Sometimes I wonder what I would do if I didn’t have certain apps that make life easier to use on my iPhone. I almost don’t remember what life was like without them! For four years since owning my first smartphone, there have been a handful of apps that make life easier for me, so I thought I would share them with you. For whatever need you have, there’s an app for that! Here are my top 7 apps that make my life easier. I’d love to hear about yours too!
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1. Google Maps
Google Maps is one of my favorite apps that make life easier. I find it extremely useful to help you find your way around a new city or when on vacation, though it is great to use everyday in the car or for other mobile transportation as well. Google Maps covers everything from highways and interstates, to small roads and such. My favorite feature about Google Maps is that it is very detailed and contains street signs, stop signs and traffic lights. If you type in your destination and your current spot, it gives a detailed reading of where you are so it can guide you, much like a GPS. I definitely recommend that you get this app on your smartphone if you don't already have it. Google Maps is free.
2. Facebook
Facebook is not just useful to feed your social media addiction, dear! It is one of the best apps for getting information out fast to other people, and for finding out people’s birthdays. I personally love using it to help me remember all the birthdays of my friends and family, which I never seem to remember! Facebook will send me a nice little alert every morning and tell me anyone who is having a birthday so I don't forget. It is also a great way to reach out to those in need and ask others for help if you ever have a question that you want to send out to a large group of people, such as "Does anyone know where I can get a great computer fix-it guy?" It is also a fantastic app to find old friends or classmates, and meet new people. Facebook is also great for scheduling events, meetings or dinner with people. You can also sync all your pictures anonymously from your phone to your Facebook account and link them anytime you want. They also automatically show up your PC when you do this from your phone. I use Facebook everyday and though it isn’t essential, it definitely makes my life easier. Facebook is 100% free.
3. Money Keeper
Money Keeper is a simple yet great app to have to manage your money. Just plug in your bills, what you make through your job, and Money Keeper does the rest. This app has reminders to pay your bills, budgeting assistance, built-in calculation of your expenses versus your purchases, and it categorizes and files all of your bills by date. It also backs up all your information online in the Money Keeper database, so you don’t lose it. Don’t worry about security either. Money Keeper guarantees to be secure and safe to use. It also has a built-in calculator so you don’t have to exit out of the app to use your phone’s calculator. I love this simple app to help me keep my dollars straight. It is certainly not fun to make or keep a budget, but this app sure makes it easier. Money Keeper costs 99 cents.
4. The Weather Channel
I would recommend using any weather app on your phone, but The Weather Channel is definitely my favorite. The readings this app provides seem to be more accurate than other apps I’ve tried. I love using this app for vacations and for everyday use here in my hometown. If I see showers are in the forecast, I’m always attire-ready and bring an umbrella. In the summer, if I see dangerous temps are ahead for the day, I’m sure to bring an extra bottle of water and wear cool clothing. The Weather Channel will also send you free updates on your phone in case dangerous weather is ahead. The Weather Channel app is free.
5. PayPal
If you have a PayPal account, then you definitely need to download the PayPal app. I love the security behind PayPal in general, and the ease of use. No one ever has information to my account information, yet PayPal allows me to send and receive money, whenever I like. The PayPal app allows you to send and receive money by mobile number or email, and it basically links the email and phone number to the recipient and sender’s PayPal email by doing so. This app also allows you to check your PayPal balance, and view all transactions on your account. My favorite feature is that it instantly sends me a free update when funds have been added to my account, and emails me all the receipts. The PayPal app is free.
6. Pinterest
Yes, I am deeming Pinterest as a necessity in the world of apps! Where else can you get a cute gift idea or recipe in an instant when you're in a pinch or out of ideas? Even better, you can automatically save them into a special file as you “pin” it to your personal Pinterest board so you can keep them forever. I find it easier for just about anything from outfit ideas, to recipe ideas, or for just beating boredom in line at the store. Twitter and Facebook have their place, but Pinterest is in a world of its own. This app also allows me to embrace my creative side, which is always itching for some attention. The Pinterest app is free.
7. Notes
One of the simplest apps on the iPhone that I use everyday is the Notes app. It is nothing more than a huge mobile list pad. I love it for typing in my grocery list as I think of items I need, or creating an entire new note to set up a reminder or alert on my phone. I also store certain passwords and account information for most of my bills for easy access straight from my iPhone. Each one is listed separately as a different note, with the corresponding phone number. I can cut and paste anything from this app and text message it to someone, pay a bill online, or send myself a reminder to get a carton of almond milk on my way home. Sometimes the simplest apps are the ones that really do make life easier. If you have a Mac computer, you’re in luck because it also syncs all your notes onto your computer automatically when you input them through the mobile app and vice versa. The Notes app is built in to the iPhone and Apple computers, which makes it completely free.
In the incredibly fast-paced, modern world we live in, smartphones are as essential to most of us as cable or water. While I’m not a smartphone junkie, I do love having these simple apps to use on a daily basis. What are your favorite apps that you consider essential?
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