It seems like gender reveal parties are starting to take over for traditional baby showers lately! What's great about having a gender reveal party instead of a traditional baby shower is that both your female and male friends can attend. Also, instead of making a bunch of phone calls to friends and family to let them know the gender of your baby, you can have them all over to reveal the gender of your new baby together. Here are 7 excellent gender reveal party ideas to get you started with planning your own!
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1. Decide if You Want to Be Surprised Too
You can either plan the party knowing the gender already and simply revealing it in a fun way to your family and friends, or you can have the party planned in a way where you can be surprised along with your family and friends. If you want it to be a surprise for you as well, have your ultrasound technician write down the sex and then seal it in an envelope. Thus, when you go to get whatever you need to makes the big reveal, you can give the envelope over to the baker, balloon filler, or whomever so they know what color to make it. Another idea is to have one of your friends or family members know the sex of the baby so they can help plan the right reveal color.
2. Gender Drinking Cups
The main theme among gender reveal parties is "Team Boy vs Team Girl" or "Team Blue" vs "Team Pink". A simple way to have each guest pick a team is to have them choose their color drinking cup based on what sex they think the baby will be. This way you can see what odds are in each genders favor and also keep track of who belongs in what team.
3. Gender Reveal Cupcakes
If you plan to be surprised at your party, gender reveal cupcakes can be a lot of fun! Have a baker (or your friend) make cupcakes that are neutral in color on the outside, but either pink or blue on the inside depending on what gender is in the envelope you give to them. When the time is right at the end of the party, have everyone take a bite out of a cupcake revealing either pink or blue!
4. Gender Reveal Cookies
Not a big cupcake eater? That's okay, there's a way to make gender reveal cookies too! They are super easy to make at home so either you or your friend/family member can make them. All you need is some cookie dough, cake mix and food coloring. And voila! You have a cupcake substitute!
5. Gender Reveal Balloons
Have a party store fill a large box with balloons that reflect the gender in the envelope you give to them. At the end of your party, have everyone go outside to the box and have you and your father to be open it together revealing the pink or blue balloons! Make sure to have a friend or family member taking pictures of this moment!
6. Mustache or Lips
Want a funnier way to show if your guests are on "Team Boy" or "Team Girl"? Glue construction paper mustaches and lips to sticks. Your guests will have a blast putting them up to their faces during the party. Make sure to take a picture of everyone holding their corresponding stick to giggle at later on!
7. Gender Reveal Piñata
Piñatas always make a party better! Have a party store fill a Piñata of your choice with confetti or candy that reflects the gender color of your new baby. At the end of your party, have everyone go outside to watch you and your father-to-be hit the piñata until it cracks open revealing the gender color for everyone to see! If you already have a child, have them be the one to break it open instead!
8. Clothing Colors
Make sure to put on your invitations that your guests should wear the color of their vote. You can add a side note that if the men don't have anything pink to wear then red will be fine. Make sure to take pictures of each team before the big reveal at the end so you can always remember who was on the winning and losing teams.
9. What Will It Bee?
Don't like the whole pink and blue theme? Try a bee theme instead! "What Will It Bee?" is another gender reveal party theme that is all about yellow and black. Yellow and black balloons, cups, and even little Bee Cupcakes. Make sure to use the pink or blue reveal color though if you want to reveal it in one of the creative ways mentioned already.
10. Hershey Party Favors
What a cute and cheap party favor! You can have either "SHE" or "HE" from the word "Hershey" showing under either pink or blue paper. Plus, who doesn't love chocolate?
What do you think about this new gender reveal party trend? Will you be sticking to planning a baby shower in the future? Or will you try out the gender reveal party? If you've already hosted a gender reveal party, tell me what you did!
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