8 Tips for How to Deal with People Who Talk about You behind Your Back ...


8 Tips for How to Deal with People Who Talk about You behind Your Back ...
8 Tips for How to Deal with People Who Talk about You behind Your Back ...

Dealing with people who talk about you behind your back can feel like being on a rollercoaster with an ejector seat—you know it’s going to be tough, but why all the surprise curves and tummy-tickling drops? Ah, the drama of human relationships in 2024! Now, let’s just face it right off the bat: people gossip. It’s like they’ve been downloading the latest episodes of “The Real Housewives” directly into their brains since birth. So what can you do about it? You’re in luck because that’s precisely what we’re diving into today.

Ah, the good old days when the worst that happened behind your back was someone stealing your lunch money or copying your homework. But as adults, gossip and social dynamics can be so much more subtle—and damaging. I remember one particularly memorable instance during my university years when my roommate’s cat somehow ended up being the supposed father of my neighbor’s kittens. I promise you; I have no idea how that became the hottest piece of gossip in the dormitory for an entire semester!

But enough about felines and their misunderstood morality! Let's roll up our sleeves and get practical. Whether you’re at work, home, or just socializing with friends, managing the effects of negative talk can be an art form. Sometimes, it’s not just about who said what, but about how it impacts your work environment or personal relationships. Think about how these topics figure into the whole messy tapestry of gossip. More importantly, let’s discuss a few strategies on how to keep your sanity intact.

Before we get into detailed approaches, consider this: Understanding why people engage in negative talk can help you reduce its impact. That's a nugget of wisdom right there, folks! Sometimes it's about Communicating Openly, or even Setting Boundaries, to ensure you don’t get trapped in the endless loop of second-hand rumors.

Now I’m not saying you need to become a zen master who filters out all the noise, but understanding the underlying reasons for this behavior can help you maintain your work environment and personal mental health. And hey, you might even find a way to shine in the face of such backhanded compliments.

So buckle up, because we’re about to embark on a journey filled with practical tips, personal anecdotes, and a splash of humor. Trust me, by the end of this, you'll not only know how to deal with gossip but perhaps even thrive in spite of it. Enjoy the ride!

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Don't Let the Person "win"

This tip was generously shared by one of our readers, Salma T. Thanks Salma!

I think it's really important to always remember that the person who's talking about you has gone down to a very low level to try and hurt you, and that you should always be the better person and not get mad about it and lash out at the person. As long as you ignore the person and the issue, that person will never get the satisfaction of knowing that they won the "fight".

Please feel free to add your own point at the end of the post. We'd love to hear from you!


Dealing with people who talk about you behind your back can be a difficult and uncomfortable situation. Unfortunately, this kind of behavior is all too common, but there are ways to handle it.

One tip is to avoid letting the person “win”. This was generously shared by one of our readers, Salma T. It’s important to remember that the person who is talking about you has gone down to a very low level to try and hurt you. It’s best to not get mad and lash out at the person, but instead ignore the person and the issue. This way, the person will never get the satisfaction of knowing that they won the “fight”.

Another tip is to take some time to think before responding. It’s easy to become angry and want to respond immediately, but it’s important to take a step back and think before reacting. This can help to keep the situation from escalating.

It can also be helpful to talk to a trusted friend or family member about the situation. Talking to someone who understands and can provide a listening ear can be very beneficial. It can also help to put things into perspective and help you to stay level-headed.


Consider the Source

One of the first tips for how to deal with people who talk about you behind your back is to consider the kind of person who’s actually doing it. Most of the time, it’s someone who has to compete with you somehow, whether as a colleague, other female, or team mate. Even your friends are in competition with you at some point in life, so if that's who talking about you behind your back, keep this in mind. Usually, they’re trying to gain something in favor of someone else by talking about you. Remember that most of the time, the person talking about you is only doing so for their gain, or that they just don't know how to deal with a mature relationship. Remember that before taking the next steps.


This kind of situation is unfortunately too common and can be very hurtful and damaging to our self-esteem. It is important to remember that the person talking about you behind your back is likely doing it out of jealousy or insecurity.

It is important to take a step back and assess the situation. Try to look at the person objectively and consider their motives. Are they trying to make themselves look better by tearing you down? Are they trying to gain favor with someone else? Are they just trying to make themselves feel better by making you feel worse?

It is also important to remember that it is not your job to change the person talking about you. You cannot control their actions or words, but you can take steps to protect yourself. You can choose to distance yourself from the person, or you can confront them if you feel comfortable doing so.

It is also important to be mindful of your own actions and words. Try to be the bigger person and not stoop to their level. If you are able to, try to show them kindness and compassion.

Frequently asked questions

Try to stay calm and not jump to conclusions. It might hurt, but it's important to assess whether what's being said affects you directly. If you feel the need, you could approach the person calmly to discuss it.

If you believe it's necessary and will resolve the issue, you can confront them. Do so privately and calmly, express your feelings without being aggressive.

Focus on surrounding yourself with positive people and ignore the negative talk. Often, not engaging with the gossip can be the best way to avoid confrontations.

People may gossip due to jealousy, boredom, or their own insecurities. It's usually more about their issues than anything to do with you.

Talking about someone in return may escalate the situation. Try to take the high road and not stoop to their level; it reflects better on your character.

Talk to a friend you trust about how you're feeling, engage in activities you enjoy, and work on building your self-confidence.

Clear up any misunderstandings by providing the truth to your close friends, and request that they don’t spread the gossip further.

Stay true to yourself. You can't control what others say, but you can control your reaction and your own actions.

It's painful, but remember that true friends won't believe or spread gossip. Focus on those who support and believe in you.

While gossip is usually seen as negative, sometimes it can lead to a positive outcome, like bringing issues to light that need to be addressed.


Confront Them

The next thing you should do is to confront the person talking about you, but in a responsible, calm way. Don’t ask them why, because that doesn’t matter. Instead, tell them how hurt you are, and that you truly hate they feel that way, but you don’t appreciate them talking about you behind your back, especially if it isn't true. Confronting them puts you in control, and shuts the door on them talking about you. Even if they continue to talk about you behind your back, you’ve at least shown them you’re aware of it, and usually, this prevents them from doing so in the future.


Confronting someone who talks about you behind your back is not easy, but it can be an effective way to put a stop to their behavior. According to a study by the University of Groningen, confronting the person directly can lead to a decrease in their negative behavior towards you. It is important to approach the situation calmly and assertively, rather than aggressively. This shows that you are not afraid to stand up for yourself and can discourage them from continuing to talk about you. It also allows you to express how their actions have hurt you, making them realize the impact of their words.


Don’t Worry about It

I know this sounds easier said than done, but truly, you can’t worry what people say about you all the time. Life is short, and your life is not going to be made up of what people say about you behind your back.


When it comes to dealing with people who talk about you behind your back, the most important thing to remember is that you can't control what other people say. You can, however, control how you react to it. Here are eight tips to help you cope with the situation.

  1. Don’t take it personally. People who talk about you behind your back are usually feeling insecure or jealous and are trying to make themselves feel better by putting you down.

  2. Don’t retaliate. It’s tempting to want to get back at someone who is talking about you, but don’t do it. It will only make things worse.

  3. Talk to a trusted friend. It can be helpful to talk to someone who knows you and can offer you support and perspective.

  4. Don’t Worry about It. I know this sounds easier said than done, but truly, you can’t worry what people say about you all the time. Life is short, and your life is not going to be made up of what people say about you behind your back.


Move on

Next, move on about your business. Get new friends, and show other people that what the person who is talking about you behind your back isn’t true. This is the best way to “get back” at another person talking about you - not lashing out.


It’s never easy to deal with people who talk about you behind your back. It can be especially difficult for women, who are often the target of gossip and negativity. The best way to handle this situation is to take the high road and move on.

First, it's important to remember that people who talk about you behind your back are often insecure or jealous of you. Don't take their comments to heart and don't let them get the best of you.

Second, don't stoop to their level by talking about them. This will only make the situation worse. Instead, focus on yourself and the positive aspects of your life.

Third, don't let their words affect your self-esteem. Remind yourself of your worth and the good qualities that you possess.

Fourth, don't let yourself be dragged down by the negativity. Instead, use it as motivation to be the best version of yourself.

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Remember You’re Better

Next, remember that you’re better than the low level the person talking about you behind your back has stooped to. Don’t give in to temptation to get mad, pout, and acting juvenile about it. Be an adult and move on about your business.


When people talk behind your back, it can be incredibly hurtful and have a negative impact on your mental health. It's important to remember that you are better than the person who is talking about you. Don't let yourself be dragged down to their level by lashing out or acting immature. Instead, take a deep breath and focus on how to handle the situation in a mature and responsible way. There are many strategies you can use to deal with people who talk about you behind your back, such as ignoring the gossip, confronting the person directly, or talking to a trusted friend. Taking control of the situation can help you to regain your confidence and move forward.


Tap into Your Backbone

The great thing about other people talking about you, is it gives you a backbone! You’ll want to make sure to tap into that backbone now more than ever. What I mean by this is, you’ve got to develop some tough skin. Others talking about you is part of growing up. Get strong, and write it off!


It's natural to feel hurt and angry when you find out people have been talking about you behind your back. It can be difficult to handle such situations and it can be hard to know how to respond. But there are some tips that can help you deal with people who talk about you behind your back.

The first step is to remember that it's not about you. People who talk behind your back are usually trying to make themselves feel better or look better in front of others. Don't take it personally.

The second step is to take a deep breath and remember that you are strong and capable. Remind yourself that you have the power to choose how you react and how you feel.

The third step is to tap into your backbone. This means developing a thick skin and not letting the words of others affect you. It's important to remember that people talking about you is part of growing up and that you should write it off.


Think about More Positive Things

You can’t sit around and focus on what someone says about you behind your back. You’ll drive yourself crazy, and you’re not going to change anything. Being mad initially is natural, but after that, pick yourself up and move on, and think about something more positive instead! Your precious energy and talents shouldn’t be wasted concentrating on negative and usually untrue things, that someone is saying about you behind your back.

Learning and implementing these things has really helped me over the years, and I hope they will for you too. If you’ve learned something helpful about how to deal with people who talk about you behind your back, do you mind sharing it? What have you learned about people that chat about you when you’re not around?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

#1 When we lash out on the person we meet them at the same level they are at. I often hear the statement "I'm tired of being the bigger person", but being the bigger person will only elevate you in the end. While they choose hate and evil you choose love and forgiveness. Most importantly extend them grace. The more graceful we are to ourselves the better we can extend grace to others.

Lots of people start saying bad things about me and my cousin who I am extremely close to started believing in these things and it's hard to make them believe that it's not true but the just don't listen and my bestfriends are the only people that didn't believe! But I made things out and everyone sorta kinda is cool now!

#1 just heard by best friend talking bad about me :)

#5 Well, the thing is, I might get the blame in the situation if something goes wrong and someone tells a person to sort this out and I believe that that it won't help that much but I feel a bit positive about moving on and not talking about them behind their back just saying that they just don't really like me that much. I feel like that will help.

#that helped me

This was very helpful. I just married (widower) who has 9 (count 'em - 9!!!) adult children, two of whom are really terrible gossipers and I am (apparently) one of their favorite topics. Thank you for this article.

#2 I have a girl in my class that HATES me one time, she talked bad about me and I heard it and the other girls just froze. ANd the girl said, "n-nothing!"

And the people that know me and care, will know the truth too :)

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