9 Things Girls Who Swear Hate to Hear ...


Most of us swear. Some of us do it when we're angry, but others do it constantly. They can't hold a conversation without throwing a few curse words into the mix. Of course, that doesn't make them any less intelligent than the rest of us. Here's what BuzzFeed claims girls who swear are tired of hearing:

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Swearing Isn’t Very Ladylike

Swearing Isn’t Very Ladylike


This article is about the stigma that still exists today around women who swear. It explores the double standards that exist in society when it comes to women and swearing, and why it is still seen as unladylike. It also examines why some women choose to swear, and why it is important to challenge the idea that women should not swear. The article highlights the importance of respecting women's choices and not judging them for their language. It also provides advice on how to respond to people who make comments about women swearing. Finally, it encourages readers to empower women to feel comfortable expressing themselves in whatever way they choose.


You’re Too Pretty to Be Using Such Ugly Words

You’re Too Pretty to Be Using Such Ugly Words


You're Setting a Bad Example

You're Setting a Bad Example


Behavior is a mirror in which everyone shows their image, and when it comes to profanity, the reflection could do with a polish. It's especially true if younger eyes and ears are always around. They're like sponges, soaking up every word and action, and the last thing you need is a mini-me cursing like a sailor. Whether it's siblings, cousins, or just the neighbor's kids looking up to you, remember, those impressionable minds might just mimic the spicy language, and trust me, their parents won't be thrilled. Monkey see, monkey do, but let's aim for parrots who repeat only the best phrases.


Watch Your Language

Watch Your Language


Remember, the way you lace your conversations with expletives can sometimes rub people the wrong way. It's not about censoring your true self, but rather about being mindful of the diverse sensibilities around you. In mixed company, or when you're not quite sure how your words might land, consider toning down the sailor talk—just a notch. After all, there's an art to choosing your battles and sometimes, it pays to play it safe with the words you choose to express that brilliant and fiery spirit of yours.


Swearing is Such a Bad Habit

Swearing is Such a Bad Habit

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Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Agree with Manuela, inna and Evelyn. Hate swearing!

Does, not do

Btw, I personally am not a fan of most shirts with obscenities on them. There's no filter-so who knows where you'll end up or who you'll see when you're wearing a shirt with "bitch" emblazoned across it. At one of my middle school performances a parent showed up with a shirt like that, it just seemed inappropriate.

I swear but I know when I can and when I can't. Sometimes people think that they can't swear around me. That is what irritates me. I swear all the time I just know when not to.

Lol love it

Swearing is annoying. Too many people do it. It's uncreative and like @Evelyn said, unnecessary.

Jolene, swearing all the time is nothing to be bragging about.

I think that it's more about knowing when it's okay to swear and when not to. I would never swear in front of others more sensitive to it. Sure, you can technically say whatever you want when you want, but others can be offended or annoyed by whoever and whenever they want as well-even if you think it's unjust.

I completely agree. I've not been as big a swearer since I had kids but when I was younger I was- I came from a good family with good support it was just another way for me to express myself. No one needs to tell me I'm expressing myself wrong

So people can say what they want to say and no one has the right to tell you what can come out of you fucking mouth? Do this include racial slurs, comments on ones sexual orientation, or thoughts how one is dressed? Rule of thumb, if you wouldn't say it in front of your mama, the president, or the pope, don't say it in a public setting.

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