7 Parts of Your Life to Keep Private and off Social Media ...


7 Parts of Your Life to Keep Private and off Social Media ...
7 Parts of Your Life to Keep Private and off Social Media ...

There are many parts of your life to keep private, especially in the social media age. It’s important to think before you post, because you never really know who’s watching what you do. Be smart, follow these simple tips to make sure which parts of your life to keep private and off social media, and you’ll have a social media presence you’re proud of in no time!

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Keep your fights off of social media. It’s so important to know which parts of your life to keep private, and fighting is undoubtedly the most important one. Don’t get me wrong, everyone loves to grab the popcorn and enjoy reading a good fight in the comments of a Facebook selfie, but do you really want to be on the other end of that? It only makes you look immature and ridiculous. Stay away from social media fighting. You’ll thank yourself later.


Lewd or Crude Behavior

At one point or another, a potential boss will look you up on social media. Depending on your boss, there’s a pretty high chance that they don’t want to see swearing or other crude behavior all over your profile. Try to act as professional as you would if you were in a job interview. Eventually, your social media profiles could say more about you than your actual job interviews could.

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Superfluous Selfies

If you like to take selfies, more power to you. However, don’t go overboard. I’d say that one selfie a week is pushing it, but I’m personally not a fan of selfies. You definitely don’t need to post more than one selfie a day. Before you say this is ridiculous to even note, you can probably think of at least one person on at least one of your social media profiles who posts more than one selfie a day. Don’t be that person.


Remember Your Audience

Just like remembering that a future employer could be lurking around your social media, remember the rest of your audience. Would you want your grandmother to see what you’re about to post? Would your friend roll her eyes if she knew you were about to post this? Remember your audience before you post.


Love Life

Obviously this point comes with conditions. Talk about your love life on social media if you feel comfortable with it! However, if you’re in a ridiculous, tumultuous relationship, maybe try to keep it off of social media. This goes back to my first point about keeping fights off of social media. If you break up and get back together every day, and then post about it on your social media accounts, there’s a fairly good chance that 80% of your Facebook friends are rolling their eyes at you.

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Your Workout Regime

I think everyone gets annoyed with workout updates. One of the most common tweets and statuses I’ve ever seen is “If you don’t post about working out, did you really work out?” You don’t need to post about your workouts to have truly worked out. Don’t get me wrong, if you’re proud of your progress, post away! Just try not to be superfluous about it.



This is especially important if you’re in college. Keep your partying off of social media. It will save you the trouble of changing your name on every social media account, as well as putting all of your accounts on private, when trying to get a job. Do your future self a favor and keep it off of your profile.

Do you follow these tips? What social media rules do you follow? Let me know in the comments!

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

When people constantly say how amazing their bf/gf is. I mean, yeah that's great! But if every other status is about how sweet your boyfriend is because he breathes adorably, it's time to chill.

I don't agree with the workout tip! Personally when I see a post of a friend that just did his workout, it motivate me to have my workout done too... "Success isn't just about what you accomplish in your life, it's also about what you inspire others to do". It's a healthy sharing for a healthy life, nothing wrong about it.

I remember leaving the house and not being in contact with anyone until I got back home and checked my messages or picked up the phone & called .....simpler times..... posting your every move is ridiculous. yet studies have shown that people with these elaborate detailed social media sites are lonely. imagine that 5K friends & lonely.

Kaylee, learn to use and spell the correct version of a word before you put it out to the world. Hint - this time it was THEIR.

I can't stand the work out Regime & the every 'two second' love life updates....

i am guilty about the work out updates, only that I used runkeeper apps on my phone and every time after my run it automatically posted on my facebook about my progress and that happens 3-4 times a week hmmm I better check with my settings if this is considered annoying.

I had a friend online who would post every single day about going to the gym. it was quite annoying. Like "yay good for you but you don't have to tell everyone everyday". it's the same with people who post everything that happens to them.

I learned the hard way about posting personal stuff online. I'm all about independence and freedom of speech, but anyone can anything and everything we do nowadays. I had an old boss find me on fb and dubbed me the "party girl". I was 26, single, living alone and I had a good job so I had a life. She used that against me and that was the end of that job.

I can't stand how people are annoyed by what other people are posting on THERE Facebook. Jeez, if something someone posts really annoys you that much (assuming you are incapable of scrolling down the page and ignoring it and you're just a flat out irritable person...) just delete them.

I hate the workouts and relationships updates, they're so annoying. Don't really see anything wrong with the selfies.

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