Like most people, you probably have a lot of coffee mugs that have accumulated over the years. Even the most avid coffee drinkers could never use them all. If you have an excess, don’t just store them at the back of the cupboard collecting dust. You’ll be really surprised at just how many things you can do with this very mundane item. Here are 7 uses for a coffee a mug.
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1. Donate
One of the best things to do with your excess coffee mugs is to donate them to someone else who could use them. This could be a homeless shelter or a volunteer organisation; they might have use for a lot of coffee mugs for a lot of people for serving hot drinks or soups. This is one of the most worthy uses for a coffee mug.
2. Gifts and Prizes
If your collection of mugs includes some unusual or unique ones, a great use can be to donate them as prizes for games nights or other club events. They can be the joke prizes or little extra prizes in addition to the main things that are available to be won. If your mugs are particular pretty or quirky, however, they may be a much appreciated prize!
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3. Household Hold-alls
Excess mugs can be used all around the house, not just in the kitchen for hot drinks. One of the great uses for a coffee mug is to hold bits and pieces that are lacking a permanent home. This is often in rooms like the study or office, when you have lots of pens, rubber bands, paper clips and other odds and ends that otherwise end up in a jumble in a drawer. Keep them tidy and on hand on the top of your desk in a decorative mug. Another use for a coffee mug in the kitchen is as a holder for utensils, extra teaspoons, or even dish cloths and sponges at the sink.
4. Gifts from the Garden
If you are a gardener, you may like to give away cuttings from plants as gifts. Make it extra special by using some decorative extra mugs that you have as the pot for the cutting. This makes a cute and unique way of giving a plant as a gift. It is also a great option for last minute gifts, because you don’t have to run out and buy anything if you’ve already got plants and excess mugs at your house.
5. Homely Gifts
Even if you aren’t a gardener there are many uses for a coffee mug as a gift that anyone can create. Find an attractive or unique mug that you think the gift recipient will like and then fill it with whatever is appropriate to the occasion. You could put in some hot chocolate making ingredients, assorted tea bags or fill it with some make-up such as lipsticks and mascara for a girly gift.
6. Decorative Candles
If you are in to home crafts or like to make your own decorations, then one of the fun uses for a coffee mug is to turn them into candles. If you buy the wax and ingredients, all you have to do is pour it into the mug and you have a unique candle to keep or give as a gift.
7. Warm Someone’s Day
Show your appreciation for some of the underappreciated workers we see around every day. Using your extra mugs, make a hot tea or coffee and give it to the mail man, a garbage collector or someone who is just having a hard day. They’ll appreciate the unexpected attention, and remember the gesture when they get to keep the mug!
Whether you have excess mugs collecting dust, or are just looking for unique gift ideas, you don’t have to think too hard to find some fun and practical uses for a coffee mug or two.
If anyone has any more uses for a coffee mug, please share them.
Top Photo Credit: lavendercat