10 Fun Photo Sharing Apps ...


10 Fun Photo Sharing Apps ...
10 Fun Photo Sharing Apps ...

Photo sharing apps are all the rage these days. With the rise of the smart phone, it’s now easier than ever to snap, upload, and share our photos. While you’re at it, why not put a filter on it? Whether you prefer capturing once-in-a-lifetime moments or photos of each and every meal, here are a few photo sharing apps to help you do so.

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Instagram is without a doubt one of the most popular photo sharing apps at the moment. You can take square format photos and choose from a range of different filters to apply. The social networking aspect is a great draw card and you can choose to follow as little or as many people as you like. It’s available for Android and iPhone and is free to download.



Mobli is an app that allows you to snap and share photos and videos. You can access photos and videos either inside the app or on their website. Mobli boasts the “most robust subject-based channel system” (their words, not ours), which basically means it’s easier for you to get your photos out to a bigger audience. It’s available for free download for Android and iPhone

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Facebook Camera

Before buying out Instagram, Facebook introduced their own photo sharing app called Facebook Camera (original huh?). Sharing photos on Facebook is pretty common these days, so a progression to a standalone app was only natural. The app allows you to play with crops and filters and upload multiple photos at a time. It’s free to download and is available for iPhone.



Flickr is one of the biggest photo sharing websites and their recently revamped app is a great extension of the website. You can sign in using an existing Flickr account or create a new one when you download the app. You can browse accounts of other Flickr users, manage your account, and upload new shots. And yes, you can add filters too.



With the Hipster app (don’t be put off by the name), instead of sharing photos you share ‘postcards.’ Your postcards can can contain a photo, location, text, and more. There are 10 different postcard themes to choose from and you can send your photos to Facebook and Twitter. It’s a free app and is available for Android and iPhone 3GS or newer.

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Somewhere between a photo and a mini movie, Cinemagram is a fun way to make your photos come to life. Record a short video and then highlight which parts you want to animate, while the rest of your ‘photo’ remains still. Your Cinemagram is then saved to your account and can be shared to other networks too.


Pudding Cam

Pudding Cam is a fun app that you can use to achieve a range of different analogue camera effects. With this app you can choose between 11 camera types and films. Play around with the fisheye effect or maybe capture a panoramic view instead. After you’ve taken your shot you can save it to your camera or share it to Pudding.to and various other social media networks.



Path is like an all-in-one social networking app. However, instead of reaching out to big networks, the focus is on sharing things with your close family and friends. You can share photos and messages inside the app or you have the option to share to other social networks as well. If you prefer privacy, then give Path a go.



You can apply any one of their 14 different filters in real time. All photo sharing apps need an angle and with EyeEm, it’s about encouraging sharing photos of similar types. Basically, you can share your photos with other people who have taken photos of, and are interested in, the same things. It’s available for iPhone, Android, and Windows Phone.



While it started out being text based, Twitter has quickly turned into a pretty visual thing. Sharing Instagram photos via Twitter was a great way to get your shots out into the open. Recently, however, Instagram cut off Twitter integration, which meant you could no longer view Instagram shots in tweets. Enter: Twitter photo filters. You can now snap, filter, and share your photos all on the one Twitter account.

It’s now easier than ever to share moments of our everyday lives with the world. These are just some photo sharing apps worth checking out. What are your favourite photo sharing apps?

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