7 Reasons to Have a House Party on New Year's Eve ...


With New Year’s Eve around the corner, there is just one question making the rounds – where are you partying this NYE – and if you don’t have an answer for that yet, I’m here to give you seven awesome reasons to have a house party this 31st December. So don’t make plans to out partying just yet. The best party of the season could just be at your own house! So read on and call all your friends because you’re about to know the reasons to have a house party this New Year’s Eve.

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You Make Your Own Guest List

What other reasons to have a house party could be better than this? Having a house party on New Year’s Eve means you get to make your own guest list. No more having to listen to that boring colleague of your best friend’s who is inevitably at any party you’d go to. You decide who comes and whom they can bring (they’ll have to check with you right? Your house after all)!


Choose Your Own Theme

Who says a NYE party can’t be a theme party? The beauty of a house party is that you can do what you want. So you can have an Italian theme or English Victorian. There is nothing to stop you. Have a ball. It’s your party after all!

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All the half-decent places to party on NYE have insanely high cover charges. Have a house party and make it a BYOB (Bring Your Own Booze) event. This way everyone brings something and you get a nice collection of alcohol to serve at the party. You can even ask close friends to get a couple of appetizers or chips and dips and you’ll have a good array of finger foods too! What more makes for a good party eh?


Make Your Own Playlist

Most places that have big NYE parties usually have trashy music. And half the fun of a party is the music. A house party ensures you’re in control of the music. You can choose as eclectic a pick as you want or not. And with a house party, your guests can always pick a song they want to groove too (without frantically trying to get a DJ’s attention) and everyone is happy!


Party Games

I for one am a sucker for party games. And house parties are perfect for that. And since you choose your guest list, you already know most people on it enough to make party games the noisy fun they’re meant to be. And sometimes going old school with some of your favorite party games from your childhood and teenage is the best really!

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Matchmaking Heaven

I know so many happy couples that met for the first time at a house party. House parties are matchmaking heaven if you think about it. If you know two friends who’ll be perfect together, invite them. An intimate group of people, good music, yummy food, lots of alcohol all make up an excellent setting in which to meet that someone special. And if you have your eye on someone, well, it’s your party!


No Getting Stuck in NYE Traffic

Ever seen the state of roads on New Year’s Eve? Everyone is getting to a party somewhere and as a result, no one is going anywhere. There is generally bumper-to-bumper traffic in most places and that makes no one happy! The best part of a house party is that you get to skip all that traffic and still have a great NYE!

There is so much pressure on people to have a good time on NYE that you often end up at one of those overcrowded parties where you don’t know anyone, the alcohol is stale and the food is bad. And so the above mentioned reasons to have a house party should convince you that staying in is the best time you’ll have on 31st December and after a whole year of hard work you deserve to have the best time right? And if you have any more reasons to have a house party, do let us know!

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