Women's rights are something we take for granted these days. Because it was all a long time ago that the suffragettes fought for the right to vote, wasn't it? However, women's rights still depend very much on where they live, and even some of the rights we take for granted were relatively recently achieved. Here are some of the women's rights that have been accomplished over the last 100 years or so …
Snapshot Survey
Snapshot Survey
1. Vote
The right to vote has been one of the most important of all the women's rights achieved over the last century. We might wonder at times whether it's even worth voting, but let's not forget that not so many generations back, women didn't even have the option of choosing who would govern them. That's one of the reasons why it's so important to keep informed about candidates and take the time to get out there and vote.
The suffragettes fought tirelessly, faced imprisonment, and often endured harsh treatments to secure this fundamental right. Every vote cast is a tribute to their legacy, an act that honors their struggle. When we step into the polling booth, we exercise a right that was once a distant dream. It's a powerful reminder of our role in shaping history, as we continue to influence policies that affect women's lives today. So, make your voice heard—your vote is your voice, and it's as vital now as it was the day it was first granted.
2. Divorce
It might seem extraordinary that a 'modern' country like Malta has only just permitted divorce. But it's not alone in introducing divorce only relatively recently – Brazil, for example, did so in 1977. Historically, it was often harder for women to obtain a divorce than it was for men. In some places, the fairness between the sexes is still up for debate.
While Malta embraced legal divorce only in 2011, this progression illustrates a broader trend towards recognizing women's rights in marital relationships. Although the legal system has come a long way, societal pressures and economic dependency still create challenges for women seeking divorce. These are often compounded by lingering stigmas attached to divorced women. Globally, efforts continue to ensure that the process is accessible and equitable, with many advocates pushing for reform to address custody, alimony, and the division of assets in a manner that supports women's independence and well-being.
3. Own Bank Account
Do you think that countries like the US and the UK are more enlightened? Well, an American woman needed her husband's permission to open a bank account as recently as the 1960s, and it wasn't until 1975 and the Sex Discrimination Act that a British woman could open a bank account in her own name. And as for getting a mortgage on her own … forget it.
The 1960s and 70s were a period of great change for women's rights. In the US, the Equal Pay Act of 1963 was the first federal law prohibiting wage discrimination based on gender. In the UK, the Sex Discrimination Act of 1975 made it illegal to discriminate against women in the workplace and in education.
However, when it came to financial matters, women were still restricted in many ways. Before the 1960s, a married woman in the US was not legally allowed to open a bank account without her husband's permission. In the UK, this law was not changed until 1975.
Women in both countries could not get a mortgage in their own name until the 1970s. Even when a woman was allowed to get a mortgage, she was often required to have a male co-signer. This was because the law viewed women as financially dependent on their husbands, and therefore not capable of securing a loan on their own.
In the US, the Equal Credit Opportunity Act of 1974 was passed, which prohibited discrimination on the basis of sex or marital status when granting credit. This law was the first to recognize women as financially independent and capable of making their own decisions.
4. Equal Pay
The right to receive the same pay for doing the same job as men has been a relatively recent advance in women's rights. In fact, there is evidence that women still don't always earn as much as their male colleagues who are doing exactly the same work. This one is a right for which many women are still fighting, all over the world.
5. Joining the Army
The right to fight on the front line might seem one of the more dubious women's rights achieved in recent years. Yet it could be argued that if we want to be treated equally with men, then we should be prepared to do everything that they do – including risking our lives to fight for our country. Remember, bravery knows no gender.
6. Stand for Election
If we have the right to vote, then we should have the right to be voted for! Gradually throughout the 20th century, women in various countries were granted the right to stand for election. The first woman MP was elected in the UK in 1919, and the first female Minister in western Europe was appointed in Denmark in 1924. Disappointingly, women are still not adequately represented in the governments and parliaments of most countries.
7. Work
Have you heard that women were once expected to give up work when they got married? In some professions, it was actually not allowed for a married woman to keep on working. Plus we all know how some careers were until relatively recently seen as 'male careers' - and maybe still are.
In the early 20th century, women's rights were severely limited in terms of work. Many professions, such as law, medicine, and politics, were considered strictly for men. Women were often expected to give up their careers upon marriage, as it was believed that their primary role was to be a wife and mother. This limited women's opportunities for economic independence and advancement. It wasn't until the mid-20th century that women's rights in the workplace began to improve, with the passing of laws such as the Equal Pay Act and the Civil Rights Act. However, even today, women still face challenges and discrimination in certain industries and positions.
8. Religious Office
The issue of women priests continues to be an extremely controversial question in the Church of England, almost 20 years after the first women priests were ordained. The appointment of women bishops will be approved soon. On the flip side, a number of religions welcome women as members of the clergy.
It's thanks to the many brave and tenacious women that fought for women's rights that we can do many of the things that we take for granted today. Can you imagine a world where you needed your husband's permission to open a bank account? There's still a long way to go in many countries. What do you consider the greatest advance in women's rights?
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