7 Amazing Reasons Not to Have Regrets ...

Alison Feb 2, 2014

There are many reasons not to have regrets, yet it is something that plagues many of us. We look back and wish that we had done things differently, or get angry with ourselves for mistakes we made. However, this is not productive, and makes us feel worse. Here are some amazing reasons not to have regrets …

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1. Everything Has a Benefit

One of the best reasons not to have regrets is that pretty much everything has a positive aspect to it. Do you wish you'd never met your ex? Maybe he wasn't very good to you, but the relationship brought you your adored children. Even making mistakes teaches us something and helps us make changes to our lives and alter our way of approaching things.


Often, our experiences, even the painful ones, shape us into wiser and more resilient beings. Did that job you once deemed a career setback push you towards learning new skills? It might have been a detour, but it could have led to personal growth and unforeseen opportunities that you would otherwise have missed. Embrace the notion that each step on your life's journey, including the missteps, contributes to a mosaic of lessons learned and strengths discovered. Remember, the tapestry of your life is richer for all its threads—both light and dark.

2. That Time is past

Have you ever met someone who lives in the past? Memories can be lovely, but some people are really stuck in the past. They dwell on things that went wrong and how people were mean to them. Don't have regrets about things you did. It's better to be positive and forget about things that you cannot change. Look forward instead of looking backward.


Living in the present is about embracing the now. Think of the phrase "no time like the present" – it's a call to action for us to focus our energies on current opportunities and joys. While cherishing memories is important, they should not overshadow the beauty of the current moment. By fostering a forward-thinking mindset, we open ourselves to new experiences, growth, and the possibility of creating even happier memories for tomorrow. So, let's celebrate life today and leave the bygones to be just that—bygone.

3. Best Choice

Maybe you have made mistakes. We all do - it's part of what being human is all about. Life doesn't come with an instruction manual. Maybe things didn't turn out as you'd hoped; it's easy to look back and see where you went wrong. But you didn't have that information at the time. Accept your mistakes and forgive yourself. You made the best decision that you could at the time.

4. Nobody's Perfect

Regrets are often based around beating ourselves up for decisions that we now perceive as poor ones. Well, as Joe E. Brown said at the end of Some Like It Hot, "Nobody's perfect!" You're no exception, so don't expect perfection of yourself. Personal standards are good, but don't set the bar too high.


It's crucial to remember that making mistakes is a quintessential part of being human, and it's through these missteps that we often learn the most valuable life lessons. Instead of tormenting yourself with thoughts of "what if," embrace each experience as a chance to grow and evolve. Life is a journey full of twists and turns, not a straight path to be walked with impeccable precision. Cut yourself some slack and acknowledge that every past decision has contributed to the wise person you are today.

5. Pointless

Having regrets is actually pointless; you can't change anything that's already happened. At least, not until time travel becomes possible (and just think how complicated things would become if it were). Don't waste your time wishing that you'd made different choices or that things were different. They're not. Forget about it and get on with life.


Regrets can also be incredibly draining, both mentally and emotionally. Constantly replaying "what if" scenarios in your head saps the energy you could be using to enjoy the present and build a brighter future. Embrace the now and channel your experiences into a reservoir of wisdom. Remember, every misstep is an opportunity to become more resilient and adaptable. So, instead of getting stuck in a cycle of regret, take a deep breath and celebrate the journey you're on—mistakes included. After all, they're part of what makes your story uniquely yours.

6. Strength

Instead of having regrets about the past, see what your experiences have brought you. Remember: that which does not kill us makes us stronger. Making mistakes may mean that we get things wrong, but it can also be character-building. Your life might not have gone the way you'd hoped, but as a result you have, can and will cope with experiences that you didn't think you could.


Embracing your strength means acknowledging your capacity for resilience. Reflect on those times when you faced adversity, and yet here you are, still standing, often wiser for the wear. It's the struggles that we conquer which sculpt our inner fortitude. Consider each challenge as an opportunity to grow, and with each obstacle you overcome, you inadvertently craft a more robust, unyielding version of yourself. Let this recognition empower you, knowing that your unique journey has equipped you with an invaluable armor of resilience and adaptability.

7. Positive Outlook

It's far better to have a positive outlook (and yes, you can adopt one). Regrets are a waste of energy and emotions, and can leave us in a very stagnant position. Work on being optimistic instead, and on having confidence in yourself. Leave the past where it belongs and enjoy your life.

Most of us have regrets about the past. What if we'd made different decisions? Have we not really done anything with our life? Well, never mind that. You can't change the past. What you can do is do things differently from now on. It's never too late. What would you like to change about yourself?

Feedback Junction

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I love the message this article imparts.. Every experience certainly is character building - unfortunately I perceived this late in life!

My brother always says "no crying over spilled milk" and I always keep that in mind.

I love this article, it really helped me be more of a happy lady (:

So true

Very good article!

very good :)

Love this i really needed this i really hope i can have a more positive mind someday

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