7 Questions That Will Help You Pick the Perfect Birthday Gift ...


7 Questions That Will Help You Pick the Perfect Birthday Gift ...
7 Questions That Will Help You Pick the Perfect Birthday Gift ...

If you want to make someone’s birthday special, you have to pick the perfect birthday gift. There are so many choices that it can be hard to figure out where to start looking. In order to pick the perfect birthday gift, you have to ask yourself certain questions about the recipient. With the help of this list, you should be able to find something that will make her (or his) day.

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What Shows Does She like?

If you know that the birthday girl is obsessed with a certain show, you can buy her the DVD. If she already owns every season, go online and search for merchandise. There should be clothing, cups, and stuffed animals based on the program. If the show doesn’t have many products or you want to do something a bit more creative, order a personalized tee-shirt or key chain with a photo from the show on it. When you’re trying to pick the perfect birthday gift, try to figure out what the recipient loves most.


Is She into Any Sports?

If she loves a certain sports team, there are plenty of products you can buy her with the team’s logo on it. You can even pay for a membership to a fantasy football or baseball team. If she plays a sport, buy her something related to it. Does she need new clothes? Buy her a jersey.


If she's a yoga enthusiast, a quality mat or leggings could be ideal. For the golfer, perhaps a set of personalized golf balls. For the runner, a high-tech pedometer or new running shoes would make her heart race with excitement. It's all about tuning in to her interests and enhancing her sporting experience. Consider special experiences too, like tickets to a big game or a meet-and-greet with her favorite athlete. Every time she dives into her sport, she'll think of your thoughtful gift.

Frequently asked questions


Is She Broke?

If you’re giving a gift to someone who’s struggling financially, she’ll appreciate the money. It might feel impersonal to give her cash instead of a thoughtful gift, but it’ll help her out more in the long run. The point of gift giving is to get something that the recipient will enjoy. Don’t feel bad that you’re simply giving her cash. Sometimes, it’s the best option.


Does She Have a Pet?

Some people care more about their pets than themselves. If that’s the case, then you might want to skip getting the birthday girl a gift and search for something for her pet. Buy a chew toy, some bones, or a new bed. You’ll probably save yourself some money, and you just might make a pup wag its tail.


Does She Prefer Homemade Gifts?

If the person you’re buying for likes handcrafted gifts, then you might want to skip your trip to the store. Create a collage that includes pictures of things they like and photos of the two of you. You could also go old school and create a mix tape (or YouTube playlist). If they prefer knickknacks, sew them a scarf or decorate a vase with paint. Decide what you’re best at artistically and use it to your advantage.

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Does She Have the Bare Necessities?

A toaster seems like a boring birthday gift, but it can be the perfect present if the recipient actually needs it. What would you appreciate more: a pretty painting for your wall or a new coffee maker so you can get through your early mornings? Buy her something that she’ll use daily. Or, if you’re good at fixing things, volunteer to repair the dishwasher she broke months ago. She’ll be happy to have it working again.


What Food Does She like?

Who doesn’t like to eat? If you know the birthday girl loves a good meal, invite her over for her favorite dish. If you don’t want to put an entire dinner together, just whip up some dessert. Or, if you’re not confident in your cooking abilities, buy her a gift certificate for her favorite restaurant. Just give her enough money so that she’ll be able to get something she likes.

I hope you’re able to find the perfect gift! What’s the most thoughtful present that you’ve ever given someone? What was the best that you’ve received?

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