Cool Tips on How to Make Friends in a New City ...


Cool Tips on How to Make Friends in a New City ...
Cool Tips on How to Make Friends in a New City ...

Are you looking for ways to make friends in a new city?Making friends in a new city can seem like a challenging task. But there are many ways to strike up friendships if you’ve just moved to the bright lights of a new city. Read on for our advice on the best ways to make friends in a new city.

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Put Yourself out There

Whether you’re a chilled out introvert or a super social extrovert, it’s important to put yourself out there when you are in a new city. See someone reading an interesting book in a café? Why not ask them about it? Say hello to your neighbours and take walks around your new block or in local parks and smile at those who pass you by. Getting to know the people around you is one of the best ways to make friends in a new city.


Join Clubs

Embracing your hobbies can be a fantastic way to meet new friends who share similar passions and outlooks on life with you. Do you enjoy art? Why not join a painting class or a pottery class? Are you a baseball fan? Look online to see if you can find any local teams or clubs to join.


Make Use of Your Connections

After you have made one or two friends, why not see if they can introduce you to some other people they know? As you have a friend in common, you will likely hit it off with the friends of your friends.


Go Online

Another great way to make friends in a new city is by going online. Meetup is a great website for forming new connections. Interested in comedy, literature, sports or music? You can check out groups based on your interests.

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