7 Reasons to Enter a Beauty Pageant ...


7 Reasons to Enter a Beauty Pageant ...
7 Reasons to Enter a Beauty Pageant ...

You probably don't think there are any reasons to enter a beauty pageant, but I'm here to tell you there are a ton of reasons why you should! A lot of people think that it's all about the big hair, beauty, walking around on stage, and being plastic! I'm here to tell you that what you watch on TV from "Toddlers and Tiara" and "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo" aren't true! These are the real reasons to enter a beauty pageant... take it from a former Miss Teen Arizona.

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The number one of a million reasons to enter a beauty pageant is to build self-confidence. Take me, for example... You would never catch me talking in front of large crowds, or being social at all... until my Mom entered me in my first pageant amongst 213 girls! Talk about life changing! I walked away by being 4th runner-up and I was in awe of how much self-confidence I had gained in one weekend!


Beauty pageants can be a great way to gain self-esteem and confidence. Many people who enter pageants are shy and not used to being the center of attention, but the experience of competing can help them overcome their fears and build self-confidence.

Competing in a beauty pageant can also help you learn how to present yourself in a professional manner. You will learn how to communicate effectively with judges, other participants, and the audience. You will also learn how to dress and groom yourself in a way that is appropriate for a professional setting.

In addition to building self-confidence, entering a beauty pageant can also help you learn important life skills. You will gain an understanding of how to manage your time, how to make decisions, and how to handle stress. These skills can be invaluable in many aspects of life, from work to relationships.

Finally, entering a beauty pageant is a great way to meet other people who have similar interests and goals. You will be able to network and make connections that can help you in your future endeavors.



There are so many things you learn not only about yourself, but also about communication skills, leadership, interviews, and poise! Pageantry is a doorway for those who want to be on stage, give back, and of course learn more about themselves! I never saw pageantry as a competition, I always looked at it as a learning experience. Because out of the whole weekend, you learn so much that it's beyond mind blowing what you can grasp!


Pageantry is a great way to gain confidence, learn new skills, and make lifelong friends. It can also be an excellent way to give back to your community and make a positive impact.

When it comes to learning, pageantry offers many opportunities. You can learn public speaking, interview skills, and leadership skills. You can also learn how to present yourself in a professional manner, how to network and make connections, and how to handle difficult situations.

In addition to learning new skills, pageantry can also be a great way to make a difference in your community. Many pageants have charitable or service components, where contestants can volunteer and give back to their communities.

Pageantry is also a great way to build relationships and make new friends. You will meet people from all walks of life, and you will be able to form bonds and friendships with people from all over the world.

Lastly, pageantry will help you to develop poise, grace, and a sense of self-worth. You will learn how to carry yourself with confidence and how to present yourself in a professional manner.

Frequently asked questions

I decided to compete because it's a great way to challenge myself, gain confidence, and make new friends. Plus, it's a unique opportunity to showcase my talents and causes I care about.

I want to participate because it sounds like such an exciting and rewarding experience! From the personal growth to the chance to inspire others, there are so many benefits.

I expect to gain so much! From improved public speaking skills to a boost in self-esteem, and even valuable networking opportunities that could help me in my future career.

I believe I should be the next Miss [Title] because I genuinely care about using this platform to make a difference. I’m passionate, hardworking, and really want to be a role model for others.

Serenades are performed in beauty pageants because they add a touch of elegance and tradition. Plus, they showcase the contestants' cultural awareness and artistic talents, making the event more entertaining and meaningful.



The girls you compete with become your family, regardless of all the stereotyping about catty girl fights and fake, plastic personalities. You'll be pleased to learn that it isn't true. You'll always have one of those girls, but I'm happy to say that all the girls I've competed with are STILL my friends, and we consider ourselves a sisterhood! Support system, backbone, encouragement, and much more!


Indeed, the bonds formed during the intense experience of competing can outlast the event itself. It's a beautiful realization when you see former competitors cheering for each other's successes in life, whether it's careers, personal achievements, or family milestones. This shared journey forges connections that can withstand the test of time, proving that empathy and kindness are as much a part of the pageant world as the glitz and glamour. In fact, these deep friendships often provide a network of support that can be crucial during challenging times, truly embodying the essence of a lifelong sisterhood.



Pageantry gives you a window of opportunities, this world ties in with the entertainment world! So, it opens doors to modeling, acting, performing, and much more! Even if you want to speak out about things you are passionate about for philanthropy points of views as well! I have been blessed; since doing pageantry I have been in movies, on TV, modeled, hosted, did radio, sang in concert, and much more! And, I was able to do all of these thanks to being in a pageant!


Entering the world of pageants can be a stepping stone towards a glittering career in various fields related to glamour and public speaking. Not only is it an exciting platform to showcase your talents, but it often leads to unexpected opportunities that can elevate your personal and professional life. From walking the runway at high-profile fashion events to advocating for charitable causes close to your heart, the skills and visibility you gain can propel you into a life filled with diverse experiences and meaningful encounters.



Now, the best sides of pageantry are the organizations you get to work with or begin! I'm all about giving back, paying it forward, and doing the right thing! Pageantry gives you the opportunity to network with numerous organizations and work with them, help them spread the awareness and much more! Now, you don't need a sash or crown to be involved with your community!


Pageantry provides an opportunity to give back to the community, and many contestants use it to do just that. Whether it’s raising money for a charity, volunteering at a local organization, or simply lending a helping hand to those in need, pageantry provides a great platform for contestants to make a positive impact.

In addition to the community involvement aspect of pageantry, contestants can also use it as an opportunity to network with like-minded people. By attending pageants, contestants can meet people who share similar interests and goals, and can even form lasting friendships. This can be especially beneficial for those who are just starting out, as it can help them build their network and gain valuable contacts in the industry.

Pageantry also provides contestants with the chance to gain more confidence in themselves. By competing in pageants, contestants can learn how to become more comfortable in their own skin and gain a better understanding of their own strengths and weaknesses. This can help them become more confident in their own abilities and can translate into other areas of their lives.

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Now, of course the crown and sash are materialistically the highlights of the competition. The title itself! But, something my successor once told me is that "you define the crown, the crown does not define you." Meaning, you make the crown, so do something good, amazing, and make a difference. Your reign is only a year, and in a year you can do whatever your heart pleases! Many of my sister Queens and I started our own organizations, and some are even on television now!



I would be lying if I said pageantry didn't do anything for you! Because pageantry literally changed who I am, my vision, and everything I once was. It taught me so much about myself, and I learned so much about other key things in life from poise, grace, proper communication, building self-confidence, networking, and much more!

I would never take back any of the competitions I've ever competed in. I'm grateful for each and every experience I've encountered. Although, I may have not won every single one, I walked away with much more than a crown and title. These alone are my reasons to enter in a pageant. Have you ever competed in a pageant? If so, what systems? Do you disagree with my article, and if you do, why?


Beauty pageants have been around for centuries, and they have evolved over time. While they may have started out as a way to showcase physical beauty, they have since become much more than that. Today, beauty pageants are a way for women to gain confidence, make connections, and learn valuable skills.

There are many reasons why a woman should consider entering a beauty pageant. First, it can help build self-confidence. Taking part in a beauty pageant requires a woman to step outside her comfort zone and put herself out there. This can help her become more confident in her own skin and more comfortable in her own abilities.

Second, pageants are a great way to make connections. Participating in a beauty pageant gives a woman the opportunity to meet other women who may have similar interests or goals. This can be a great way to network and make lasting friendships.

Third, beauty pageants can help a woman learn valuable skills. From poise and grace to proper communication and networking, pageants can help a woman build skills that will benefit her in the future.

Fourth, beauty pageants can be great for career advancement. Many pageants offer scholarships and other opportunities that can help a woman further her career.

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Where do you find your local pageants, are there organions .

@Rebecca Kerr by any chance are you related to Miranda Kerr?

I really like pageants but my mom won't let me enter

I Aphrodite

Beauty pageants award people for being pretty...

Pageants are the best things for anyone with low self-confidence, it really lifts it up! You become a new and confident you after it's over, with or without the crown! Everyone should participate :)

I love pagents been doing it all my life

That was a really interesting post! Being British I had a very stereotypical view of pageants, but this post has definitely changed my opinions! Pageants in England get a judgemental response; especially with shows like toddlers and tiaras!

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