Chevron DIY Projects are fun, trendy, and beautiful. Sure this pattern may not be a new trend but it's looking like it will continue to be big for many seasons more. This is why we thought it would be great to give you a list of** charming chevron DIY projects**. Most of these chevron DIY tutorials are for the home but interestingly, they are all very easy to do. Happy chevron crafting!
Snapshot Survey
Snapshot Survey
1. Fridge
Yes, you can turn your fridge into something unique and lovely. The great thing about this chevron project is that the end result looks incredible but the effort you will exert will only be minimal. If you are wondering if you can do this to your rental, the answer is YES.
2. Art
There are many chevron wall art projects featured online. I like this multi-colour idea the best, though. Why? Because you will need a grade school method to paint it. And also because I love the use of grays and yellow for this piece.
3. Glasses
If you want a "small" chevron DIY project, this idea is for you. Cassie made this set after the Missoni-for-Target chevron glasses she ordered arrived. The glasses were smaller than she expected so she set out to make her own set. The result: even better than the Target glasses.
4. Fan Blades
Take old fan blades, tape on chevron pattern, spray paint, and let dry. Peel off tape and enjoy. I think this may be my ultimate fave from this list of chevron projects. What a great way to give an old home appliance a fresh look!
5. Curtains
The fan blades above may be my favorite but these curtains are going to my to-do list. I think this is serendipity because I was just looking at my white curtains last night and thinking that they need a makeover.
6. Fabric
The fabric used for this pillow case used to be yellow stripes. Using a clever patchwork technique, Dana was able to create this pretty chevron fabric. I love the yellow! The quilting also adds personality and volume to the finished project.
7. Pendant
That graphic chevron pendant is made of pasta. Penne, to be exact. Isn't it clever? This is another small chevron DIY idea that you can check out if you don't want to tackle a huge craft project today.
8. Tray
You know what will make that boring tray on your center table look 10x lovelier? Yep, you guessed it: a chevron pattern.
9. Rug
How lovely! This chevron rug is all kinds of pretty. The neutral colors together with the pale blue look very beautiful. I think this is a great chevron DIY idea for your beach house or that all-white room in your house.
10. Wall
Isn't this wall gorgeous? At first glance, you might think that the pattern was made using paint. In reality, though, the chevron loveliness was created using only contact paper; no painting involved!
11. Upholstery
While clean chevron patterns are pretty, I think the distressed ones with a more "hand drawn" feel look much better. This is why I am enamored with this particular chevron DIY project. I think I may just use this method to make my new curtains.
I hope you enjoyed this list of charming chevron DIY projects! I plan to make more lists here that are pattern-driven. If you can think of other patterns, please let us know. In the meantime, have a blast doing these** DIY chevron crafts**!