7 Housetraining Tips for First-time Puppy Owners ...


Housetraining a puppy is a big job for anyone, but especially a first-time puppy owner! When my husband and I bought our first dog, we literally had no idea what we were getting ourselves into. Having no previous experience nor any tips or info on housetraining, let’s just say we learned by trial and error. Hopefully, these tips will save you from making that same mistake! Housetraining a puppy can be rewarding in it’s own way. Continue reading for tips and ways to housetrain your puppy!

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1. Start Letting Puppy out Every Hour

Here’s a great tip for housetraining a puppy. It’s important to let the little guy out every hour consistently. Puppies can’t hold it for very long and need to go out often. And if you start establishing the habit of going outside to pee early, you will create a pattern for pup to follow. He will know to do his business outside! Try to use the same door each time you go out to help him recognize where he needs to do his business at.

2. Don’t Use Puppy Pads

My best piece of advice when it comes to housetraining a puppy is to avoid using puppy pads. They can be very confusing to pups. If you want to train your little guy or gal to go outside, then don’t designate a spot inside for them to use. Puppies will be confused and think they can go anywhere in the house even if there’s not a puppy pad put down. The only exception of this would be the non-scented puppy pads. These are great for lining kennel floors or any other area where you need to keep puppy overnight or while he is sick.

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3. Reward Puppy for Good Jobs

Treats are a fabulous way to encourage your puppy to become housetrained! Make sure and choose something he will like and then offer him one after he goes outside. Make a big deal and give him verbal praise as well. The more often he does well and gets rewarded for it, the faster he will learn not to go in the house.

4. Punish Puppy for Misbehavior

Here’s a great way to housetrain a puppy. He has to know when he is in trouble and when he has done wrong. When he goes in the house, you have to punish him. The way you punish him will be up to you, but do not ever be abusive. You can swat him on the nose, or give him time in his kennel. Be sure to use a stern tone of voice to let him know that you are not happy.

5. Use a Kennel

A kennel or crate is a highly recommended method for housetraining a puppy. Puppies have an aversion to going in their beds or where they sleep. If you crate your pet at night, he or she will avoid going in their bed as long as possible. Use this method during the day to help housetrain a puppy. Do not leave your pet locked up for more than three hours without letting him out to potty. At night, you will need to set an alarm and let him or her out. And don’t leave your pet kenneled all day. Puppies need to run and burn energy!

6. Keep a Close Eye

If you pay attention to your pet and are intent, you can often catch an accident before it happens! Puppies will signal when they have to go by whining, running in circles, sniffing around, or other strange behavior. And of course, squatting! If you can catch your puppy and set him outside before he goes, then reward him. Or if he starts inside, but finishes outside reward him. He has to learn that he goes outside and gets a treat! Keep plenty of paper towels and pet stain and odor remover spray on hand for accidents. Many pet stores also sell sprays that discourage puppy from going on the floor as well!

7. Have Patience

The top most important tip I can give you on housetraining a puppy is to have patience. No matter what, it’s vital to your endurance and the relationship between you and puppy. It may take him a while to get the hang of housetraining. You may have numerous accidents, lost sleep, and dirty pup paws to clean. When taking him outside, remember to have patience while you wait for him to do his job. Sometimes he may need a few minutes to relax and take care of business, or “find the right spot”.

I’m sure these housetraining tips can help you get your puppy housebroken in no time! Puppies are sweet and lovable, but having their messes on your floor are unsanitary and not to mention very unpleasant. Housetraining a puppy is a work of discipline and will take time and patience on your part. Make sure you stay dedicated! Do you have ideas for housetraining a puppy? Please comment below!

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