7 Signs You're the Mom of Your Friend Group ...


So, you’re looking for signs you’re the mom of the friend group? As someone who has identified with being the “mom of the friend group” stereotype since middle school, I can tell you that they are easy to spot. You’ll find yourself worrying like a mother while doling out snacks, breath mints, and gum from your bottomless purse. If you think you may just fit this description, continue reading for signs you’re the mom of the friend group!

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Everyone Goes to You for Advice

One of the biggest signs you’re the mom of the friend group is if people often come to you for advice. If someone needs advice, you know that you’re the first person they go to. Whether it’s about a guy, school, or work, your friends will come to you when they need advice. You’re used to it, but sometimes you wish you had someone else you could ask for advice too!


Being the mom of the friend group can be a lot of pressure, but it can also be a great honor. Not only do your friends come to you for advice, but they also rely on you for support and guidance. You are the one they turn to when life gets tough and they need someone to talk to or a shoulder to cry on.

You are also the one who helps to keep everyone together and make sure that everyone is having a good time. You are the one who plans the group trips, organizes the group dinners, and sets the rules for the group. You are the one who organizes the group’s activities and makes sure that everyone is having a good time.

You are also the one who is always there to listen and offer a kind word of encouragement. You are the one who is always there to lend a helping hand and offer a hug when needed. You are the one who is always there to give a pep talk and cheer everyone up.


You Fix Everyone’s Problems

If someone has an issue, you instantaneously think of ten different solutions, and get to work on how to fix the problem. Maybe you’re just good with coming up with solutions, but chances are that your friends trust with their biggest and smallest problems!


Being the mom of the friend group can be a great responsibility. It means that your friends trust you with their biggest and smallest problems and they rely on you to come up with solutions. Not only do you fix everyone’s problems, but you also provide support and comfort during difficult situations.

Your friends may come to you for advice on anything from relationship issues to career decisions. You’re the one they turn to for help and support, and you’re always willing to listen and offer your best advice. You’re the one who is always there to pick up the pieces when things don’t go as planned.

You’re also the one who is always planning get-togethers and making sure everyone is having a good time. You’re the one who makes sure that the group stays close and connected. You’re the one who remembers important dates and events and makes sure that everyone is included.

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Your Friends Know to Text You when They Get Home

Whether they’re walking a few blocks home or flying across the country, they know that they need to let you know that they’re arrived safely. You need to know how their trip went, and everything else in between, because they know that you worry about them.


Being the mom of the friend group is a special role, and it comes with a lot of responsibility. When your friends go on a trip, it's up to you to make sure that they're safe and sound. One way to do this is to make sure that your friends know to text you when they get home.

Your friends should know that you worry about them, and that you need to know how their trip went and that they've arrived safely. It's important to set expectations and make sure that they know that you need to be kept in the loop.

Not only is it important to know that your friends are safe, but it's also important to make sure that they're taking care of themselves while they're away. It's your job to remind them to take breaks, get enough sleep, and stay hydrated.

It's also important to make sure that your friends are being mindful of their spending while they're on their trip. Make sure that they know to plan ahead and set a budget for their trip, so they don't end up in a financial bind when they get back home.


You Take Care of Everything

You are the woman in charge when it comes to your group of friends. When no one wants to make solid plans, you force everyone to make decisions. When it comes time to split the bill, you grab it from your waitress and do the calculations before your friends even know what’s going on. It may not even be something you realize you do, but you probably do it!


Being the ‘mom’ of your friend group is a huge responsibility. It means you’re the one who takes care of everything and makes sure that things run smoothly. You’re the one who sets the tone and keeps everyone on track.

You’re the one who makes sure everyone is having a good time and that everyone gets along. You’re the one who makes sure that everyone is taken care of and that everyone is safe. You’re the one who makes sure that everyone is on the same page and that everyone is following the same set of rules.

You’re the one who takes care of the details, from making sure everyone has a ride home to splitting the bill. You’re the one who makes sure that everyone is accounted for and that everyone is where they need to be. You’re the one who makes sure that everyone is taken care of and that everything is running smoothly.


You’re Prepared for Anything

It seems like moms and grandmas have everything you could ever need in their purses and you are no exception. You have lip balm for your friend’s last minute dry lips, you have more phone chargers than you know what to do with, and of course, you have a pen or other writing utensil. You’ve got everyone covered, no matter what they need.


You’re the mom of your friend group, and that means you’re always prepared for anything. You have a purse or bag full of items that you know will come in handy for your friends, no matter what the situation. You’ve got lip balm for dry lips, phone chargers for those who forgot theirs, and pens or other writing utensils in case someone needs to jot something down. You’ve even got a few extra snacks in case someone gets hungry.

Being the mom of your friend group also means you’re always looking out for your friends’ safety. You’ve got a first aid kit in your bag, and you know how to use it. You’ve got a few emergency contacts saved in your phone in case someone needs help. You’re also always ready to offer a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on when your friends need it.

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You Worry

If you worry about the well being of your friends more than you’d like to admit, you’re probably the mom of your friend group. You may do something simple like worry about your friend’s job interview, or something a little more extreme, like texting your friends after you have unsettling dreams about them. Regardless, if you find yourself worrying about your friends more than the average person, you are the mom of your friend group.


Being the mom of your friend group is a special role that requires a certain level of care and dedication. You take on the responsibility of looking out for your friends and making sure they are okay. You worry about their well-being more than you would like to admit and you do whatever it takes to make sure they are happy and safe.

You are the one your friends turn to for advice. You are the person they come to when they need to vent or just need someone to talk to. You are the one who helps them make important decisions and you are the one who is always there for them. You may even be the one who organizes get-togethers or plans trips with your friends.

You are the one who remembers the important dates and milestones in your friends’ lives. You are the one who sends cards and gifts on birthdays and other special occasions. You are the one who always knows what’s going on in your friends’ lives and you are the one who keeps the group connected.

Being the mom of your friend group is a big responsibility and it requires a lot of effort and dedication. You have to be willing to put in the time and energy to make sure your friends are taken care of.


You Keep Everyone in Line

Whether you’re at a restaurant with small children or you find yourself in a church for a wedding, you are always the person telling your friends when they’re being inappropriate. It may make you feel like a nag, but someone has to keep them in line!

Are you the mom of your friend group? How did you know? Leave a comment telling me how you knew!


Being the mom of a friend group can be a difficult role to fill. You are the one that everyone looks to for guidance and support and you often feel like you are the one that has to keep everyone in line. You are the one that sets the example and makes sure that everyone is behaving appropriately in social situations.

You are the one that has to take charge when it comes to organizing events or outings and you often find yourself in the role of mediator when conflicts arise. You are the one that everyone turns to for advice and you are the one that is always looking out for everyone’s best interests.

You have to be the voice of reason when it comes to making decisions and you often find yourself being the one to say no when everyone else wants to say yes. You are the one that has to make sure that everyone is staying safe and making wise decisions.

You are the one that is always there to lend a listening ear when someone needs to talk and you are the one that is always ready to give a hug when someone needs it. You are the one that is always willing to lend a helping hand and you are the one that is always ready to lend a shoulder to cry on.

Feedback Junction

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My best friend and I cover every persona. We can be moms, sisters or bad ass partners in crime. ;)

All the time even my kid's friends called me"MoM"

Yep! My friends always say that "you are just like a mom" :)

This is so me that several of my friends actually call me mom on a regular basis lol

You seriously just stole this directly from Buzzfeed.

Yep, that's me! Even two of my teachers said it:)

I can be a mum to my boyfriend at times lol!

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