8 Most Annoying Sounds ...


8 Most Annoying Sounds ...
8 Most Annoying Sounds ...

Everyone has their list of pet peeves. These lists generally include at least a few noises that irritate each person to no end. The 8 most annoying sounds I can think of are listed below. I’m sure not all these sounds are irritating to you, but they drive me crazy! Feel free to add your own personal collection of sounds you find annoying in the comment section. There are bound to be ones that I find equally annoying that just didn’t make it to this list.

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Dry Hands Rubbing an Unglazed Terra Cotta Pot

Some people are irritated by nails being drawn across a chalkboard, but I actually don’t find that annoying at all. What gets to me more is the sound of someone rubbing an unglazed flower pot with hands that are caked in dried mud or simply dry on their own. It gives me the chills and makes my jaw ache. Weird, huh!


The High-pitched Noise Some Cars Make when They Need Repairs

This squealing sound is usually something as simple as a fan belt that needs to be replaced. It’s not only an irritating sound to hear coming from your own car, but I find it rather embarrassing as well. I know no one wants to hear my squealing car as it idles at the stop sign.


Squeaky Doors

There’s always one in the house somewhere; the front or back door, a cabinet door, the door on the dishwasher, or the hall closet. It tends to be a door that is opened or closed repeatedly all day long, which is what makes it annoying.


The Sniffing Sound Someone with a Runny Nose Makes

I guess a guy letting the snot run down his face would be rather gross, however, I don’t think it’s that difficult of a task for him to take time to blow his nose and quit sniffing the snot back up. Sometimes people are habitual ‘sniffers’ and seem to spend most of the day making this obnoxious noise.


A Mosquito Buzzing about

There’s nothing more nerve-wreaking than a mosquito whining about your head while you are trying to enjoy the outdoors. This high-pitch noise usually throws most people into a whirlwind of frantically waving hands and arms.


A Whining Dog Begging for Food

My mom has two small dogs that constantly whine at the dinner table. I think growing up with this is the main reason I don’t even let my dog in the kitchen. She knows she’s not allowed in the kitchen and if she even thinks about begging she ends up outside. For me, it’s mostly the very small dogs that have the most irritating whine of all. It’s so high and unnerving.


The Scraping of Teeth against a Fork during Each Bite of Food

Every time I hear someone scrape their teeth across their fork when eating I want to scream. I just don’t understand how they can do this without getting the heebie-jeebies. It’s terrible when I’m in a restaurant and I suddenly pick up on the fact that the person sitting at a table nearby is doing this very thing. It really makes my dining experience a lot less enjoyable.


Smacking Sounds Made While Eating

I think any smacking sounds made with the mouth are annoying. Whether the person is eating food, chewing gum, or making this noise after taking a hearty drink from a glass, it’s still a sound I could do without.

Like I said, this is my list of the 8 most annoying sounds I could think of. What is the most annoying sound you’ve ever heard?

Top Photo Credit: humanesocietyoftheunitedstates

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I make this annoying sound of hisss like a snake while eating, i feel very spicy ( my taste bud are sensitive) and try to inhale air while eating which causes this sound... how to top it?

My dad whistling when he's driving the car really slow and I'm already late for class!! Gets on my nerves all the time!!

Great list... I'd add the sound of someone stabbing a plate with a fork repeatedly while eating Also the sound of a ceramic mug repeatedly being used on a glass table without the use of a coaster

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