7 Ways to Pass the Time on a Rainy Day ...


7 Ways to Pass the Time on a Rainy Day ...
7 Ways to Pass the Time on a Rainy Day ...

There are so many great ways to pass the time on a rainy day. A rainy day is not the time to sit and stare out the window, bemoaning the weather and what it is preventing you doing. Instead, don’t waste the opportunity. Make the most of the inclement spell with these ways to pass the time on a rainy day.

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Read a Good Book

Everyone knows that one of the best ways to spend a rainy day is to relax in bed with a good book. A great idea for those who never have a good read around when they need it however, is to stockpile must-read books during the finer months; this way you need only grab something from the pile and settle in with a cup of tea. If you have a tablet PC or Kindle on the other hand, you can easily download whatever takes your fancy at the time!


Pamper Yourself

A long stretch of gloomy weather can leave you feeling pretty down sometimes, so pampering yourself is often one of the most enjoyable ways to spend a rainy day. A warm bath with some scented bath salts, a facial with some friends, catching up on lost sleep or even getting a manicure or pedicure will not only pass the time, but will have you feeling ready and raring to go as soon as the weather improves.



Exercising is unquestionably one of the most productive ways to spend a rainy day, and it’s something you can easily do in your very own living room if you don’t feel like heading to the gym in bad weather. Pilates, Yoga and Body Weight exercise routines not only pass the time, but improve your mood, health, strength and fitness; so why not spend your rainy days preparing your body for next summer?


Go Online Window Shopping

Online window shopping is one of the most fantastic ways to spend a rainy day, with websites like Amazon and eBay offering millions of weird and wonderful items for sale. You may even like to sift through the shopping website’s deals of the day or week, as often these pages offer drastically reduced electronics, household goods and pamper packages. The only danger of online window shopping is that you may just find something that you can’t live without!


Tidy up around the House

If you’re looking for industrious things to do on a rainy day, there is nothing better than cleaning and tidying your house or apartment. While it may not be the most pleasant way to spend your day, it is bound to improve your mood, because as the saying goes: clean house, clean mind. Rainy weather is also the perfect time to do some of the more abstract cleaning and sorting jobs that many of us tend to repeatedly put off.

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Play Games

Playing games, whether they are video games or board games, is one of the most enjoyable ways to spend a rainy day. Involving your whole family in a game of Monopoly or a card game of some description is also a really great way to bond with your partner or children. Inventive families may even try coming up with their own game, which is guaranteed to give everyone a laugh.


Catch up with Friends

Have you ever read an email, text message or Facebook message and meant to reply, but just haven’t been able to find the time? Why not use a rainy day to reply to all of those waiting messages and catch your friends up with the latest news. Facebook users, who haven’t touched their profile in months, may even like to update their status, pictures and information, or even add a few long lost friends. If you’re a little sentimental and old fashioned, writing a few actual letters to your friends is also one of the lovely things to do on a rainy day.

With any of these ways to spend a rainy day you won’t even notice the weather. You’ll have had a great day, caught up on things you’ve let slide, or tried something new. What do you like to do on rainy days?

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Great ideas!

Raclette and wine!


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