Here's How to Prep for Switching Your Phone to a New One ...

Eliza Mar 20, 2016

Is it time to get a new cell phone? It’s always fun to find out you have an upgrade and that you get something brand new to play with. Making the switch to the latest device is something that takes a bit of planning and time though. So, before you make the switch, be sure you’re completely ready. Here are the things to consider when you’re shopping for a new smartphone. They will each make the transition much easier.

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1. Check out the Storage Capacity

Before you buy a phone, make sure it can accommodate everything you need it to. If you take a lot of photos or download documents to your device, you need to make sure that the GB size is enough that you can do this without going over or finding out you don’t have the space for something you really need to have.

2. Making the Contact Switch

I typically back up everything in the Cloud, but after dropping my phone in the lake one summer, I found out that you can’t count on it to work all the time. In fact, I lost many of my contacts. Before you shut down one device, manually transfer any contacts that didn’t make it. There’s nothing worse than needing to call someone and finding out that the Cloud didn’t think they were important enough to back up.

3. Download All of Your Photos

Before you’re done with your current phone, download all of the photos to your Facebook page or computer hard drive so that you can have them printed. Just in case the photos don’t come through like they should, you’ll be sure to have them all somewhere else so that you don’t lose precious memories.

4. Actual Size of the Phone

Phones vary in size and the larger ones seem to be trending right now. You want something that you can fit in your pocket or the inside part of your purse so that you have a safe place to keep it when you’re not using it. You don’t want something that’s so small that it’s hard to make out the screen when you try to read something.

5. What Operating System do You Want?

Android, iOS and Windows are three of the most popular operating system. While they are all similar, there are pros and cons to each of them. If you’re happy with the one you already have, you can probably skip this step. However, if you want something new and perhaps better, it’s a good idea to do your homework and figure out which one might work best for you.

6. Weigh the Phones in Your Hand before Buying

Phones aren’t that heavy, but you want to hold them each in your hand. How the phone feels is going to be a big factor in which one you choose. Carry each of them and feel how they are in your hand. This will help you decide of one of them works better than another. There are display models that let you do this so there should be no problem with testing them out before you buy.

7. Try out the Camera

If you use your smartphone as your primary camera, you want to make sure the one you choose takes the quality of pictures you want to take. Check out the display models by snapping a shot or two and reviewing how they look. It’s as easy as that!

What do you look for in a smartphone?

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