7 Hospitable Tips for Making Guests Feel Welcome in Your Home ...


7 Hospitable Tips for Making Guests Feel Welcome in Your Home ...
7 Hospitable Tips for Making Guests Feel Welcome in Your Home ...

Having guests in your home is so much fun, but can be tedious too, so keep in mind some common, simple pointers to making guests feel welcomed in your home each and every time. No matter what, remember that as a guest, they shouldn’t feel weird, out of place, or unwelcome. You want to make them feel genuinely appreciated, welcomed and honored. These tips may take a teeny bit of effort on your part, but it will be well worth it! Making guests feel comfortable in your home has never been easier and is a great way to show off your hospitality skills.

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Greet Them at the Door

When making guests feel welcome, it is very important to greet them immediately at the door. Don’t allow them to linger outside the door, ringing the bell, wondering if you’re even home because you’ve gotten sidetracked with dishes, laundry,your hair, etc. Watch for them to pull up when expecting them so you can greet them at the door and not leave them outside waiting. It is fine to let them ring the bell, but be sure you’re not but a few steps away so they don't feel strange or forgotten standing outside your door too long.


Don’t Tell Them to Take off Their Shoes

I know, I know. You might like clean floors, and I do too. Truth be known, I like the fact that my family usually removes our shoes before we come in, but we don’t expect our guests to. No matter how you feel about shoes on the floor, don’t ask someone to take off their shoes unless they offer. It’s just weird to people who don’t know you well enough to appreciate your cleanly nature.

Frequently asked questions

When a guest visits, greet them warmly at the door, take their coats, and offer a comfortable place to sit. Make sure to engage in friendly conversation and ask if they need anything to feel more at ease.

You can tell someone is welcoming you if they greet you with a smile, show you around, and make efforts to ensure you're comfortable. They should also pay attention to you and try to meet your needs.

Treat your guests with kindness and respect. Offer them a place to relax, provide snacks or drinks, and be sure to spend time with them, making conversation and showing genuine interest in their well-being.

Consider personal touches like fresh flowers in the room, a welcome note, or a small gift basket. Ensure your guests have all the essentials, like fresh towels and toiletries, and give them information about your home and neighborhood if they're staying for a while.

To show hospitality, keep your home tidy, prepare some refreshments or a meal for your guests, and create a warm atmosphere by using pleasant lighting and music. Also be attentive and considerate of any preferences or needs your guests may have.


Shake Their Hand

If you’re meeting a guest or guests in your home for the first time, extend your hand and shake it firmly, much like you would someone you meet out in public. This is a great physical way to break the ice. If it’s a date you’re greeting at your door as a guest, it might seem weird to shake their hand, so instead welcome them inside and just offer a big smile.Handshake or not,a smile is always a great way to make someone feel welcome.


Offer Them a Drink

First things, first! After you give your initial greetings to guests, don’t forget to offer them something to drink, whether it be water, tea, or whatever else you have. This makes guests feel welcomed and comfortable, plus, since you’re all going to be talking, they won’t get parched or dehydrated.


Offering a drink sets a hospitable tone for their stay. Always consider their preferences and ask if they have any specific requests. Keep in mind dietary restrictions or preferences such as non-dairy milk or sugar-free options. Offering a seasonal beverage, like a warm apple cider in the fall or a refreshing lemonade in the summer, can be a delightful touch. Remember to be attentive; if you see an empty glass, offer a refill. It's these small gestures that show your guests you are thoughtful and considerate of their comfort.


Start a Conversation

If you’re shy, it can be hard to make a guest feel welcomed if you’re not talking to them much, or because you don’t know what to say. So, before they arrive, or as soon as they get there, think of a general topic you can talk to them about and just start a conversation. No one likes to be in a stranger’s house in awkward silence. If nothing else, compliment them on their clothes and go from there.


Preparation is key, so arm yourself with a few conversation starters that might interest your guest. Ask about their recent travels, favorite books, or movies to get the ball rolling. Remember, being genuinely interested in their responses encourages a more relaxed and meaningful exchange. And don’t forget, everyone has a story to tell. By lending an ear, you could make their day more enjoyable, as well as your own.

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Feed Them a Meal

One really tasty and simple way to make guests feel welcomed in your home is to make a meal for them, or at least bake something. If you don’t have any cooking skills, make a tasty lemonade or buy something at the store to serve instead. If nothing else, have a plate of fruit out or brew some coffee or tea.


Send Them Home with a Treat

Lastly, when guests leave your home, send them home with something. If it’s a short visit, it can be as simple as a slice of your homemade banana bread, or if they’re there for a longer stay or for a meal, send them home with something small and simple. It could be a recipe card, a bookmark with an inspiring quote, a bouquet of flowers, a small plant, cute coffee mug with candy, a box of your favorite herbal tea wrapped up pretty, or even something as simple as a batch of your favorite muffins. Anything goes, but don’t hand them over anything you’ve already used or dipped your hands into such as used lotions or coffee mugs. That’s just gross and they’ll likely know! Sending guests home with a little treat lets them know you are glad they came, and hope they’ll come back, or at least lets them know you’re extremely generous.

There are many more tips that we call can use to make people feel comfortable when they enter our home. I’d love to hear any of your tips if you have any! What’s your best guest-welcoming tip?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

good tips ;) thanks!!

Good tips... In Sweden not taking your shoes off is weird or even rude though... So if someone walked right in with shoes on I'd ask them nicely to leave their shoes at the door

Am welcoming a visitor today,,,,,I was worried about how can make her feel at home,,,,thanx for the tips

I think most people missed the point. The subject is how to make guests feel at home. I don't take my shoes off at my home, so if I go to someone and they ask me to take them off I sure gladly will take them off. However, do not expect that I feel comfortable or welcome at all. See?

#1 in certain culture its respectful to remove shoes. so we need to be mindful of that

#2 I disagree,

I think this is cool:)

Love this article. I had a art guest friend that came to visit me today and I was kind of feeling like no.5 like I didn't know how to talk to her because of my shyness. This has really helped in expressing myself physically when I get in contact with people in my home. Thank you for this article it has been a blessing for me :)

Shoes off in my house. Unless they're just stopping in the kitchen for a chat.

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