7 Christmassy Things to do This December ...


Christmassy things to do in December stretch beyond wrapping presents and listening to “Jingle Bells” on replay! If you’d like some really interesting things to do to get you into the Christmas spirit, here are some ideas to try! See below for some Christmassy things to do this December! Grab your friends or your sweetheart and get started!

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Cut out Paper Snowflakes

Here’s one of the old-school Christmassy things to do! Cutting out paper snowflakes has been around for a while, but it’s still as fun as it ever was! You can get creative and make your own designs. Since no snowflake is alike, make them all different. Use them to decorate windows, mantels, walls, and mirrors.


Go Caroling

I absolutely love to go caroling at Christmas time! There’s just something about singing Christmas tunes that puts your heart in a happy mood! Get your friends together and bundle up. Go door to door if you’re feeling adventurous, or just make one or two stops at local nursing homes, hospitals, and homeless shelters.


See a Christmas Production

Around Christmas time, most local churches put on plays or cantatas, and of course children’s programs! These are almost always free! Some churches charge a small entrance fee. Check to see if there are other Christmas productions locally that you and your friends would enjoy seeing.


Drink Hot Cocoa by a Fireplace

Nothing says cozy like curling up with a soft blanket and a cup of cocoa in front of a blazing fireplace while listening to Christmas music in the background! Not everyone has access to a fireplace of course, but if you don’t you can at least drink hot chocolate! That’s a traditional Christmas classic!


Be a Secret Santa

Do you know anyone who may be struggling to make ends meet this year? Maybe you have a friend who has been there for you through thick and thin, and you’d like to do something extra special for this person. Being a secret Santa is loads of fun! You can go all out and set up a surprise tree and prepare a Christmas dinner! Or you could simply buy a special gift. Whatever you do, it’s sure to be hit!

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Bake Christmas Cookies

This is something you can do with kids if you have any special little ones in your life! Kids love the whole baking process, and especially the decorating part. Christmas cookies make an excellent gift for anyone, from co-workers to teachers, to the FedEx guy! I always bake extra and give my neighbors a batch with a Christmas card.


Put Lights on Your House

This is a Christmassy thing that I’ve never done yet! I have good intentions every year but I always forget or don’t have time. I love to drive around and see lights on houses at night, and I’m sure that putting the lights on your own home can really get you feeling festive and “Christmassy”!

I adore Christmas time, and I love to do as many Christmassy things as I can to really soak in the season! It seems to go by pretty quickly, so try to pick a couple things from this list to do each week! Or do them all in the same week! Whatever strikes your fancy! Just have fun! What is your favorite Christmassy thing to do in December?

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Baking cookies is fun as people seem to enjoy mine.

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