7 Things That Control Our Lives on a Daily Basis ...


Humans are free thinkers, however, have you ever realized there are many things that control our lives? We like to think we’re in charge of our kingdom. Instead, there are many things that control us. Humans are the most advanced of all animals on the planet and it took a long time for us to get to where we are, but somewhere along the journey we lost sight of many things. As a result, there are several things that control our lives.

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Unfortunately, money is one of the things that control our lives. They say all the good things in life are free... however, all of life’s necessities in life can be pretty costly like food, water and shelter! On top of our needs, we have a bad habit of indulging in our wants. As a result, we’re driven to make more money so we can live a certain “lifestyle.” Sometimes we forget how lucky we are just to have the basics because our basics are luxuries in other countries.



You always want what you can’t have. One of those things is a never ending buffet of food! Did you know when you eat you actually get a small natural high? That’s why eating can be so pleasurable and can make us feel better when we’re upset or emotional. Unfortunately, today’s society dictates that we should be slim, tight and toned, thus making us forgo seconds at dinner or healthy serving sizes. Plus, most delicious foods are linked to diabetes, cholesterol or high blood pressure.



It’s so important to make an educated and well researched vote during every election because the government that’s elected into office has control of domestic issues like education, health care, job creation and finances, as well as foreign issues like poverty, war, and foreign relations. It’s also important to be aware of your politician’s platforms – a lot of their actions will be brought to fruition with your tax dollars.



The people in our lives love us and have the best intentions. However, sometimes our family, friends or partners can be too judgmental, too opinionated or too controlling. Plus, when our relationships hit a rough patch it’s all we can seem to think about until it gets better. Relationships are hard work and there’s no such thing as a part-time friend or partner.



One pimple and I'm tempted to call in sick for work! Appearances have such a grip on all societies and cultures across the globe. In some places of the world it’s unattractive to be thin while in others it’s unattractive to be heavier. In addition, some cultures find fair skin desirable while others find dark skin looks much better. Regardless of where you live, there is an idea of what is beautiful and we strive everyday of our lives to reach that standard, whether it be with food portions, cosmetics and products or cosmetic surgery.

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Weight is such a hot button topic – many people, whether slim or heavy, are sensitive about their weight. If you’re too slim you might be thought of as someone who has an eating disorder and if you’re too heavy you can be thought of as someone who has no self-control. There is no winning!



Money is the number one driving force behind why work controls our lives. We work more to make more. However, if you’re too busy making a living you might forget to actually live! Aiming for more, like a promotion, a pay raise or a better job, is always a great goal to have – it gives you purpose at work and keeps you from just floating through your work life. Unfortunately, sometimes we work so hard we lose track of life and many things in our lives start to suffer, like our health and our relationships.

Some of what I’ve mentioned are only the basics and just scratch the surface. There are many other things that control our lives, like status, material goods and religion. What are other things that control our lives on a regular basis?

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