8 Reasons to Ditch Facebook in 2014 ...


Too many of us are way too addicted to social media, especially to Facebook. Guest contributor Peyton shares her tips on why you should dial back on your addiction.

If you made a New Year's resolution about anything related to self-worth, productivity, or getting over a recent break up, you may have thought about closing your Facebook account once and for all. We've all been there. One day you're flying high and can't wait to brag about your recent accomplishment and the next you're on the floor crying to your BFF because your ex changed his status to "in a relationship."

Facebook can be a great tool for reconnecting and sharing, but it's also a tool for humiliation, heartbreak, and intense annoyance. Here are the 8 best reasons you should consider ditching this social media platform in 2014

Snapshot Survey

Are you a morning person or a night owl?

Bad Behavior

If you've ever shared a political opinion, stalked your best friend's teacher's girlfriend, or been hung up on why you don't have abs like your closest frenemy, you know the weird disadvantages of Facebook. Facebook encourages bad behavior. It's that simple. Wasting your valuable time arguing, bullying, blocking, and stalking are all childish behaviors that you should re-evaluate in 2014.


The Ads

Facebook ads are only going to get worse. Autoplay Facebook ads were recently introduced in December 2013, "sponsored posts" appear in your Newsfeed more often than you'd like, and the sidebar ads are getting eerily specific to your interests. Plus, you and your friends are encouraged to "like" products and share your support. Who cares if you "like" Taco Bell? Get out now before Facebook turns into one big marketing medium.


The Facebook Engagement Posts

If you're in your 20s, there's a strong possibility of you logging into Facebook only to see that four more of your "friends" are engaged. Every. Day. Or, maybe it just seems like it. Sure, they may be as cute as a famous TV couple, but even a classic Ross-and-Rachel romance gets old if it's thrown in your face 24/7. Save yourself the feigned excitement and let your real friends inform you of their plans to wed the old fashioned way.


The Shameful Party Photos

Everyone loves sharing photos. But what about those embarrassing shots of your college tailgating days or videos of you busting your vodka-fueled moves at the club? Once they're online, they stay there for good. If you're not on Facebook, these photos can still be shared, but are much less likely to tarnish your reputation if you can't be tagged in them. Use apps like Instagram, and invite only your close family and friends, to share photos instead.


The Competition

Facebook promotes competition. The number of friends you have, the number of likes on statuses and photos, and the "winning" or "losing" of a breakup. This type of competition is unhealthy and fosters negative thoughts about our self-worth. Comparing yourself to others will never be a good thing. The best thing to do is be the greatest version of yourself and compete with the old you to see self-improvement in 2014. No amount of Facebook popularity can compare to that.


The Big Brother, Little Sister, and Second Cousin Are Watching

Your family is on Facebook now, too. Your Great Aunt Rita is posting photos of her cats, your Grandma is sharing her favorite bible verses, and your Dad is commenting on your statuses. Something about that added judgment on Facebook is starting to really make it uncool. Do yourself a favor and enjoy your personal life without your family watching your every move.


The Hashtags

Facebook was a little late to the party with their newly implemented system of hastagging. Hashtags are great for searching and promoting, but they're hardly necessary or effective for Facebook. If you really love your hashtags, use Twitter for newsworthy and viral material or check out Instagram for extensive hashtagging on photos.


The Lack of Privacy

Facebook really limits your privacy. From getting private messages from strangers to late night chat messages from "friends" you met at the bar, privacy is something Facebook doesn't do well. Add this annoyance to the questionable recent news of Facebook sharing your private information and you should have plenty of reasoning to quit using it altogether.

Whether you use social media for work or for play, you can surely find better sites than Facebook. Going forward, in 2014, commit to going Facebook-free (at least temporarily) for the sake of your sanity, safety, and personal development.

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finally got rid of fb and so glad I did! such a waste of time & energy.

I think setting healthy limits for yourself is better than ditching it entirely. If you need help curbing your FB addiction, try making a list if your favorite blogs, news sources, YouTube channels, list sites, etc and go through those instead. You'll be more well-rounded and informed!

Almost ditch it..

a couple of the kids in school got twitter and IG and soon everyone was using that, next thing you know, everyone was on twitter and forgot about FB. couple months later everyone realized they still had a FB account and decided to go back and delete it bc I mean nobody was using it in the first place lol. trust me the other two apps are better (: they're each designated to do their own thing. one is pics the other is for statuses and things. I'm sure more FB users get annoyed of one of the other so if you hate all the statuses, get an IG. if you hate all the pics, get a twitter!

Got rid of it months ago... To think of how much time I used to waste on it is shocking

I deactivated my account in January & so glad that I did! I don't even think about it.

tht is the reason...i m not liking it too much...& there is no new thing...same thing on fb..

My fb has turned more into work over the past year because of group dissertation work. Can't wait until dissertation is over so I can minimise the amount of time spent on it :)

I said goodbye a year ago, best thing I ever did! I was starting to really get annoyed by the yearly cycle of boring updates, pointless arguments and constant relationship/animal/baby pics. Theres only so many poses a newborn baby can make!

Gosh this is so true. I hate FB!!!

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