sweeping and cleaning out drawers. This might seem like an unnecessary step but believe me, it’s worth the time. You don’t want to store your clothes in a dusty or dirty closet, right?! You can also take the time to organize your hangers and add an air freshener or fragrance sachets to freshen things up!



If you’re looking to redo your closet, now’s the time to evaluate your space and see how you can improve the current setup. Maybe you could use an extra clothing rod or you could use some more drawers or hooks. Either way, you can use this time to move things around to better suit your needs or make plans to renovate!



Now that you’ve got a clean, empty closet, it’s time to get all your stuff together and organize! Utilize all your storage space and drawers to store your scarves, accessories, tops, etc. You might also want to invest in a shoe rack or shelf so your shoes are visible and take up less space than in their boxes. Be proud of yourself for taking on the task of cleaning out your closet and freeing yourself from clutter!

Cleaning your closet might be the last thing you want to do but it’s an important chore. Finding your favorite frock or getting ready will be so much easier with everything neatly organized! Do you have any tips for organizing or cleaning out your closet? I'd love to hear your tips!

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