11 Fun Social Networks You Have to Try ...


Fun social networks aren't limited to a select few such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. There are literally thousands of different networks available depending on your interests. While they may not have millions of users, all the fun social networks have to start somewhere, right? If you're ready to try something new, give a few of these networks a try.

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Try it out here: tagged.com

If you really love Facebook, give Tagged a try. Of all the fun social networks, it's probably the most like what you're already used to. Plus, it has over 100 million users. You can share messages, photos and more. There's also social gaming. Sound familiar?



Try it out here: meetme.com

MeetMe is all about meeting new people. What I find interesting about the site is you can earn virtual currency to buy things via their store or to donate to charity. It's also similar to the typical Facebook setup of sharing photos, videos, messages and playing games. All in all, it's a fun way to meet other people and maybe even support your favorite charity.



Try it out here: goodreads.com

If you're a book lover, you have to join Goodreads. It is a social network dedicated to reading. Not only can you meet people who share similar interests, you can find great new books to read. The community is extremely active and you won't be pestered with tons of game requests either. No matter what you like to read, Goodreads has you covered.


Indaba Music

Try it out here: indabamusic.com

If you're an aspiring musician, Indaba Music may be the perfect online home for you. It's a community of musicians sharing music and providing feedback. There are also chances to work with professionals to get your music heard. The site has numerous contests to compose songs for different musicians and labels. If nothing else, it'll inspire you to keep pursuing your dream.


Deviant Art

Try it out here: deviantart.com

If you love user-created digital art, including graphics and text based art forms, Deviant Art is the place for you. Whether you just enjoy viewing user creations or want to showcase your own skills, it's a fun community. I personally love checking out how incredibly talented some people are. Trust me, you'll lose hours to this site once you join.

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Try it out here: medium.com

Medium is part blog, part social network. It's an off-shoot of Twitter and you'll need a Twitter account to join. Basically, it's one big community blog. Unlike Twitter, there aren't any character limits. Write about whatever's on your mind and comment on other posts. You never really know what you'll find, but it's fun finding out.


Couch Surfing

Try it out here: couchsurfing.org

If you'd like to go beyond the computer, Couch Surfing is the ideal social network. The concept is simple – meet new people around the world and couch surf in the process. Members are either looking for a couch to crash on or offering their couch for travelers. It's a great way to travel and learn about new cultures. It's definitely a unique network and a fun idea.



Try it out here: fancy.com

Fancy is kind of like Pinterest, but it encourages shopping. You can actually buy directly from the site. Just like Pinterest, you collect and share your favorite items. You even get credit for sharing. If you love shopping and finding cool new stuff, you have to give this site a try. I've found quite a few stunning necklaces that I'd never found elsewhere.



Try it out here: buzznet.com

If you have an opinion or want to share your favorite fashion tips, Buzznet is a fun community you'll quickly get addicted to. Share articles, comment, join groups and and participate in contests. The site focuses mainly on music, entertainment, fashion and pop culture in general.


Experience Project

Try it out here: experienceproject.com

Unlike other social networks, Experience Project is anonymous. While you can still make friends, the idea is to anonymously share real life experiences. The site was created to help people talk about what they've experienced to help others deal with difficult issues. The site is truly amazing and it's a great way to discover what others are going through and to prove you're not alone.


43 Things

Try it out here: 43things.com

We all have goals and 43 Things is the place to share them. It's a safe place to share a list of goals and get support. The community helps cheer each other on. You can also get inspired by checking out other lists. Right now, the site boasts over three million users. I might just have to join myself and see if I can accomplish a few more goals on my list.

No matter what your passion, there's likely a social network for it. If none of these work for you, search for your interest plus the words “social network.” When you find the perfect one for you, share it here. What other social networks should be on this list that most people have never really heard of?

Feedback Junction

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I've been on DeviantART 3 years now, still enjoy it a lot. I like sharing my artwork and my stories to others and getting feedback

I work for an app developer and we launched Yonder last year which is an outdoor based social network. You can share photos and videos and discover outdoor destinations. Going to have to try some of these out!

Whisper is another anonymous social network site and it's alot of fun.

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