Easy Ways to Improve a Horrible Day ...


Easy Ways to Improve a Horrible Day ...
Easy Ways to Improve a Horrible Day ...

You could just wallow in a crappy day or you could do something to turn it around. Sometimes it takes just a little thing to make a big difference.

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Blast Your Jam

Blast Your Jam One idea for how to make a bad day better is to pop on/in your headphones, pick your favorite song right now, and spend a few minutes lost in the escapism that great music can provide. The connection we have with music that we love can be very powerful and therapeutic; don’t underestimate how much better a good song can make you feel.


Catch up Coffee

Catch up Coffee If nothing seems to have gone your way during the day, get in touch with a friend and head out for a much needed cup of coffee and a chat. Not only will you get a pleasant caffeine boost, but you will also be able to de-stress and spend some quality time with a friend who can sympathise with your problems and help to make you feel better.


Have a Binge

Have a Binge It is quite remarkable just how much better you can start to feel if you switch your brain off for a few hours and get lost in another world. The perfect environment for this to happen is the wonderful world of Netflix where literally hundreds of fictional universes are there waiting for you to dive straight in and forget about your real life bad day.


Call Family

Call Family No matter how old you are, getting in touch with your mom, your dad, or even your favorite cousin or aunty will always make you feel better. The feeling of home can definitely be obtained even through a simple telephone call, and sometimes all we need is a little taste of home to help us get on the track to feeling more positive about the bad days that we have.


Get Outdoors

Get Outdoors Shutting yourself away when you’re not feeling great can often only serve to compound the feelings and make them more intense. Instead, make the effort to get in to the great outdoors, whether through a simple walk through the park or a bike ride. Expanding your horizons can often help to give your some perspective.

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Treat Yourself

Treat Yourself There is a lot to be said for indulging in some sweet treats when you are feeling down about your day. Treat yourself to something sweet and succulent like a decadent pastry or some delicious s’mores; the warm gooey goodness will feel like a virtual hug and might just give you that little boost that you need.


Retail Therapy

Retail Therapy If you have a little cash to burn, dedicate it to making yourself feel better by engaging in a little retail therapy. Whether it’s clothes, makeup, shoes, your favorite foods, nothing can beat that feeling of mini elation when you make something you really want yours. Go on, you deserve it!


Post a Killer Selfie

Post a Killer Selfie If you are in need of a bit of an ego boost, post a killer selfie on your Instagram, sit back and watch all the likes roll on. It might just be a bit of virtual fun, but there is definitely something to be said for the satisfaction that you get from seeing other people think you’ve got it going on!


Search for a Laugh

Search for a Laugh Whether it’s with friends or through a funny movie or TV show, it’s important that you go in search of a laugh after a bad day. The phrase ‘laughter is the best medicine’ isn’t just a old wives tale;the power of laughter can really make you feel better about yourself and can change your entire outlook for the day.

What’s your favorite ways to make a shitty day better?

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