Should You Take a Break from Social Media ?


Should You Take a Break from Social Media ?
Should You Take a Break from Social Media ?

Everyone needs a break from social media every once in a while. Depending on how much time you spend on social media, you may need a break right now. I always like to take a break around the holidays. There are so many reasons that social media breaks are wonderful, both for your mental health and just in general. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by social media, check out this list and see if maybe it’s time for you to take a social media break!

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Your Mental Health Needs It

Even if you don’t feel like you need it, you’ll be surprised by just how much your mental health did need it when you take a break from social media. It can be seriously detrimental to your mental health to read the highlights of others lives and compare them to your low points. Everyone’s lives are a roller coaster, but you can forget that when you’re on social media. A break can make your mental health so much stronger!


It Will De-clutter Your Mind

Think of all of the time you spend on Facebook and Twitter, mindlessly scrolling and reading information that you probably don’t care that much about. Imagine all of the room you’d have in your mind if you spent even a week or two away from social media. You’ll completely detox and de-clutter your mind if you take a break from social media even just for a little while!


It’s Distracting- You’ll Be Much More Present

Is there anything more annoying than trying to have a conversation with someone who is on social media on their phone and not paying attention? It’s one of my biggest pet peeves! If you often find that you’re one of those people, a social media break is perfect for you. You’ll find that you’ll be so much more present in your everyday life with the people in your real life!


Your Life Will Feel Private Again

Let’s be honest—we live in a world of constant over-sharing. It can be overwhelming at times. You may notice that you feel like you’re living your life on social media. If you stop sharing on social media for a while, your life will feel like your own again. It will feel so nice to live things in the moment rather than for a picture for Instagram!


You’ll Find That There’s Less Drama

When you notice that you’re spending less time on social media, you’ll also notice that there’s much less drama in your life. You’re not concerned about who liked whose picture, or what your ex-boyfriend is doing. I think we can all agree that less drama is exactly what we all need in our lives!

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You Won’t Be Focused on Others’ Lives

When you’re not constantly scrolling through Instagram, you’ll be focused on making your life better rather than being worried about what other people are doing in their own lives. You’ll work on yourself rather than worrying about what other people are doing. It’ll be so great for your productivity!


You’ll Be More Productive

Speaking of, you’ll be so much more productive! When you’re constantly spending time on social media, you’ll have so much extra free time! Plus, because your mind isn’t clouded with jealousy and worry that you’re not doing as much as you could be, you’ll just start working rather than worrying. It’ll be so good for your productivity that you’ll wish you had done it sooner!

Have you ever taken a break from social media? Would you do it again? If you haven’t, why haven’t you taken a break from social media? Would you in the future? Let me know in the comments!

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

My account is deactivated right right now.I am unsure as to when I will be on fb's just been a week.

I deleted all my social media long ago. You can't even find me on the interenet. I feel so much more safe

I deleted my accounts 4 years ago. I was just fed up with the fakiness of social media. I love my privacy and My freedom so much! I'm glad I dont have to put pictures of me everyday and saying every 2 hours what I'm up to... I don't regret my decision. 😊

Yes! I'm addicted to Facebook and keep liking things. It helps to have my phone in another room, upstairs or downstairs and to keep it closed or somewhere else I can't see it. I try to district my self with my study and sport/meditation. I feel so much better offline than online! Deactivating Facebook never worked for me but breaks do. During vacations and on weekends I try to not go on Facebook.

Funny that I am reading this now. It was just this morning I logged out of IG for the first time. I am trying to stay off for a week. After about 6hours I started signing back in but stopped myself.

Yes definitely

I take a break when I'm too stressed

I am so happy that I've deleted all my social accounts 3 years ago. I just hate fakiness of social media.

I have to admit I took a break in social media; it was time to bring my old self back, I feel proud of it

Take a break there r other things u could be doing

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