7 Signs of a Selfish Person That You Should Pay Attention to ...


7 Signs of a Selfish Person That You Should Pay Attention to ...
7 Signs of a Selfish Person That You Should Pay Attention to ...

If you are trying to recognize a selfish friend or partner so you can prevent them from hurting you and affecting your life, here are a few very obvious signs of a selfish person. The traits of a selfish individual aren’t easy to notice since they often seem really nice, lovable and sweet people. Really though, a selfish person only tries to satisfy their own pleasures, they have little consideration for other people’s needs and they worry only about their own comfort. Most selfish people are skilled manipulators by instinct who believe that they are more important than everyone else. They can hurt you very easily and you might feel confused and lost when you’re around them because they make you feel like you aren’t giving enough back to them. Here are a few very obvious signs of a selfish person that you should pay attention to:

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They Always Ask for Favors

One of the most obvious signs of a selfish person is the fact that they always ask for favors, no matter how big or small they are. They always need something from you but they are never willing to give you something back in return. Try asking them for a favor and see if they are willing to help you.


They Think They Deserve Special Treatment

A selfish individual will always think that they deserve special treatment and that’s why they will ask you for all kinds of favors even if you don’t know them so well. They often think that they are better than everyone else and they are not afraid of saying that out loud.


Selfishness is a trait that many people struggle with. It can manifest in a variety of ways, from demanding attention and special treatment to expecting favors from those around them. It’s important to be aware of the signs of a selfish person so that you can protect yourself from their selfish behavior.

One sign of a selfish person is that they think they deserve special treatment. They may expect favors from you even if you don’t know them very well. They may also think that they are better than everyone else and are not afraid to say it out loud. This type of behavior can be very draining and can make it difficult to be around them.

Selfish people may also be very focused on themselves and their own needs. They may not be interested in hearing about the needs and feelings of others. They may be unwilling to compromise or take the needs of others into consideration. They may be very focused on getting what they want and not be concerned about how it will affect others.


They Are Very Friendly

Selfish people are often very friendly, nice and caring people, especially when they first meet someone. You could even say that they are people pleasers, but once you will get to know them, you will notice their lazy and aloof side. They often pamper and care for you until you drop your guard down and you welcome them into your life.


Selfish people may come across as friendly, nice, and caring, but their true nature is often revealed over time. They may appear to be people pleasers, but that is only a facade. They may pamper and care for you until you let your guard down, but this is only to get what they want.

Selfish people often have a sense of entitlement, expecting others to bend to their will. They may take advantage of other people’s generosity, expecting favors without offering anything in return. They also tend to be very self-centered, focusing on their own needs and desires above all else.

Selfish people may also be manipulative and controlling, attempting to control situations and people to get what they want. They may use guilt and shame to get their way, or they may try to make you feel guilty for not giving them what they want. They may also be very competitive, trying to win at all costs.

Selfish people may also be very judgmental, criticizing others for their beliefs and actions. They may be quick to point out the flaws of others, while overlooking their own. They may also be very critical of others’ successes, feeling that they should be the ones to receive the accolades.


They Use Others

Selfish people use others all the time and they are not afraid of admitting it. They might even share a laugh with you and tell you how they used one of their friends or even their partner to make them do something for them. They don’t even realize that what they are doing is wrong because they consider themselves to be special and they think that others should do everything they can to make them happy.


Selfish people often have a tendency to use others for their own benefit. They may not be aware that their behavior is wrong, believing that they are entitled to have others do whatever they can to make them happy. Signs of a selfish person include a lack of empathy for others, taking advantage of people, and expecting others to do things for them.

Selfish people may be manipulative, using guilt or emotional blackmail to get what they want. They may also be controlling, trying to dictate what others should do or how they should behave. They may be dismissive of other people’s feelings and opinions, believing that their own are the only ones that matter.

Selfish people may also be competitive, trying to one-up everyone else in situations. They may be dismissive of other people’s successes and accomplishments, believing that their own accomplishments are more important. They may also be possessive, trying to control who their friends or partners spend time with.


They Barely Say Thank You

When you do a selfish friend a favor, they will barely say thank you and even then, they will sound insincere. They are not that grateful for what you’ve done for them since they think that they deserve special treatment from everyone else. Try asking them for a favor and you will see that they brush it off and that they will never follow through with it.

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You Can Spot Their Fakeness

You can spot a selfish individual’s fakeness, especially when they talk to others. They will go over the top to be nice and friendly with them, even though you know that they really dislike them and that they don’t care about those people’s needs. They often appear to be very sweet but you know that their behavior is insincere and that they are only trying to use you.


Selfish people are often very good at masking their true intentions and feelings, making it difficult to spot their fakeness. They may appear to be very kind and generous on the surface, but their behavior is often insincere and self-serving.

One of the most common signs of selfishness is when a person goes out of their way to be nice and friendly to someone they don’t actually care about. They may be overly generous with their time or compliments, but their true motives are usually to get something in return.

Another sign of selfishness is when someone is unwilling to compromise or put in any effort to meet the needs of others. They may be demanding or expect others to do things for them without any consideration for their feelings. They may also be quick to take credit for the work of others and be unwilling to share any of the praise.

Selfish people may also be quick to blame others for their own mistakes or problems. They may be unwilling to admit they were wrong or take responsibility for their actions. They may also be very competitive and try to one-up others in conversations or activities.


They Try to Confuse You

A selfish friend will often try to confuse you, to make you doubt your value as a true friend. Selfish people are skilled manipulators who can make you think that you are not doing enough for them or that you are not cool enough and that you need to try harder.

Having to deal with a selfish friend or partner is not easy but there are a few things you can do to protect yourself. Have you ever dealt with a selfish individual? How did you do it? Do you know any other signs of a selfish person that you should pay attention to? Please share your thoughts with us in the comments section!


Selfishness can be a difficult trait to spot in people. It can be hard to tell the difference between someone who is genuinely looking out for their own interests and someone who is being selfish. Selfish people often appear to be friendly and generous, but their true motives are often hidden.

One sign of a selfish person is that they tend to be manipulative. They may try to confuse you and make you doubt your value as a friend. They may also make you feel like you need to do more for them or that you are not cool enough.

Another sign of a selfish person is that they often take more than they give. They may expect you to give them favors, but rarely offer anything in return. They may also be quick to criticize or judge others, but rarely take responsibility for their own mistakes.

Selfish people are also often very self-centered. They may be more focused on their own wants and needs than on the needs of others. They may also be unwilling to compromise or listen to other people’s opinions.

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I encounter a selfish person who was a manipulator n made me feel I was doing enough i.e he made feel less of myself n he was also really nice n caring but when we quarrel he ask back all d favor he

@Avrp when you value you no one else can devalue you always remember that (:

Ummmn I know T least two !!!

When a persons phone conversation i

Has ever done for me.. Dats really selfish

@avrp you can only deal with a persons negative ways for so long. I say discuss the situation first, but if that does not solve the issues. You have to do what best for life!😉

Sorry I keep hitting the send button, but we a person phone conversation only seems to be interesting when they talk about their issues..

Yes, I jus recently encountered a situation of a selfish friend. I ended the friendship..

how do u deal with a selfish partner????

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