10 Things That Should Be on Your College Bucket List ...


10 Things That Should Be on Your College Bucket List ...
10 Things That Should Be on Your College Bucket List ...

Now that I have graduated college and am in the real world, I'm so happy to look back and know that I completed just about everything on my college bucket list! When people say to enjoy college because "it's the best four years of your life," they aren't joking. College is the last real time in life where you can be immature, irresponsible, and have tons of fun before heading to the work force. I'm here to share some of the things I believe every college student should have on their college bucket list.

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Live on Campus

Living on campus definitely taught me the most lessons (both good and bad) out of everything on this college bucket list. I learned how to do laundry and cook for myself. I also learned that living with a roommate can be both a nightmare and a great experience. Plus, I met the majority of my friends in college from living with them in the dorms! There's a sort of bond that you will have with the people you live with and see every day, that exceeds the bond of high school relationships you've made so far in your life. Knowing that your friend is right down the hall if you ever need them is a great feeling! At first you may feel home sick, but trust me, once you adjust you will never want to go home!


Kiss a Beautiful Stranger

When you look back at your life, don't you want to know that you did something spontaneous? If you're single, it's fun to date people in college as it teaches you what you want and don't want in a long term relationship. You don't always have to put in the time and effort though. If you have single girlfriends, do this with them as it will be a fun memory to share! Next time you're out at a party, walk up to a guy you think is cute and kiss him. I do however suggest asking first if he has a girlfriend. If he says no, do it, then just walk away like it was no big deal. Who knows, that guy could end up being your Mr. Right and you'll have a great "how we first met" story to tell the kids!


Taking the plunge with a spontaneous kiss isn’t just thrilling—it's a story-worthy leap into the unknown. Remember, that consent is key; a quick “Is it okay if I kiss you?” can segue into an unforgettable moment. Just imagine the giggles and gasps when you recount the tale of boldness to your friends over brunch! Whether it ends in romance or remains a quirky anecdote, it’s the kind of carefree act that makes college life so memorable. Embrace the freedom and let a single kiss be a testament to your youthful audacity.


Road Trip/Travel

My first adventure in college where I became close with my first group of college friends was taking a road trip with them to visit friends at another college. We got lost and our trip took us 6 hours instead of 4, but because of this, we had some long conversations, funny moments venturing into strange towns, and a lot of collaborative car singing. It became one of my favorite college memories. So pack up the car, get some friends, and road trip to another college or even to visit Canada! You won't be able to travel as much after college so you should do it while you can!


Pull an All Nighter

Whether it's an all nighter to do school work, or an all nighter to party, just pull an all nighter at least once in college. Luckily, I only had to pull two all nighters for something school related in my four years, and I pulled a bunch of all nighters for party related reasons. If you're going to pull an all nighter to study, try to get your friends involved. Surprisingly I had just as much fun pulling an all nighter with my friends to study as I did pulling an all nighter to party. Just make sure you don't do this too often or you will find yourself getting sick and looking not so gorgeous!


Dance on the Bar

Hopefully I'm not coming across as too much of a "party girl" with these last few bucket list items, but college really is the time to let loose and have some fun! If you're out with your girls, make it a point to dance on the bar at least once in your college career. At first it may be scary and seem embarrassing, but it really is a great way to learn to come out of your shell. Just "dance like no one's watching"! You will feel so much more confident for the rest of the night once you get down.

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Study Abroad

This is the one thing on my list that I wasn't able to do but I always wanted to. I've heard from friends who studied abroad that it was the best experience of their lives and it makes me so jealous. Studying abroad can open your eyes to the rest of the world and also make you more marketable once you graduate. It's a life changing experience, getting to live within another culture for a while. Plus, you will become super close with the other students that you'll be traveling with and you never know if you might bump into that sexy foreign guy you've been dreaming of.


Join a Club

Not only are school clubs great to have on your resume, but they're also a great way to meet people who have similar interests as you. I've been a part of the ski club, the school newspaper, and the broadcasting club. Clubs are a great way to learn more about an interest as well as let you know of events that are going on. Your college provides so many free services and events that many students don't take advantage of! So join a club or sorority to get more involved in your school!


Attend a Theme Party (or Throw One!)

Paint parties, Toga parties, Playboy parties...there are a number of themed parties you will learn about in college. Make sure you attend at least one! Or, if you have your own house, throw one! Then make sure to take a lot of pictures. Halloween only comes around once a year, so it's fun to get the opportunity to dress up!


Get on the Dean's List

Aside from your social life in college, you need to remember the main reason you're there. To graduate and get a job! I had a very fulfilling social life in college but I also maintained high grades as well as worked a part time job. It is possible to do it all! Make it your goal to remain on the Dean's List. Being on the Dean's List generally means you maintained a GPA of 3.5 for the semester. If you find that it's fairly easy to make Dean's List, then work towards getting a 4.0 the next semester! I got a 4.0 for my last 2 semesters and it felt amazing! College is a great way to learn how to manage your priorities.


Attend a Music Festival

Get a group of your friends together and plan to go to a weekend music festival. There are a number of festivals to choose from, depending what kind of music you and your friends enjoy. There's the Electric Daisy Carnival in Las Vegas for house music fans, Warped Tour for punk rock fans, or Bonnaroo in Tennessee which has an array of all different music genres! There are so many music festivals to choose from so pick the one closest to you or in a place you've been dying to visit. Then rent out a hotel for the weekend and have a blast dancing and rocking out with your friends!

Of course there are tons of other things you should and will experience in college that I don't have the time to list out. Some are good, some are bad, but college is really where you find yourself for the first time. It's also the place where you may find your best friend or your soul mate! Going to college was one of the best times I've ever had in my life and you really don't realize it until after it's over. What is (or was) on your college bucket list that I haven't mentioned yet? Or, how many of the things on my college bucket list have you already done?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I done everything but 2, 6, and 8! But I have a year of college left =)

Kiss a stranger good idea

this bucket list is a little hard for those students like myself who don't have enough money to live on campus or study abroad, let alone pay for school. and it's also different when you attend school that is not one of the 48 that are all attached to each other so a road trip means having to book a flight and actually plan something out and save money before hand rather than a spontaneous adventure. my advice for a college bucket list... do something you wouldn't normally do, have fun and live it up because you only get to experience college once (typically) and you'll never be in the same exact place as the same exact person again. *live aloha*

I really want to join a sorority when I get there! Only a couple years!!!

That's very nice Lauren ! Thanks ! Can you tell how did you get 4.0 GPA ? what are your study tips and where did you get them ? Thanks a lot ! :) <3

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