7 Reasons Not to Get a Puppy ...


7 Reasons Not to Get a Puppy ...
7 Reasons Not to Get a Puppy ...

Is there anything cuter than a weetle puppy? We think not! But as Erika mentions in her post, owning a puppy is a HUGE responsibility and one that is not for everyone. Read on and find out if you're fit to own one. Thanks Erika!

I love animals. Ever since I was a little girl I especially loved puppies. They are beyond cute and so clumsy! However, people get so blindsided by their cuteness that they tend to forget just how much work they are. Here are 7 reasons why not to get a puppy.

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24/7 Care

A puppy is like a baby. They need constant care! Puppies need to go out at least every two hours to do their "business" outside. Even once the dog is house broken, it still needs to go out every two hours and holding it in can be really bad for the pup. If you go to school or to work full time, this is one point you really need to consider.


Love and Affection

Puppies need a lot of love and affection. If you're not around 24/7 they will miss you more than you can imagine! Some dogs can even become depressed if you leave them for long periods of time alone, especially if it's often.

Frequently asked questions


Dog Odor

I love my dog to death! But no matter how much you clean or shower him, the smell still lingers. You have to ask yourself if this is something you're willing to live with all the time.



Believe me when I say there will be shedding. Even when the breed is known for "not shedding" it will shed. I have a whippet and the breed is known for "not shedding," so why is there dog hair on everything! I love my dog, but I don't want to go to class or a job interview with dog hair all over nor do I want to go to bed on a pile of dog hair. Fur looks cuter on animals than on clothes.



Owning a dog can be expensive. There is dog food to buy, getting his nails trimmed, buying toys and/or treats, grooming, veterinary bills, training and the list goes on! A dog can easily cost you between $700-$3,000 per year!

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Unsure of Changes

If you're expecting an extreme change in the future such as marriage, moving or a pregnancy getting a dog is not the best idea. It is stressful for you and your pup! Besides, you may not even have the time or energy to keep up with a pup that has a lot of energy.



Puppies are at least a 10 year commitment! When buying or adopting a dog you need to remember that it is for life. Puppies are cute and fun to have but they grow older. They are still adorable, but if they are put into an adoption center layer it will be much harder for them to find a home. So ask yourself if you're willing to make this lifelong commitment.

I love my dog. Getting one is a huge responsibility and a life long commitment. They need constant care and attention. Remember if none of these apply to you and you are still going to get a puppy, then make sure to get a breed that fits your needs and lifestyle! How many of you have a pup?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

some of these are not true yea it hard to take care of but different breeds have different things right now I have a Lhasa poo I been taking care and rise him since 3months. puppy are the best because you get to train it the way you want to and sooner after he/she will learn and get use to the idea

Ahhhh you have a whippet!? They're the best dogs. Mine just died after a great 15 and a half years </3

@Mackenzie Carroll most dogs have a life expectancy of 12-15 years, some live even older.

Of course looking after any pet is like full time child care. You will have to be committed until they pass away... But I would also recommend SHELTER than shopping for puppies ... Those dogs need more attention

I only get shelter animals! People rarely leave empty handed, you'd be surprised at what you can find. I have found wonderful pets at the shelter, and it sounds silly but they appreciate the care.

This post is not stupid, she has a point. People need to consider these factors before buying a puppy.

*from puppy mills

FYI: On average, 5480 dogs are euthanized every day in the U.S. Please, if you really want a dog, go to your local shelter and adopt an older dog! You will be saving a life, and you will never have a better, more loving and loyal friend :) Older pets, ones who ill or who have other problems and end up at animal shelters will not be adopted! Please remember that getting a dog or any other pet is committing yourself to caring for this new life until it comes to an end. Put another way, if you are you uncomfortable with a a little rough and tumble in your house, can't tolerate the occasional bad odor, accidents, hair on your clothes and furniture, and hate having your routine interrupted, reconsider getting a pet. On the other hand, if you open your home and heart to a pet, you will be rewarded inways

The shedding thing isn't true! I have two toy poodles and a Lhasa apso mix. They nev shed unless we brush them. And that's barely any hair out for that!

If you're planning to get a dog, please take a look at your local animal shelter first before you decide to buy one through a breeder. I rescued my dog from a shelter two years ago and couldn't be happier with her. Those dogs just need a loving home, so please just go browse a shelter... You might find the perfect dog you've been looking for!

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