7 Reasons to Get Involved on Campus ...


There are plenty of reasons to get involved on campus. I still remember when I went on those university campus tours, I would see all these people doing such cool things, and I thought to myself – I want to do that. My favourite campuses had tour guides that seemed to know everyone on campus, that had schedules jam-packed with fun and activities, so I promised myself I’d do the same! So here are 7 reasons to get involved on campus!

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Free Food

That’s right, one of the best reasons to get involved on campus is because of the hoards of free food you’ll get. There’s a reason they call in the freshman 15, even though I don’t believe it – and trust me, I eat like a crazy person! But when you’re a student, food isn’t always the first thing on your mind. If it’s not exams, it's your social life, so if you’re being social and there’s food there, what could be better?


You’ll Make a Ton of New Friends

By the end of my 5 years on campus, I wasn’t able to turn a corner, or pass a classroom without saying hi to someone, and I loved it. My campus was mid-size, not incredibly tiny, but not overbearingly huge, and I realized that the reason I knew so many people was because I had decided to get involved on campus in my very first year. It can be a scary thing embarking on this kind of journey; you’ll need new friends and experiences to keep you going!


It’s Fun!

There are a TON of student clubs and activities on campus, and if you can’t find something you like, you can always decide to start your own club, organization, or association. That’s the beauty of university and a key reason for why you should get involved on campus. You can join a dance crew, be the VP of the photography club, be a member of the drama society, and the DJ on the campus radio station. That’s pretty much what my student life was like. It was amazing.


You’ll Learn so Much

Yes, it’s social, but getting involved doesn’t just mean joining a club, it means just following what you love to do. You can go to the gym and get involved by participating in their annual arm wrestling competition, or you can become an RA or join the debate club just because you want to. You’ll be surprised at what getting involved will teach you!


It Could Become Your Job

I know so many people who used the resources and platform of university and made it in to a full time job after. It’s one of the most promising reasons to get involved on campus, because you never know where it will lead. I have a friend who became the go-to guy for taping all campus events, now he’s a full time videographer and photographer. I know another guy who started a club to get people to express their creativity musically, now it’s become a full-fledged foundation. You never know where your passions could lead!

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The real world is all about networking, that’s how you get your foot in the door. It’s one of the best reasons to get involved on campus. Think about it this way – the guys behind Google met at university and ended up recruiting and employing a good number of their classmates. So take a cue from Google, everyone.


It Will Keep You Balanced

You cannot maintain a healthy, happy existence in university if you lean too much on one side. You can’t just study, study study, because you’ll go insane. Likewise, you can’t just keep partying, because if you don’t keep up with your work, you won’t have a campus to keep partying on! Getting involved helps you learn about balance, time management, and a whole slew of other essential life skills. Once you get involved on campus, you’ll automatically soak in all the beneficial life skills that come with it!

It’s no fun to just go to class and go home, you have to live a little! Some of the best memories and trips I ever went on was with clubs and all the activities I became involved in; it makes you a better, more well rounded person! So tell me, what made you want to get involved on campus?

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