8 Hints for Starting a Crafting Group ...


8 Hints for Starting a Crafting Group ...
8 Hints for Starting a Crafting Group ...

Starting a crafting group is very popular these days. You must have heard of the wonderfully named Stitch and Bitch movement! The idea behind such groups is to meet up, have a laugh and share crafting tips and skills. So are you wondering how to start a crafting group? If so, here are some helpful tips on how to start a crafting group …

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1. Subject

My first hint for starting a crafting group is to decide what you want your group to be about. Is it for any kind of craft, or for a specific one, such as embroidery, knitting or art? Once you´ve decided if it will be limited in scope or open to everything, then you can start looking for members.

2. Advertise

Now you have to set about finding some members for your group! A good place to start is by placing an advert at local craft shops. You can also advertise on websites for your area and for finding likeminded people for activities.

Frequently asked questions

3. Meeting Place

The next step in starting a crafting group can be considered before finding members, or once you have some people interested. Where are you going to meet? If one of you has a suitable room in your home, that could be a good place, or you can find a coffee shop that´s convenient for everyone to get to.

4. Costs

Another point to consider is whether there will be any costs involved. Most crafting groups can keep costs to a minimum, with just the price of a coffee and getting to the venue. But if your group is going to do crafts that need a lot of space, you will have to factor in the expense of hiring a meeting hall.

5. Frequency

You´ll also have to decide how often you want to meet up. Some groups like weekly meetings. This would work best when there are a lot of members, as not everyone will turn up every week. Other groups prefer to meet every two weeks, so that they don´t have to commit a lot of their free time to the same activity.

6. All Levels

Next, ask yourself who you want the group to be open to. Is it for all levels? With different degrees of skills, people can show techniques to other members. Or do you prefer that everyone has a similar or minimum level of skill?

7. Social

Some crafters are very serious about their hobby, and want to join a group where the subject is taken very seriously. Others like to be more of a social group, and combine crafting with chatting, just as in Stitch and Bitch! Is your group going to be a gossipy group, or full of serious sewers?

8. Aim

My final tip on how to start a crafting group is to consider what the long-term aim of your group is. Do you simply want to make friends and have a laugh, do you want to learn new crafting skills, are you thinking of the business potential, or would you like to hold an exhibition of the group´s work? There are lots of possibilities!

So here are some helpful hints on how to start a crafting group – these groups are becoming ever more popular as the interest in crafting skills grows. It can be great fun to get together with other crafters and chat while you work! Have you ever thought of starting a crafting group or have you already done so?

Top Image Source: favim.com

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