College is that one time of your life where you have an entire system dedicated to getting you more involved. So why not take advantage of that? Getting involved in clubs and organizations is a huge part of the college life. They are a great way to meet new people, have a bigger impact on campus life, and even learn more about yourself. Whether it's something fun, academic, athletic, or completely random, clubs across campus are just waiting for you to show up and make your college experience so much more enriched.
Snapshot Survey
Snapshot Survey
1. Personal Interest
This should probably go without saying, but join a club that interests you. If you like knitting, join the knitting club. If you like to dance, join a dance team. If you like ice cream, join the ice cream club. You are bound to meet others who share your interest (hello, instant friendship) and it gives you time out of the day to do something that you genuinely enjoy.
2. Academic
As much as you hate to admit it, you’re at college for an education. So try to bring your learning experience outside of the classroom by joining an organization that deals with your major. You will meet a lot of people who have the same classes as you (study group anyone?) and it creates great networking opportunities for you in the future. Not to mention it looks great on your resume to have some experience in your field before you even graduate.
3. Social
Whether it be a sorority or other organization, a social club is a must. Especially as an incoming freshman, making friends can be stressful. But a social organization makes it easy to meet other outgoing students who can be potential life long friends. And it doesn’t necessarily mean going Greek. My school has a club called The Clown Nose Club whose entire mission is for positive social interactions between students. They run around campus brightening everyone’s day and are some of the nicest and most social kids on campus.
4. Philanthropy
College is one of the best times to make a difference in the world around you. There are so many different organizations out there that are dedicated to bettering the lives of others. If it’s working in an animal shelter or sending care packages to our troops overseas, I guarantee you that your college will have a club dedicated to philanthropy. And you won’t only be helping others, but you will feel great about yourself for doing a good deed.
Engaging in philanthropic activities during your college years can also be a powerful resume builder. It demonstrates to future employers your capacity for empathy, leadership, and organizational skills. From joining a Service Learning group that aligns with your major to participating in campus-wide charity events like dance marathons for children's hospitals or 5Ks for environmental causes, every act of giving back contributes to personal growth. Plus, it's a fabulous way to bond with like-minded peers and create a network of compassionate friends who could become future collaborators in both community service and professional endeavors.
5. Active
Between your classes, studying, and social life, exercise can sometimes fall to the bottom of your To Do List. But joining a club or intramural sport is the best way to beat that anti-exercise funk. Get a group of your friends and sign up for any intramural sport like volleyball or soccer. You will have so much fun you will probably forget that you are getting in your daily cardio.
6. Something Random
So your questioning whether or not to join the Quidditch team, or maybe it’s the Future Rock Paper Scissor Professionals of America. Well I am here to tell you to just do it already! Try something completely random and unique to your school. Try something you have never done before. Try something weird! You will most likely end up meeting awesome people and having an experience you can’t get anywhere else!
7. Start Your Own Club!
Can’t find something you’re interested in, then start your own club! Most colleges encourage students to bring a new and unique club to campus. It is a great way to make your mark at school and meet tons of new people. It can be any type of club from Poetry Society to The People Watching Club (I swear it’s a real thing… you can look it up). Chances are, there are tons of other students who share the same unique interest as you, and will thank you for bringing it to campus.
What clubs are you a part of in college? Do you think there are other types of organizations a college girl should be involved in? Do you have any interesting stories about a club you are in?
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