10 Young Adult Books to Read ...


10 Young Adult Books to Read ...
10 Young Adult Books to Read ...

Young adult books are often written off as being only for teenagers, but that's not true at all. In my experience, they offer some of the best stories you could read. From romances, to darker issues, even to werewolves and vampires, there are young adult books for everything, and here are some of my favorites.

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The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green Some young adult books just grab you and they sit you down so you can't stop reading, and then by the end of the book you're crying because it's over. And I don't mean that beautiful movie cry where the girl has one delicate tear rolling down her cheek as she gazes into the horizon. No, I'm talking about disgusting sobbing as you rock back and forth cradling the book to your bosom. Because that's exactly what I did. Oh goodness, The Fault in Our Stars was painful to read, but it HURT SO GOOD. It's a story about a girl with cancer, and essentially her finding life again with a boy, Augustus Waters. It's not an overly dramatic book or anything--in fact, I find it to be one of the most authentic portrayals of teens today. The intense emotion comes from the deep connection that develops with the characters. It's witty and superbly written, so don't worry about it being a downer. Just... read it.


Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi

Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi How much do I love this book? A lot. A LOT. It's a dystopian setting, half in a technologically advanced world, and then the other half in a savage-like earth. I don't even know how to describe it other than to say that if you like romance, and some action, and definitely dystopians, then this book is for you. And even if you don't like those things, give it a try because it's so well written that I think anyone would love it.


Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi

Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi I have a really intense attachment to this book, because I think it's one of the best books I've read in my life. And I've read hundreds of books. Also a dystopian, but this one is different in that, according to the book description, it has an "X-Men" kind of feel to it. Which it does. Basically, it revolves around this girl Juliette that has the ability to kill people with touch. Add the fact that the entire world has basically gone to crap and you have an intense novel. Don't worry, it's a lot better than I'm making it sound. It's also got romance in it, and a villain that is deliciously bad. (I love great villains.) Plus, Tahereh's writing style is AMAZING. It's poetic and lyrical, although it does take some getting used to.


My Wolf's Bane by Veronica Blade

My Wolf's Bane by Veronica Blade I love My Wolf's Bane because we all need some fluff to make us happy. That's not to say that this book is pure fluff, because it's not, but Veronica Blade is first and foremost a romance writer. And she's pretty darn good at it, too! I've read all her books, but this is the one with the best romance. It's also got an interesting take on werewolves, so if you're into paranormal, please give this one a look!


Thief's Covenant by Ari Marmell

Thief's Covenant by Ari Marmell This one is for all the high fantasy fans out there! I'm usually not into high fantasy, but this book catapulted me straight into the loving the genre! It's got plenty of action and adventure, and some really amazing characters. And I know some people complained about Ari Marmell's flowery writing style, but I personally liked it. If you like kick-butt female heroines, read this one!

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Obsidian by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Obsidian by Jennifer L. Armentrout What I love about Obsidian is it honestly has everything I could possibly ask for in a book. Strong female protagonist? Check. Fantastic plot? Check. Completely unique idea? Check. Oh, and extremely sexy alien boy next door? Check. Yes, you heard me right. Obsidian is about aliens, but before you write it off as a weird sci-fi novel, they're not weird aliens. They look like humans (for the most part) and they're honestly really cool and unique aliens. Plus, this book is FULL of sexual tension, so if you want a young adult novel with plenty of steam... get this one.


The Girl in the Steel Corset by Kady Cross

The Girl in the Steel Corset by Kady Cross Steampunk fans, rejoice! I bring to you The Girl in the Steel Corset. This is the book that launched my steampunk obsession, but even if you're not into that you'll enjoy this book immensely. It's just so well-written, that anyone who is a fan of paranormal or historical fiction can fall into it easily. It's about a girl named Finley Jayne that has a sort of Jekyll and Hyde personality. I don't want to give anything away, because there is so much to unravel as you read the novel, but basically, all is not well in Victorian England, and Finley and her friends could be the only thing to save it.


Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs

Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs This book is one of the weirder ones that might not be everyone's style, but I absolutely loved it. It centers around a boy that finds a 'portal' (for lack of a better term) to an unusual home for unusual children. I won't say any more than that, because then I'd be spoiling the story, but what makes this novel unique is the use of actual old photographs throughout that bring the characters to life. It seems a little creepy at first to have a black and white picture of a little girl floating in mid air staring up at you, but you get used to it and eventually it becomes an integral part of the story.


The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater

The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater I'm a die-hard fan of Maggie Stiefvater (even met her in person), so I can't make a list like this and not include her work. My favorite book of hers is The Scorpio Races, which is a story about a little island off the coast of Ireland (I believe it's Ireland, I haven't read the book in so long) that holds horse races annually. The catch? These aren't actual horses, but rather kelpies. If anyone doesn't know the kelpie mythology, kelpies are water horses that lead people to their deaths by drowning them, and then eat them. Yeah, so imagine trying to tame one of those. It's a dangerous game, and people usually die. The main character, Puck, wants to win so she can earn money for her family. I'm not doing it justice, it really is an amazing book.


A Need so Beautiful by Suzanne Young

A Need so Beautiful by Suzanne Young This is another book that had me emotional at the end. This book is about a girl named Charlotte that has an intense need to help people in dire situations. Okay, that's not bad, right? The problem is that this need is actually making her disappear. She's not human, she's something else, something... forgotten. Her predicament is whether she can fight it and stay alive, or give in to her destiny. What made this story so heartbreaking is that she's madly in love with her boyfriend, Harlin, and he's the most amazing boyfriend to her. The ending scene with them together was so bittersweet I was tearing up. It's a relatively short novel, so it's great for a quick read!

There you have it, some truly great books to keep you busy! Young adult novels are one of my passions, and I just wish more people would realize how great they are! Do you have any book recommendations?

Feedback Junction

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you forgot the mortal instruments series!

"Looking for Alaska" which is also by John Green. Also any of the Ellen Hopkins books ("Crank," "Identical," etc.)

Omg don't even get me started on TFIOS! Loved that book so much

I'll have to read the fault in our stars just because everyone is raving about it! Most recently I read the Slide series (Slide and Imposter) by Jill Hathaway which were really good mystery/thriller type books :)

Omg the fault in our stars is just amazing!! I'm crying for almost an hour!and augustus waters got stuck in my head like all days!

The fault in our stars is by far one of my favourite books!

I read a fault in our stars and it was amazing

The Book Thief, The Divergent series, Shine

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