8 Tips for a Remarkable Resume ...


8 Tips for a Remarkable Resume ...
8 Tips for a Remarkable Resume ...

If you are out looking for a new job you may wonder about tips for a resume. Employers see all kinds of resumes from job candidates. Check out these 8 tips for a remarkable resume to make yours stand out from the rest.

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Power Statement

Think of a power statement as your own personal mission statement. It should describe who you are and highlight your strengths. Use this in place of an objective on your resume at the top of your resume below your contact information.


Order of Importance

Many human resource managers will agree with this tip for a resume. They want to see your qualifications and accomplishments first. It's more important to them than the other stuff.

Frequently asked questions



Focus your resume on your accomplishments not your responsibilities. Your future employer will be way more impressed to know that you held the sales record at your last company for three consecutive quarters more than knowing you were responsible for helping customers make the best software purchases for their needs.



One important tip for resumes is to use a bullet format. It is easier to read than paragraphs. Plus it is more pleasing to the eye.


Avoid Jargon

Don’t use words in your resume that others outside of the company you work for would not know. Try to use words that anyone reading your resume would understand.

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Customize Your Resume

You may need to create a new resume for each job you apply for. Your resume should be geared towards the position you are applying for by highlighting the appropriate skills and related experience. This is a tip for resumes that many people haven’t considered.


Spell Check

Oddly enough many people forget to do this, but it is so important. Don’t just read over your resume on the computer. Print it out and look it over. If you need to have a friend proof read it too.



When stating your education include any classes, programs, and organizations you were involved in that relate to the position you are applying for. This will strengthen your related experience.

Following these tips for resumes will help you create a remarkable resume sure to wow any recruit off his feet. Let me know what you think of these tips and please share any of your own tips for resumes too.

Top Image Source: forbes.com

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Thanks for this :) I'm only 15 but I like to get as much info as I can to prepare for the "real world" lol. Thanks again.

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