Numbers You Should Always Have in Your Phone ...


Numbers You Should Always Have in Your Phone ...
Numbers You Should Always Have in Your Phone ...

There are some numbers you should always have in your phone. Don’t wait for a disaster to strike or for a problem to occur. These are numbers you should have in your phone at all times. You might think you’ll just look up the numbers if anything occurs, but in a state of emergency you don’t want to be wasting your time looking them up nor can you expect you’ll always get WiFi wherever you are. So, here are the numbers you should always have in your phone.

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In case your car breaks down, gets stuck in the mud, or any other problem arises, you want to be a paid member of AAA (for Americans) and CAA (for Canadians). This is one of most important numbers you should always have in your phone.



Need to call in a prescription? Have a medical question on a Saturday or a Sunday morning? Keep your pharmacy number handy in your phone. Pharmacists have medical Ph.D.s and can answer medical questions.


Coast Guard

If you boat, windsurf, or jet ski it’s important to keep the Coast Guard’s phone number in your phone in case you’re ever in a nautical accident or see someone else who is. If you boat on the Great Lakes, such as Lake Erie going between Buffalo, New York, and Fort Erie, Ontario be sure to have the Coast Guard numbers of both countries.



Keep your primary physician’s number in your phone. That way if you ever have a question or need to make an appointment, you can do so with ease.


Animal Control

Do you see an injured wild animal? Leave it alone and call animal control. If you have the number handy, then the animal has a higher chance of being saved.

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Poison Control

Did you accidentally touch your dog's flea and tick medicine? Did your cat get into something he shouldn’t have? Did your toddler eat something that could be poisonous? Whatever the case may be, have poison control in your phone.


Electric Company

When the power goes out in a storm, there’ll be very few calls you’ll want to make in order to save your phone battery, but one of them will be to your electric company. When the power goes out there is no internet service and you don’t want to be fumbling in the dark looking for a phone book to look up the number.


Insurance Company

Keep your various insurance companies handy in your phone. This is vital in case of a car accident or injury. It's easier to have them all handy, just in case.



Did you get locked out and your neighbors don’t have a spare key? Have a local locksmith number handy in your phone.



Have a pet? Be sure to have your veterinarian’s number in your phone.



Any parent should always have their child’s pediatrician’s office number and the pediatrician’s personal mobile phone number in their phone.



Do you hear a prowler? Is some vicious dogfighter trying to steal your dog from your backyard? Is there a nasty fight going on in the Piggly Wiggly parking lot? Keep your local police number handy in your phone.



Get to know your neighbors and exchange phone numbers if you have good neighbors. That way you can pick up each other's packages and watch out for each other when you're not home.

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