7 Ways to Handle a Home Invasion ...


In the middle of the night you hear a window break and a person crawl inside, which is when you realize you’re having a home invasion. The first thing you want to do is hide under your covers or scream and attack them. Well, don’t do either of those or you might end up getting hurt or killed. Remain calm, and remember these things to do during a home invasion.

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If you realize that you are having a home invasion, one of the first things you should do if possible is to just leave. Any item that you own is not as valuable as your life or anyone in your family. Run to a neighbor’s house and call 911.


Call 911

You should do this as soon as possible. If you live in a nice suburban area, the police will show up fairly quickly. However, if you live in a high crime area, the police may not show up as fast. One thing you could do is call 911 and say you have a fire in your house. If dispatch thinks you have a fire, they will send a truck right away. The sound of the sirens might even scare the invader off.


If You Can’t Leave, Hide

If you can’t find a way to escape during a home invasion, try and hide in a non-obvious place. Lock yourself in a room and barricade the door to buy yourself time while you wait for the police to come. Most home invasion murders occur within the first 30 seconds of the invasion, so you want to stay out of sight as much as you can.


Stay Quiet

You want to try and stay as quiet as you can so the home invader cannot immediately locate where you are. The last thing you want to do is yell out that you are going to beat him up, because he will just grab a weapon and prepare to attack you. Try and stay calm when hiding, and breathe as quietly as possible.


Grab a Weapon

If you can, grab any sharp or heavy object that can do some damage if someone tries to attack you. Grab a lamp, flashlight, knife, curling iron, or anything that you can picture yourself defending your family with. Again, don’t run out and try to find the attacker. Use your weapon only if necessary.

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Lock the Doors

One thing that I learned from horror movies is that when there is a home invasion, the victims running from room to room never lock the doors behind them. Lock your doors! If they don’t lock, push something in front of them! Locking a door could mean that you have just enough time to escape.


If You Can, Create a Safe Room

If you happen to live in a tiny city apartment like I do, it may be hard for you to create a safe room. Just sleep with a knife under your mattress. However if you live in a big house with lots of rooms, you can create a safe room, which is somewhere you can stay comfortable until help arrives. Put water, nonperishable food, and a change of clothes in this room for survival.

Home invasions are realistic events that happen thousands of times a year across America. The best thing that you can do is install an alarm system in your house. The next best thing you can do is be prepared when an invader does enter your home. Stay calm, and always be prepared ladies! Have you ever experienced a home invasion?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

This is actually a really good article to write! In high school, they try to prepare you for adulthood by teaching you science, math, history, ect., and that's great, but they never teach you about dealing with life on your own. Some parents kick their kids out at 18(which is terrible, in my opinion) and the kid has no other option but to deal with life on their own. Anyway, if they think they need to teach sex ed. and d.a.r.e., why don't they teach about self defense and what to do in these scary situations?!

I experienced a home invasion. My husband defended our family with one of his two handguns. We were actually able to hold the criminal til the police arrived. The right to bear arms is a wonderful thing.

Grab your gun and shoot them. That will get their attention.

i would use my gun if necessary but for those of u who dont have a.gun take some time use some imagineation and prepare before u need to protect yourself such as a can of lye based oven cleaner can make a very useful weapon make sure you keep it out of reach of the kiddieslike you would a gun and also dont shoot yourself in the eyes with it its the intruder you want to shoot in the eyes with it so u can do it in the dark without seeing maybe put a notch in the sprayer so u can tell which way its pointing without light and dont shoot someone that belongs there either, if u have a gun u never never shoot thru a door like the blade runner did thats just plain stupid, im sure if u think about it there are many more weapons u can think of in ir home other than the example i gave you

I would grab the car keys and try to set off the car alarm to draw attention from the neighbours. Just an idea never tested it, thank goodness. I've seen all those that u mentioned here in horror movies and criminal minds which doesn't seem to work all too well.

I didn't even think about doing those things!! Haha sorry. Had to.

Don't ever lie to the 911 dispatch and tell them it's something it isn't.

Number two is both offensive and just plain stupid. Michelle, I'm willing to bet you have zero experience dealing with law enforcement and police matters. The police don't care about high crime areas and won't respond as quickly as they can?! Get a life!! As for lying about a fire, that's the most idiotic and irresponsible thing you could do. Don't write articles when you don't know what you're talking about.

#2, saying there's a fire when there isn't is TERRIBLE advice. Police won't take their sweet time answering a call about a home invasion, especially if you're still IN the house and in immediate danger. And lying about what's really going on puts those answering the call at risk of getting hurt. You should WANT police to know what they're walking into, as their response to what they think is a fire vs a burglary in progress are two very different things and being caught off guard could mean someone getting hurt or worse.

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