7 Fun Ideas for Students Stuck on Campus during Winter Break ...


There's no doubt you'll be really bummed out if you end up stuck on campus for winter break, but that doesn't mean you can't make lemonade out of lemons. For students stuck on campus during winter break, here are a few ideas to still enjoy yourself even without the comforts of home.

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Host a Party

If you know of many other students who are stuck on campus, host a party for all of you. Why should you all be sad and alone when you can forget about your homesickness and have fun together? Make the most of your winter break by inviting over some friends to celebrate Christmas with you. You can even involve a gift exchange to get people really into the holiday mood!


Skype with Family

Of course, you shouldn't forget your family at this time of the year. Make sure you Skype with your family for as long as you can on the holidays. They'll be missing you as much as you're missing them. Even though you can't be there physically, thanks to modern technology you can be at home virtually during the holidays. You'll still be able to see the look on your little sister's face when she opens her favorite gift, and be able to thank your parents for the gifts they mailed to you this year.

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Go out to Dinner

If there's not enough friends left on campus to host a party, but you do you know of a few others who are in the same situation as you, why not go out to dinner? I know it's not nearly the same as enjoying a home-cooked meal and the company of your family, but it's certainly better than nothing. Plus it's a new experience you probably won't have many times in your life. Try many different exotic foods this year and just have fun with your friends; try to forget about the fact that you aren't home.


Scavenger Hunt

During break when campus is empty, a fun thing to do with your other stranded students is have a scavenger hunt! Make the entire college campus your playground and run around looking for a hidden treasures and playing a huge game. I know it sounds childish but you're sure to have fun and if prizes are involved, everyone will get into the competitive spirit. At the end, you can all go out and enjoy a nice meal together.


Get into the Holiday Spirit

I know that if you're stuck on campus, you're probably really disappointed and gloomy. But try not to dwell on the sad things, still get into the holiday spirit! Decorate, go look at Christmas lights, listen to carolers, etc. Do whatever you can to get into the Christmas spirit and take your mind off of the fact that you aren't home for the holidays this year.

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Sometimes we forget, but the holiday season is all about giving. Give back to your community by volunteering if you're stuck on campus during winter break. Volunteer at a homeless shelter to prepare meals and serve them to other members of your community who have been less fortunate than you. This will warm your heart and the hearts of others and keep your mind off of home at least for a little while.



What does winter break alone on campus really mean? A few glorious weeks without your roommate bothering you, parities keeping you up late at night, and classes to attend. Take advantage of this alone time and relax as much as you can! Your body really needs it and the more you sleep, the less you can worry about missing your family!

Being stuck on campus for winter break due to weather or lack of funds to return home will be devastating no matter what. But, you shouldn't just mope around for several weeks wondering what to do! Which of these activities for students stuck on campus during winter break will you try? What other activities do you recommend?

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