No sooner had I hit publish on my previous DIY post when I encountered more adorable DIY Notebooks. So here we have the 2nd batch of our handmade notebook and journal tutorials. Like I said, these would be great back-t0-school crafts. These would also make for perfect gifts for the writers or artists in your life. Have fun!
Snapshot Survey
1. Instagram Photos
Elsie of a A Beautiful Mess shows us a way to use our Instagram photos in our adventures in note-taking. To make this cover, you print several of your photos and then assemble everything using washi tape.
2. Leather
How is this for a masculine DIY notebook? The tutorial below categorized these notebooks as nature journals. I think they look perfect for sketching birds or jotting down your thoughts while camping. Check out the link for the how-to.
This reusable nature journal is a fantastic project for anyone who loves the rustic appeal of leather. Whether you're planning to capture quick sketches or preserve your hiking experiences, the durable material ensures your memories are well-kept. With leather's classic elegance, it transforms into a cherished keepsake over time. Making it yourself adds a personal touch that makes it even more special. Plus, the act of crafting is a relaxing way to engage with your creative side before you even start filling the pages. Embrace the adventure and craft your unique leather notebook.
3. Stamped
Here is another DIY notebook idea that will be perfect for crafting for boys. If you've never made rubber stamps before, you will love the tutorial after the link. It will open up a dam of ideas for having fun with paper using cute stamps.
4. Woven Map
How cool is this? Using a map to cover a plain notebook is crafty enough but Ruby went the extra mile. She cut the map into strips and devised a woven map cover for a notebook. Very creative.
5. Mini Fabric Cover
If you can remember from my previous DIY notebook post, I gave you a tutorial for making a fabric cover. This particular how-to is pretty similar but this time, you will be making a cover for a mini notebook. And you will be adding a Velcro fastener.
6. Multiple Stitch Line
From making a fabric cover, we move to a** DIY notebook** that involves stitching pages to beautiful leather. Unlike the previous leather tutorial I mentioned here, this particular project gives you a new binding method. It's perfect for those who like using notebooks with a good number of pages.
7. To-do Notepad
Sure your mobile phone is handy for writing down notes but sometimes, an actual notebook makes making list more efficient. And if you're itching for a notebook that is all kinds of cute, this is what you need.
8. Matchbook
Here is another DIY notepad tutorial for those who like small things for writing thoughts on. If you have lots of pretty card stock, this is a fun project to do.
9. Anthro-Inspired
Take a plain notebook, cover with pretty paper, and add a tag to the front. Congratulations, you just made a journal that is Anthro-inspired.
10. Felt
Instead of using paper or fabric, you can also use felt to customize a notebook. This is a fantastic idea because felt is always fun to touch. Bonus: felt comes in yummy colors.
11. Matchbook II
I know, I know, I've listed a matchbook DIY notebook idea here but the ones above are too cute not to include. Besides, they were made using a different method so I thought you'd appreciate the tutorial, too.
12. Ribbon
Instead of embroidery floss, you can also use pretty ribbon to stitch a binding for your notebook. If you use a floral cover, like above, with a ribbon binding, you'd end up with one gorgeous journal.
Whew! Now we have 22 DIY notebook ideas. Hope you find something fun to make from this list of handmade notebooks! Happy crafting!