7 Important Things That You Only Learn in the Real World ...


I can't underestimate the value and privilege of an education, however there are some things that you only learn in the real world that I so wished I learned in high school and even college! If you're currently in school, this vital list of life skills will help you have a mental checklist of what to brush up on before entering the world on your own. Here are 7 important things that you only learn in the real world that I hope you find useful as well as interesting!

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Managing the Budget and Finances

Oh man, this is one of the biggest and most important things that you only learn in the real world- money management. Paying bills, managing your bank account, filling out tax returns, insurance details, buying a house, and managing a budget are all crucial skills that aren't taught in high school but are super critical once you live on your own. As a parent, I want to make sure my children have a basic understanding of what it means to manage money and run a household before they are thrown into it!


Money management is a critical skill needed to live an independent life. It involves understanding the basics of budgeting, paying bills, managing bank accounts, filing taxes, and understanding insurance details. It also involves having the knowledge to purchase a house and manage a budget.

Having a basic understanding of money management is essential for young adults as they transition into living on their own. It can help to prevent them from making costly financial mistakes and help them to make sound financial decisions.

Parents can help their children gain a basic understanding of money management by teaching them the basics of budgeting, teaching them how to save, and helping them to understand the importance of credit. Additionally, parents can help their children understand the importance of setting financial goals and how to reach them.

It is also important to teach young adults about investing. Investing is a great way to save for the future and can help to build wealth over time. Teaching young adults about different types of investments, such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, can help them to make informed decisions when it comes to investing their money.


Changing a Flat Tire and Car Oil

I wish I knew how to change a flat tire. I keep thinking I'll learn in case I'm actually stuck somewhere with a flat and have to call for assistance, but I never get around to it. Same thing goes for changing your own oil. Many mechanics will try and rip you off and suggest things that you "need" to get done to your car. In reality, most suggestions aren't critical and they're just preying on ignorant customers (usually women). It helps to have some practical skills like changing a flat tire and the oil in your car.


Learning how to do basic car maintenance is an important skill that many people don't learn until they're in the real world. Changing a flat tire and car oil are two such skills that can be incredibly useful. Knowing how to change a flat tire can help you avoid calling for assistance in case you're stuck somewhere with a flat. As for changing the oil in your car, it can help you avoid being taken advantage of by mechanics who might suggest unnecessary repairs.

Car maintenance isn't the only important skill to learn in the real world. Budgeting, filing taxes, and basic cooking skills are also important. Knowing how to budget can help you stay on top of your finances and avoid financial hardship. Filing taxes can help you get the most out of your money and avoid any unnecessary fines or penalties. Basic cooking skills can help you make nutritious meals at home and save money by avoiding eating out all the time.

Other important skills to learn in the real world include networking, public speaking, and writing. Networking can help you make valuable connections and open up opportunities. Public speaking can help you present yourself in a professional manner and make a good impression. Writing can help you communicate your thoughts and ideas clearly, which is essential for many professions.


Taking Critique and Criticism Well

Unlike high school and even college, the real world comes with some harsh realities, such as an awful employer. Many times they could care less about hurting your "self-esteem" that's highly emphasized in your education and are simply focused on productivity and achievement. Learn how to deal with criticism and critique from a superior and you'll go far. Also know when you're being verbally abused and stand your ground. Both are equally important!


The real world is a place of harsh realities, and one of the most difficult to deal with is an awful employer. In the real world, employers are focused on productivity and achievement and are not necessarily concerned with protecting your "self-esteem" as is emphasized in education. It is important to learn how to take criticism and critique from a superior, and to know when you are being verbally abused and stand your ground.

In the real world, it is important to be able to work with a variety of people, including those who may not have the same values, beliefs, or backgrounds as you. This means being able to effectively communicate your ideas and opinions while also being able to listen and understand the perspectives of others. It is important to be able to accept constructive criticism and use it to improve your skills and knowledge.

It is also important to learn how to manage your time and finances in the real world. Knowing how to budget and save money will help you to achieve financial stability in the long run. Additionally, time management is essential in order to avoid procrastination and ensure that tasks are completed on time.


Searching and Applying for Jobs

Once you're done with your education, and maybe even before, you'll need to start applying for jobs, which means you'll need to have the know-how skills of writing a resume, filling out job applications, and how to perform during the interview process. Seek the help you need while applying for jobs but certainly do your homework well in advance so you're equipped to handle the pressures of the job hunt.


The job search process can be daunting, especially for those just starting out. It's important to understand the basics of job searching and to be prepared for the process. To start, it's important to create a resume that showcases your skills, experience, and education. It should be tailored to the specific job you are applying for and should highlight your accomplishments. Once you have a resume, you'll need to start searching for job openings. Look for job postings online, in newspapers, and in industry publications. You can also reach out to contacts in your network to find out about job openings.

When you find a job that interests you, it's important to read the job description carefully and understand the qualifications and requirements. You'll then need to fill out the job application, which may include providing a cover letter and references. Once you've submitted your application, it's important to follow up with the employer.

When you are invited for an interview, it's important to prepare. Research the company, practice your answers to potential questions, and dress professionally. During the interview, it's important to be honest and to ask questions.


Responding with Appropriate Social Norms

Something school doesn't teach you is how to respond to situations appropriately and professionally with your words and actions. People who come off as confident, knowledgeable, and respectful will go a long way in life, which is why it's important to practice these skills right now!


Responding with appropriate social norms is an important skill to have in the real world, and one that often isn’t taught in school. Professionalism, confidence, and respect are all qualities that can take you far in life, so it’s important to start developing these skills now.

In the professional world, it’s important to remember to be courteous and polite, even when faced with difficult situations. Always be aware of your body language and be mindful of how your words and actions may be interpreted. Being able to stay calm and collected under pressure is an invaluable skill.

It’s also important to be aware of different cultural norms and expectations. Learning how to behave in different social settings is an important part of navigating the professional world. It’s important to be aware of different cultural and social behaviors and to be respectful of them.

It’s also important to be able to communicate effectively. Developing the ability to express yourself in a clear and concise manner is key to being able to navigate any situation. It’s also important to be a good listener and to be able to ask questions in order to better understand the situation.

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Managing Your Time Well

I'm sure you've experienced the repercussions when you don't manage your time well. Stress, anxiety, and lack of confidence and abilities all play a factor when you don't manage your time wisely. Set priorities, reach your goals, and accomplish what you need to accomplish. If you're not good at managing your time, a couple tips would be to first make a list of priorities. Secondly, you should take away all distractions. My iPad is a distraction for me when I need to get stuff done so I put it away in order to be more productive.


Managing your time well is a skill that is essential to success in the real world. It is important to learn how to set priorities and stick to them in order to reach your goals and accomplish what you need to do. It can be difficult to stay on track without the right techniques, so here are some tips to help you manage your time better.

First, make a list of your priorities. This will help you focus on the most important tasks and ensure that you don’t forget anything. You should also set aside specific times for completing these tasks, and try to stick to them as much as possible.

Second, avoid distractions. This could mean turning off your phone, logging out of social media, or putting away any other devices that may be a distraction. Having a designated workspace can also help you stay focused and on task.

Third, plan ahead. When you have a plan for the day, you can better manage your time and stay on track. This could include making a to-do list or scheduling specific times for tasks.

Fourth, take breaks. It can be easy to get caught up in the tasks you need to complete, but it’s important to take breaks throughout the day.


Planning and Scheduling

Once you're on your own, you'll be amazed at how much planning and scheduling is involved in your daily routine. You have to factor in weekly meals, doctor appointments, work-related events and meetings, time with friends, and miscellaneous errands. When you're a mom, add to the list all the fun stuff that kids have going on, like school, sports, music, and friends. It's a whirlwind of busy and without a proper schedule in place, you can miss important events and create unnecessary chaos in your life.

There you have it- a list of life skills that you're not taught in school but are super important to learn and master! What are some life skills that you would add to this list?

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