7 Steps to Writing an Angry Letter and Moving on ...


7 Steps to Writing an Angry Letter and Moving on ...
7 Steps to Writing an Angry Letter and Moving on ...

Writing an angry letter is an emotionally healthy choice you can make to deal with anger that you are holding inside. Many times, you have anger at someone over a relationship that has happened over a period of time that left you with a lot of emotional wounds. Writing an angry letter can help you to process and release those feelings, and no one but you will ever know what the letter contained. It can make you feel so much better inside.

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Decide to Write One

The first step of writing an angry letter is deciding to really write one. This can actually be a hard step because it means that you are admitting you are very angry with someone and that you have been deeply hurt. You are being brave enough to face that feeling and give it voice rather than stuffing it down inside. You are taking the time to deal with your anger rather than ignore it and repress it where it can rise up and hurt you later. This is a very healthy decision for you emotionally.


The first step of writing an angry letter is deciding to really write one. This can actually be a hard step because it means that you are admitting you are very angry with someone and that you have been deeply hurt. You are being brave enough to face that feeling and give it voice rather than stuffing it down inside. You are taking the time to deal with your anger rather than ignore it and repress it where it can rise up and hurt you later. This is a very healthy decision for you emotionally. Acknowledging your feelings is crucial for your mental well-being and growth.


Write It Unedited and Untimed

When you sit down to write an angry letter, you need to allow yourself to write it unedited. Just say whatever you have to say to the person and say all of it. Remember, they will never see this letter. It is for your eyes only. This helps you to feel freer to be real in your feelings and let it all out. Write as long as you need to and as much as you need to in order to get out all of your feelings.


Let every emotion flow onto the page without restraint. Whether you're feeling hurt, frustrated, or downright indignant, allow those feelings a voice through your words. This is not the time for propriety or second-guessing. It's a therapeutic process, akin to venting to a trusted friend who just listens without interruption. Spelling mistakes? Grammatical errors? They don't matter here. This is your safe space to express the rawness of your emotions, to acknowledge them, and to start the process of letting go.

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Put It Away for a Few Days

This step is important. It can be tempting to skip it but if you do, you are not going to get all from this process that you should. After you finish writing your angry letter unedited and untimed, put it away somewhere for a few days. Choose a private location where only you will know where it is. During this time it is put away, your mind has more time to process your feelings, reorganize and rethink things.


In this personal recess, emotions often cool and perspectives can shift. It's comparable to letting a fine wine breathe; it's all about enhancement and clarity. The distance may allow you to see the situation through a new lens, possibly uncovering a deeper understanding of the root causes of your anger. This pause isn't a mere delay—it's an intentional period of reflection that could be pivotal for personal growth. When you revisit your words with a calmer heart, you might find that what once fueled your fire now enlightens your path to resolution.


Reread It and Add More

After your angry letter has been put away a few days and you have had time to think and process it in your mind, pull it back out. Reread it and add in more where you need to. You may find that you have more to say than you originally thought you did on a subject. Allow yourself the freedom and space to do that. It is important to hold nothing back.


When writing an angry letter, it's important to take the time to process your emotions before putting pen to paper. Once you have had some time to think, revisit your letter and add more. This will help to ensure that you are expressing your thoughts and feelings in the most effective way. It's also important to be honest and open about how you're feeling, so don't be afraid to say what you really mean. Additionally, it can be helpful to read your letter aloud, as this can help to identify any areas where you need to add more. Finally, be sure to take the time to reflect on what you have written and how it makes you feel.


Read It out Loud as if That Person Were There

This next step may make you feel silly but that is okay. It is important and very freeing. Find a time when you are home alone or by yourself. Take out your angry letter and read it out loud. Pretend that the person you are angry at is there and listening. This sounds silly but I promise you, it can really help you to feel like you are releasing your anger.

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Rip It up

When you are done reading your anger letter, you will more than likely feel as if a lot anger has drained away. You will probably feel a huge feeling of release from allowing that anger to come out instead of being pushed down inside. You may feel some traces of anger left behind and that is okay. As you rip up your letter, imagine you are ripping up those last, lingering remains of anger. When you throw the pieces away, pretend you are throwing away all the hurt and anger you have carried for so long in your heart.


As those tattered fragments of paper flutter into the trash, take a deep breath—you've liberated yourself from the weight of resentment. It is almost ceremonial, this act of consciously disposing of negative emotions. It may not solve everything, but it is a powerful step towards healing. Keep in mind that sometimes, our emotions can surprise us, sneaking back in when we least expect. Give yourself grace if they do. Healing is not linear—it ripples through us in waves, and each time we perform acts such as these, we get a bit closer to the shore of serenity.


Move on and Enjoy the Release

Everyone I have ever known who has written an angry letter has said that it helped them tremendously. I have written a couple of angry letters in my own life and they really helped me. You can write them toward many different people, basically whoever has hurt you or left you deeply wounded that you need to work out your anger over. It is a very healthy way to release your anger. Most of all, it allows you to move past your anger and enjoy the release of all of those negative feelings.

Writing an angry letter is a very mature, emotionally healthy step you can take to release your anger. Have you ever written one? If not, does this seem as if it would be something that would help you deal with a difficult relationship you have had in your life?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Thank you for this information. I've been carrying a long time hurt by an evil woman and I'm going to do this. She is not worth my time any more. Evil is just evil.

I did it and sent. Just do not use abuse, stick to facts and No threats.

I need to do this.. Im married and its not good right now.

I wish I could just write my feelings down.. Haha but I do NOT think when I'm mad. It's so horrible. My mouth ALWAYS gets me in trouble when I'm angry. I am not myself when I'm mad. :/

The girl in the title pic is scary to look at.....

I did too when I am hurting or angry it help the healing process

writing an angry journal entry is my favorite way to letting out steam. I can say whatever I want without hurting anyone because I know that when I'm angry I can be completely out of line. Plus, instead of working out to let out steam, I won't be injuring myself lol

Thank you.

This does not help me, I always want to send it

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