17 Things You Can't Forget to do during Spring Break ...


Spring break is a time to relax, but that doesn't mean you should sit around all day. There are more important things to do! Here are a few fun things that you should be doing during spring break:

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Catch up with Old Friends

Catch up with Old Friends If you haven't seen certain people in a while, now is the time to call them up and ask them to hang out. You don't want to lose them, do you?


Have a Picnic

Have a Picnic Now that the weather is getting warmer, you can take your lunch outside to eat. It'll be a nice change of scenery.

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Take a Road Trip

Take a Road Trip You don't have to travel through state after state. As long as you visit a new town, that should be enough excitement for the season.


Go for a Run outside

footwear, fashion, leg, interaction, #hou, Spring break is the perfect time to exercise. Instead of sitting inside of a stuffy gym, you should run around the block.


Plant Something in the Garden

tourism, You can plant pretty new flowers or try to grow food you can eat in a few months. It's your choice!

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Sit outside at a Restaurant

Sit outside at a Restaurant If a restaurant gives you the choice of eating inside or outside, try eating outside. It'll give you some fresh air.


Ask out Your Crush

Ask out Your Crush There has to be a day or two when your crush is free over spring break. See if he'll use the time to hang out with you.


Ride Your Bike

fashion, Kids aren't the only ones who can enjoy bike rides around the block. You should grab your old bicycle and give it a spin.



Clean You've heard about spring cleaning. Make sure you dust off your shelves and organize your closet before the season ends.


Finish Your Homework

Finish Your Homework Unfortunately, most teachers give out assignments over spring break. Don't get so caught up in your other activities that you forget to finish your work.


Go to the Beach

Go to the Beach If it's too cold to jump into the water, you can take a walk down the beach. Even if you don't do that, you should at least go swimsuit shopping, so that you're ready for summer.


Read a Book

INFERNO, Pick up a novel that you've been meaning to read. You have plenty of time to finish it, so don't put it off for any longer.


Learn How to Mix a New Drink

Learn How to Mix a New Drink If you're a drinker, you should learn how to create a cocktail or two. Then you can impress all of your friends with your new skills.


Spend Time with Your Pets

Spend Time with Your Pets Your doggie and kitty miss you while you're away at school. That's why you should make them feel special by playing with them more than you usually do.


Catch up on Netflix

Catch up on Netflix If there's a show everyone has been talking about, now is the time to binge watch it. Get it over with so that it doesn't distract you when you have schoolwork to do in a few weeks.


Play Video Games

Play Video Games Get some friends together and play a multiplayer game to pass the time. It'll be a blast!


Catch up on Sleep

Catch up on Sleep If you have bags under your eyes, you should get some rest. You deserve it.

The most important thing to do during your time off of school is have fun! What are you planning on doing during spring break?

Feedback Junction

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Yh but i think its a bit too late for that may b next year :p

Yes, pay more attention to your pets! I need to do this more with my lovable cat. She's 15& idk how much longer she'll be here?

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