7 Thoughts about Feminism That Are Perfectly Fine ...


After the recent 'Women Against Feminism' online campaign, I wanted to take the opportunity to share some of my thoughts about feminism. This is largely because I feel that it's a term I, as a woman, don't own anymore. Rather, I feel like I'm told, by both men and women, how I should feel, what I should do and what feminism should mean to me. Whilst I class myself as a feminist - of course I do - I don't like this. So, if you feel the same or catch yourself feeling guilty for not believing in something you feel you should, here are 7 thoughts about feminism you can have and still be a feminist.

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It's OK Not to 'get It'

If you asked a group of women for their thoughts about feminism, I doubt you would get the same answers. Feminism isn't easily defined, probably because it means something slightly different to everyone. To me, it means equal rights for women all over the world and a fight against the objectification of women in daily life and the media. That's what I want to fight for. If your definition of feminism doesn't fit in with that, that's OK. If your definition of feminism doesn't fit in with the famous writer who's revered by feminists everywhere, that is also OK.


I Am a Woman, Not a Feminist

Because there is so much debate surrounding the term itself, I know a lot of women who don't want to class themselves as a feminist - or, at least, they don't want that to define them. And that is OK. But it doesn't mean you're against feminism. What woman could possibly argue against, for example, equal rights and pay? It's the term and the stereotype you're objecting to, not the issues.

Frequently asked questions


Men Will Judge Me if I Say I'm a Feminist

I know a lot of men who automatically assume an idea, often negative or slightly mocking, of you in their minds if you say you're a feminist. This isn't right but it is sadly true. I know that admitting you're scared of saying you're a feminist because you're worried about what a man will think goes against the very idea of feminism. Unfortunately, that's how it is. However, it's also one thing that you really can't let affect you.


Women Will Judge Me for My Beliefs

Unfortunately, this works the other way, too and personally, I think it's even worse. It's by no means a united movement and you don't know whether you'll have someone's support or their condemnation. If that puts you off openly sharing your opinions on the subject, I, for one, understand your reasons.


Does It Really Affect Me?

I know a lot of women don't identify themselves as feminists because they don't feel the need to. They're not oppressed and they're not discriminated against. That's wonderful. If you don't feel like a victim, I don't see why you should act like one. But the fact is, there are women all over the world who aren't granted even the basest of human rights - and that is why we still need feminism.

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I like Men, so Can I Be a Feminist?

I noticed that a lot of women (in the anti-feminism campaign) said that they liked men so therefore they weren't feminists. That's completely ridiculous - of course you can be a feminist and still like men!


I Don't Want to Be Told What to do

I feel like I am told, by some women with feminist beliefs, the way I should feel, the views I should have and the way I should live. I can't be the only one who feels this and until that judgement is gone, until women are allowed to live exactly as they want - whether that's as a single woman without children in her forties and a married stay-at-home mum in her early twenties - it will be a concept that divides as many women as it unites.

I did feel nervous writing this as I know how inflammatory anything on the topic can be. I just feel that most women are middle-of-the-road - not anti-feminists but not actively campaigning - and I think there should be more out there to reflect that. How do you feel about feminism?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I personally would like for woman to get paid equally unfortunately we don't, do I think we need to insert the word woman in the declaration of independence that's a little extreme. Maybe some are confused with extremists and just plain feminists

Oh! This is wonderful. I feel like sharing this with every single person I've met that has been using one of your "arguments" against being a feminist. Some people see feminism as an "extreme" belief. But it is really nothing extreme about wanting to have equal pay for equal work.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a feminist! Mostly (note I say MOSTLY) all feminists believe in encouraging and empowering other women, so women who have the same major ideas should not be judged by other women for different opinions or thoughts from the other...for me, what matters is that we need to be treated equally!

Seriously? The definition of feminism is the view that men and woman should have equal rights. That is not an opinion it is just a fact! Maybe people should take a few woman history classes then say youre against feminism. Early feminists died and were persecuted by the once patriarchal society so we could have rights today. Get informed

I can tell that the writer was cautious when writing this article because of the potential backlash, which is sad and also why articles like this are necessary. I consider myself to absolutely be a feminist, however when some old man calls me "sweetheart," I consider it a term of endearment and I'm not offended; in fact, I think it's rather sweet. I use the word "bitch" too. But there are feminists out there who would say I have no self respect and that I backtrack the feminist movement with these ideals. It's ridiculous. These feminists who are extreme and judgmental are the ones who set the movement back by putting women down for thinking differently instead of lifting them up and promoting unity. Good article. Brave and necessary!

Bonbon, what I think you've failed to acknowledge is the fact that without feminism you wouldn't be able to have that job as a computer programmer, you would have the right of free speech to comment on this article, you wouldn't have the ability to vote, earn money once you're married, or even drive. Yes we as women do have these rights now - but that doesn't mean we have reached equality.. The men you work with today may earn more than you do and are probably more likely to be promoted than you are purely because they are men.

Well done Ellie. I think you have provided a voice for many who are confused on this issue. Beautifully articulated and I'm sure it will help some women sort out their own view of what feminism means to them and how to be happy with it. You rocked this girl!

I agree with neecey

Yasmeen you are wrong. i am from a country which was part of soviet union. We always had our rights. During soviet union in 1950s my grandma was computer programmer. What kind of jobs where available for women in America during 1950s? I am not a feminist because my rights came to me naturally. We didnt have feminist movement. However, living i America I think that feminist ideas here are quite radical and misogynist.

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