Wordsmiths Will Love These Brilliant Infographics for Alternative Words ...


Wordsmiths Will Love These Brilliant Infographics for Alternative Words ...
Wordsmiths Will Love These Brilliant Infographics for Alternative Words ...

A wide vocabulary is usually assumed to be a sign of intelligence. Whether you want to be better in your writing - school or business - or you just want to sound smarter, knowing the right words to use or even better, knowing alternatives to the common, usual ones, is a good way to go. The English language is a beautiful thing: there are so many ways of saying the same thing. These word infographics are great examples.

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1. Did You Ever Think There Are so Many Ways to Say Went?

font, diagram, document, area, 200, Original: teachthought.com

2. How to Never Use the Word Very Ever Again

web page, diagram, computer program, document, area, Original: makeuseof.com

Frequently asked questions

3. Was It Good? No It Was ...

font, document, area, GOOD, Good, Original: blog.writeathome.com

4. And when You Need to Kick Good up a Notch

purple, lilac, lavender, skin, lotion, Original: blog.writeathome.com

5. And of Course, We Need to Know How to Say Bad

text, document, area, advertising, 100, Original: blog.writeathome.com

6. Some of Our Most Common Words Upgraded

text, font, diagram, advertising, document, Original:teachthought.com

7. So Many Different Emotions Can Be Conveyed in the Way Said is Delivered

font, diagram, shape, line, drawing, Original: teachthought.com

8. Upgrade Some Most Commonly Used Words

text, font, document, area, shape, text, font, document, area, shape, text, font, document, area, shape, Original: ultrafactsblog.com

9. Was It Smelly? No It Was ...

text, font, diagram, web page, sketch, Original: facebook.com

10. How to Express Your Anger

Walgreens, font, web page, document, area, Original: thishappymom.com

11. NEver Struggle with Describing Flavors and Textures Again

text, font, diagram, shape, document, Original: s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com

12. Get an Eyeful of These Alternative Words for "to Look"

Valencia, text, cartoon, font, diagram, Original: elainthemiddle.wordpress.com

13. Get to Grip with Your Feelings with This Wheel of Emotions

diagram, clock, shape, drawing, line, Original: mentalfloss.com

14. It Doesn't Just Hurt. the Pain is ...

text, font, lilac, label, lip,

15. How do You Describe Your Hair/style?

text, font, diagram, shape, line, Original: thewritershandbook.tumblr.com

16. We All Need These Beautiful Words in Our Lives

Titika, Bitter, font, document, book, Original: methodicalliving.blogspot.co.uk

16. More than Three Little Words

text, font, web page, diagram, document, Original: romancefromtheheart.com

17. Can You Believe Someone Has a Put Together a List of 234 Different Words for "say"

text, font, diagram, sketch, document,

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Good for copy writing

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So cool!.......I mean....intriguing;)

👍🏻no words needed but 👍🏻nicely done

why can't I see any of the pictures ?



Honestly thank you so much

This is awesome 👍🏾📖

Absolutely spiffing and riveting

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