7 Simple Cozy Things to do on Christmas Eve ...


7 Simple Cozy Things to do on Christmas Eve ...
7 Simple Cozy Things to do on Christmas Eve ...

There are, of course, several things to do on Christmas Eve – and that includes the joy of doing nothing, of being away from stressful work- or school-related obligations. I have been slapped from all sides with academic requirements for my Master’s and all I wish right now is to be done with my papers so I can spend all day sitting on a couch wondering if I should get up or not. As I continue to daydream about that day, let me share with you my list of things to do on Christmas Eve. You bet I'm going to do all these soon!

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Watch Christmas Movies

In our family, one of the classic things to do on Christmas Eve involves getting out those VHS tapes from our treasure chest, bringing finger food and drinks in the living room, and welcoming Christmas with movies showing the values of love and selflessness. This is one thing you should do with the ones you love. After all, Christmas is really a season to celebrate with the ones closest to your heart.


Open One Present

Admit it, you can’t wait for Christmas morning to open all of your presents. So…in our home, we compromise: each person gets to open one present on Christmas Eve. It usually happens after dinner. Everyone has this childlike aura: excited, interested, jolly. Oh, how I love Christmas!

Frequently asked questions


Have a Cookie and a Warm Glass of Milk

There was one Christmas that I spent all by myself. Pathetic, huh? Yeah, that was the workaholic me who didn't want to go home and spend only three days with my Mom and siblings. In the comforts of my small pad, I watched Home Alone 2 with chocolate chip cookies and a warm glass of milk for company. They're actually good, but spending Christmas alone? Never again!


Read Something

Read a book by the fireplace or on a bean bag; that’s the best way to catch up on your reading. It’s a pity how many of us plan to read at least one book a month and then all those work-related responsibilities derail our plan to read for pleasure. Unless you are the chef of the family get-together dinner, go ahead and veg out on the couch or in your old room. Wear your pajamas and don’t think about getting up unless you need to use the restroom.


Chat with Mom

It really doesn't matter if your parents' home doesn’t have WIFI because you have the entire night to talk to your Mom about what's been happening to you and your exciting life the whole year. This is going to be the first Christmas that I will be celebrating away from my Mom (she’s in the Philippines and I’m in China) and I’m quite sad about that. I will have to settle for Skype calls this year…but please, if there is any way you can go and visit her, do it. The cherry pie is a lot better there too!

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Have a Drink with Your Siblings

I have a younger sister and two baby brothers, who are all working professionals and successful in their respective fields. But no matter what happens, I will always be the bossy, demanding, controlling older sister whose orders they follow. One of those orders is to drink endlessly on Christmas Eve. All drinks on me. If you have the means to give more on Christmas, don’t be too stingy and just give. Trust me, you will be rewarded a thousand fold for your generosity.


Prepare a Comfort Meal

Do you have that one dish that brings back all your childhood memories? Mine is what I call Filipino spaghetti, which is sweet and full of cheddar cheese. It’s simple and easy to make. I can eat platefuls of this sinful dish. My sister does this better though and I will truly miss this one come Christmas Eve.

What do you do on Christmas Eve?

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