8 of History's Deadliest Dictators You Never Heard of ...


Everyone has heard of Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini – three of the most feared dictators who played a major role during WW2 and were responsible for the slaughter or displacement of millions of people. But there are (or were) many other dictators out there who could definitely be placed in the same boat as them because of what they used their power for.

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Idi Amin Dada

Idi Amin Dada Genocide and extrajudicial killings – that is what history remembers of Idi Amin Dada, the man who ruled Uganda with an iron fist for 8 years (1971-1979). Despite his short rule, he was one of the deadliest dictators in history, having been responsible for the deaths of more than 500,000 people.


Emperor Hirohito

Emperor Hirohito Although Emperor Hirohito is not the deadliest dictator ever, he did lead Japan into WW2, and there is considerable debate about whether or not he was responsible for the war crimes committed by his army and regarding how much control he actually had.


Despite his controversial legacy, Hirohito's role in Japan during this tumultuous period gained attention due to the nation's militaristic expansion and the horrific atrocities, such as the Nanking Massacre. Historians argue over whether he had full command over the Imperial Japanese military or if he was a symbolic figurehead manipulated by his government. Following Japan's surrender, he was a central figure in the country's reconstruction and renounced his divine status to help Japan transition to a democratic state, thereby casting a complex shadow on his historical standing.

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Chiang Kai-Shek

Chiang Kai-Shek This is one ruler who had good intentions, but somehow ended up killing about a million people trying to put his ideas into motion. Chiang Kay-Shek was known as the “white terror” for purging China of his opposition as he tried to stabilize the country.


Chiang's brutal crackdown, known as the White Terror, was partly fueled by his staunch anti-communism. This campaign, taking place over several decades, saw the imprisonment and execution of thousands deemed threats to the state, including communists, leftists, and other dissidents. His rule eventually extended to Taiwan, where his efforts to solidify power continued. Despite his controversial legacy, some admire Chiang for his role in modernizing China and resisting Japanese aggression. However, the harsh methods during his leadership sit uncomfortably in the pages of history.


Wilhelm II

Wilhelm II Emperor of Germany until 1918, Wilhelm II remains famous – unlike most of the dictators on this list – for his inept decisions while guiding his country's military. Millions of people died as a result.


Wilhelm II, often remembered for his luxurious mustache and pompous military attire, had a penchant for aggressive foreign policy and military expansion that ultimately paved the way for World War I. His leadership style, marked by frequent meddling in military affairs, contributed to strategic blunders that had catastrophic consequences for Europe. Despite his regal lineage, Wilhelm's overbearing approach and disastrous tactical choices not only cost the lives of millions but also led to the downfall of the German Empire and his own abdication following the war's end.


Yakubu Gowon

Yakubu Gowon Gowon is remembered for his ruthless military tactics in an unjustified war against Ojukawu of western Nigeria over oil deposits discovered in the Niger delta. Despite an accord having been signed, it failed to keep peace, and in the war that came later on, Yakubu Gowon became responsible for the deaths of more than a million civilians.


Yakubu Gowon was a Nigerian military leader who served as the Head of State of Nigeria from 1966 to 1975. He is remembered for leading the country through a civil war from 1967 to 1970, in which more than one million people were killed. He also oversaw the introduction of the Petroleum Decree, which gave the federal government control of oil production and revenues. After leaving office, he became the Chairman of the African Union's High-Level Panel on Darfur, and was involved in several other peace initiatives. He is also remembered for his efforts to promote economic growth and development in Nigeria, and for his support of the African Union.

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Kim Il Sung

Kim Il Sung Kim Il Sung was one of North Korea's most ruthless and delusional dictators. He ruled by force and didn't care much about his people. At one point, he blamed the US for the country's dismal state and even ended up killing 3 million of his own people to manufacture the “proof” that the US had unleashed an epidemic in the North Korean countryside.


Ismail Enver Pasha

Ismail Enver Pasha Ismail Enver Pasha led the Ottoman Empire in the First World War and the Balkan Wars and has become known as experienced on the battlefield, but very bad at actually leading his army. What he is most known as, however, is being a sore loser: after his army's shameful loss at Sarikamish, he butchered more than 1.5 million Armenians and another million other people just to compensate.


Enver Pasha's notoriety doesn't end there. His megalomaniacal visions of a Pan-Turkic empire stretched reality thin, culminating in costly ventures causing immense suffering. This indifference to human life marked his rule with a somber stroke of ruthlessness. Post-defeat, he fled, exile shielding him from immediate retribution, yet his legacy of atrocity and grandeur delusion painted him the loathsome figure history recalls. Despite his escape, the stain of his deeds remains, a testament to unchecked power's capacity for horror.


Pol Pot

Pol Pot Probably the most ruthless dictator on this list, Pol Pot was considered Cambodia's #1 criminal. He was responsible for millions of deaths while trying to create a classless peasant society. People died of starvation, disease or through execution, and one detention center became so deadly that only 7 people of the 20,000 prisoners held there survived.

It takes balance, compassion and intelligence for a leader to truly exercise his responsibility and make a difference. Unfortunately, the people listed here have proven what can happen when those traits are not present in the leaders we put our faith into. But how many others have abused their power throughout history? Do you know any other deadly dictators from times gone by?


Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Pinochet, Videla, Francisco Franco, Hispanic dictators ( and they were really horrible) were not mentioned at all, why?

Chaing Kay-Shek was actually very well known.

I think that the German flag as the picture for the article was a poor decision. Many German people do not want their country's flag as the symbol for ruthless dictators. I understand that Hitler is one of the deadliest dictators EVER, but many other countries had ruthless dictators as well. This was a good article, but the fact that Germany's flag was the picture for the article left a bad taste in my mouth.

George bush might not be a dictator but he's for sure a war criminal

You're aware they said less known dictators, and Hitler was famous. That being said, why does the German flag of all things need to be used as the cover image?


What about Castro?

Pardon ex-president

Your write up about Yakubu Gowon is grossly misinformed. Pls read about Biafra and Nigeria then repost. Thank you.

Some of these you're really supposed to know about. Also wilhelm II wasn't technically a dictator

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