7 Reasons to Make a Christmas Wish List at Any Age ...


7 Reasons to Make a Christmas Wish List at Any Age ...
7 Reasons to Make a Christmas Wish List at Any Age ...

Have you ever secretly wished you can still make a Christmas wish list as an adult? Well, I am here to tell you that you can make a Christmas list no matter what your age. About five years ago I started making these lists again, and I am really glad I decided to engage in this activity from childhood. There are many reasons why you should pick up a pen and start making a Christmas wish list again, and I am going to share a few of those reasons with you.

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Brings out Your Inner Child

Do you remember the years you wrote to Santa asking him for many different presents? I can remember writing these letters and having my mom stick them in the mail for me. I am not sure where these letters ended up, and I am not suggesting that you write to Santa. However, making a Christmas wish list is a fun and easy way to remember your childhood. As an adult, my lists are much more practical, but I still feel like a little kid without any worries when make a list of what I want for Christmas.


Fun Family Activity

Making wish lists can be a fun family activity. Get out some construction paper, glitter, glue, and holiday stickers to make the lists look fancy and fun. This is a great activity to do with kids. While your kids might actually make their lists for Santa, you can just make a Christmas list that you can give to your friends and family. You can also do what my family does, which is to put our lists on the fridge. When they are decorated they double as Christmas decorations!


Creative Outlet

Depending on what you do for a living, you may not have that many opportunities to tap into your creative side. Making a Christmas wish list can allow you to let your creative juices flow. Even if you don’t make a list as part of a family activity, you can still get the construction paper out and make your list as fancy as you want. There is no reason not to have a little creative fun, especially if you are going to make a wish list. Personally, I like getting the glitter out when I make my wish list for Christmas.


An Excuse to Browse the Internet

Let’s face it, the holidays are very busy, and that means you might not have time to look for presents you might like to have. However, making a wish list gives you an excuse to sit down at the computer and do a little “window shopping” on the Internet. You can take a few minutes out of your busy day to do a little fantasy shopping and find some things you want for Christmas. Then, you can add your finds to your fabulously decorated wish list! At any rate, you will get a few minutes to do something just for yourself.


An Element of Surprise

The idea of a Christmas wish list is to fill it full of things you want. Of course you aren’t going to get everything that is on it, but that is the fun part. When your list is big enough, you won’t have any idea what you are getting for Christmas, and you will be surprised. Unwrapping your presents on Christmas morning will be exciting because you won’t know what is in the box. Being surprised on Christmas morning is one of my favorite things, and as adult it can be easy to only ask for the one or two things you want. However, that takes away the surprise. So, make a big list and experience the excitement of Christmas.

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A Chance to Get Some Things You Need

As an adult making a wish list, you might not always be asking for things you want. You might also be asking for things you need, which is perfectly fine. My list this year is full of things I need, but I still had just as much fun making my list. Actually, I may have had a little more fun. It is very exciting to think I might get to replace my dying blender with a new one that won’t moan and groan when I put frozen fruit in the container. Your wish list can be for anything you want or need, after all it is your list.


A Chance to Make a Fantasy Wish List

Everyone has a list of things they would love to have, but know they won’t be getting because the items are too expensive. Usually, this is a mental list. Mine, for instance, includes jewelry and house in Hawaii. I know it is extravagant, but a girl can dream. If you want, your Christmas wish list can be full of your fantasy wishes. I have never made such a list, but I think it could be really fun. You never know, maybe ten years from now, you will actually get one of the items on your fantasy list!

Christmas is a wonderful time to engage in activities you did when you were a child. Making a wish list is one way to bring out your inner child and have some holiday fun. I have had many good times making wish lists over the years, and I hope I have inspired you to start your own wish list. What is on you Christmas wish list this year?

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