Love it or hate it, snow sure does present some wonderful photo opportunities. And for wildlife and animal photography snow is fabulous. In or out of their natural habitats, there's just something about animals in snow that make you go aww.
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1. "Well, It Doesn't Taste like Ice Cream"
2. “I'm Trying to Catch My Tongue"
This image depicts a fox cub trying to catch its tongue in the snow. The cub appears to be happy and playful, making it a perfect image for the article “Get Ready to Say Aww: Animals in Snow.” This article, which is featured on a women-focused blog, is part of the lifestyle category and serves to bring a smile to readers' faces. The fox cub is just one of the many animals featured in the article, all of which are seen enjoying the snow in different ways. From cats and dogs to birds and bears, there is something for everyone to enjoy.
Frequently asked questions
3. "I Bet I Appear on Your Holiday Cards Next Year"
4. "You're My Bestie" "No" "you're My Bestie"
5. "Pose?" "like This?"
Via Snowy Fox
6. "Whatchoo Looking at?"
Via Wolf in Snow
7. "Betcha Can't See Me?"
8. "I Love Snow Frolicks"
Via 10 Interesting Facts about Labrador ...
9. "Who Said Cold Chicken?"
10. "I'm Sure There's Some Tasty Moss under Here Somewhere"
11. "I'm Auditioning for the New Happy Feet the Sequel"
12. "Here's Looking at You Kid"
13. "Dear Lord ..."
14. "I Love Running in the Snow"
15. "I'm 11 on the Cuteness Scale of 1-10"
Sure thing - this little guy is the epitome of adorable overload! Just when you thought the scale topped out at 10, here comes a snow-draped critter to set a new standard in cuteness. Wrapped in a fluffy white coat against a winter wonderland, it's scenes like these that make you wish you could reach into the picture and give a warm, cozy hug. With a gaze that could melt even the iciest heart, it's no wonder our furry friends are the stars of the season. Let their irresistible charm brighten your chilly days!
16. "the Snowflakes Tickle My Whiskers"
17. "I Really Don't like This White Stuff"
Via Amazing Wild Animal Pictures - ...
18. Follow the Leader
Via A Pack Line by DeeOtter ...
19. Bouncy Bouncy
Via Airedale Terrier | Breed History, ...
20. "I Need to Find a Better Hiding Place"
21. "woohoo! It's Been Snowing"
22. "Im'a Gonna Get Ya"
23. "Who Are You Calling Chocolate Moose?"
24. "Quick Mom, Cute Photo Op"
25. "I've Been Stuck in This Tree for Hours"
26. Ruffled Feathers
27. "Let's Play Roly Poly"
28. Cute as a Button
Via Stream of Consciousness
29. Siberian Tiger Dance
30. "They Can't Miss Us in These Red Coats"
31. "Ta Da! Snow Dog Extraordinaire"
31. "You're Only Taller than Me 'cos I've Got a Bendy Neck"
32. "Am I Going the Right Way?"
Via Tracks
33. First, Play Time. Second, Nap Time
34. "these Taste Berry Berry Good"
35. "brrrr ... My Feet Are Cold"
36. "Hello Beautiful"
Via I am beautiful!
37. "Can You Spot Me in All This Snow?"
38. "Good Job We Have These Woolly Jumpers"
39. Too Cute
40. "No" I Am Not an Albino Meerkat! I'm a Stoat in My Winter Coat"
41. "Pleased to Meet You. I'm a Dall Sheep"
42. "I Don't Just Belong on Christmas Cards You Know!
43. "snow Problem"
44. Left, Right. Left, Right. Quick March
45. "love the Feel of the Sun on My Belly"
Via Science Resources
46. "I Think We'll Stay Indoors Today"
47. "do Ya Love My Dangly Earrings? do Ya? do Ya?"
Via 10 Dogs in Snow
48. "so, How do You do This Snow Angel Thing Again?"
Via Snow Squirrel
49. In the Saddle
50. Get Ready. Snowball Fight!
51. "Where Are We Going?" "Dunno. Ask the Guy in Front"
How many times did you say aww?
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